A Comprehensive Annual Budget Process for Decentralized Governance

The Cardano Model

This document is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

This is a draft document and is subject to change. See Version Management for additional information.

Version Management


The Intersect Budget committee would like to thank the following contributors (listed alphabetically) for their insightful additions to this process:

Eric Alston

Lloyd Duhon

Mercy Fordwoo

Eystein Hansen

Charles Hoskinson

Eugene Leventhal

Alex Pestchanker

Adam Rusch

J.J. Siler

Cynthia Yang

Lawrence Clark

Steven Lupien


The document before you represents a significant milestone in the evolution of Cardano's governance and resource allocation processes. It outlines a comprehensive budget management system designed to foster transparency, community engagement, and effective utilization of the Cardano treasury. This framework is the result of extensive collaboration, drawing on the collective wisdom and diverse perspectives of the entire Cardano ecosystem.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the entire Cardano community for their invaluable participation in shaping this process. The development of this budget management system has been a truly collaborative effort, benefiting from the insights and feedback of a wide range of stakeholders. Members of the Cardano Foundation, IOG, Emurgo, and Intersect staff have provided crucial input, lending their expertise and experience to refine and enhance the proposed framework. We appreciate the community volunteers and Intersect members who have dedicated their time and energy to reviewing this information and offering their thoughtful feedback throughout the development process.

This document represents not just a set of procedures, but a vision for how a decentralized community can collectively manage its resources to drive innovation and sustainable growth. As you explore the details of this budget process, we invite you to consider how it embodies the core principles of Cardano: scientific rigor, community empowerment, and long-term sustainability. The pages that follow outline a system that aims to balance the need for structured decision-making with the dynamism and creativity of our diverse community. We hope that this framework will serve as a foundation for Cardano's continued evolution, enabling us to collectively shape the future of our ecosystem.

Background on Cardano and decentralized governance

Cardano, a third-generation blockchain platform, has pioneered innovative approaches to decentralized governance. As the ecosystem matures, it faces the challenge of effectively managing its treasury to fund ongoing development, community initiatives, and ecosystem growth. This decentralized approach to governance represents a radical shift from traditional centralized decision-making processes, necessitating novel solutions for budget management.

The need for a structured budget process

As the Cardano ecosystem expands, the complexity of resource allocations grows exponentially. A structured budget process becomes crucial to ensure transparent, efficient, and fair distribution of funds. This process must balance the diverse needs of the community, align with long-term strategic goals, and maintain the flexibility to address emerging opportunities and challenges.

Scope and Aims

This paper examines a comprehensive annual budget process designed for the Cardano ecosystem. It explores the integration of various theoretical frameworks and practical methodologies, including Project Catalyst, the CIP/CPS Process, and insights from external sources such as the DARPA Model for Transformational Technologies.

The aims of this research are threefold

  1. To present a detailed analysis of a two-part budget process that encompasses both broad funding priorities and specific project planning.

  2. To evaluate the role of key stakeholders, including DReps, Intersect Committees, and project Champions, in shaping and implementing the budget.

  3. To assess the potential of this process in fostering long-term sustainability, innovation, and community engagement within the Cardano ecosystem.

  4. By examining this structured approach to budget management, we seek to contribute to the broader discourse on effective governance models for decentralized systems and offer insights that may be applicable to other blockchain ecosystems and decentralized organizations.

Theoretical Foundations

The proposed budget management process for Cardano draws inspiration from various sources, both internal to the Cardano ecosystem and external. This section explores the key theoretical foundations that inform the comprehensive budget process.

Project Catalyst

Project Catalyst, Cardano's innovation engine, serves as a crucial foundation for the proposed budget process. It introduced a community-driven approach to funding allocation, where stakeholders propose, discuss, and vote on projects. The lessons learned from Project Catalyst, particularly in terms of community engagement and decentralized decision-making, have helped to shape the new budget management approach.

CIP/CPS Process

The Cardano Improvement Proposal (CIP) and Cardano Problem Statement (CPS) processes have established a framework for proposing and implementing changes within the Cardano ecosystem.

These processes emphasize community input, technical rigor, and consensus-building – principles that are core to the proposed budget management system.

London Process Workshop for the Civics Committee

The London Process Workshop provided valuable insights into collaborative decision-making and governance structures. Its focus on civic engagement and participatory processes has influenced the design of stakeholder involvement in the budget allocation process. From the London workshop a list of process best practices surfaced. They are located here: Core Principles

Several popular and academic sources have contributed to the theoretical underpinnings of the proposed budget process:

  1. DARPA Model for Transformational Technologies: This model's approach to high-risk, high- reward research funding and milestone-based project management has informed the structure of project funding and evaluation in the proposed process.

  2. The Wide Lens: Ron Adner's work on ecosystem strategy has shaped the consideration of interdependencies and ecosystem-wide impacts in budget allocation decisions.

  3. Start with Why: Simon Sinek's concept of purpose-driven organizations has influenced the alignment of budget priorities with the core mission and values of the Cardano ecosystem.

  4. Spirit Level: The ideas presented in this work regarding equality and social outcomes have informed the approach to fair resource distribution within the community.

  5. Prosocial: This framework's emphasis on cooperation and collective action has guided the design of collaborative elements in the budget process.

  6. Holacracy & Sociocracy: These organizational models have provided insights into distributed authority and decision-making processes, influencing the roles of various stakeholders in the budget management system.

The Two-Part Budget Process

The proposed budget management system for Cardano is structured as a two-part process, designed to ensure both broad strategic alignment and detailed operational planning. This approach aims to balance high-level community priorities with specific project execution.

Bucket Allocation Process

  1. Defining funding priorities: The bucket allocation process begins with defining broad funding priorities for the Cardano ecosystem. This involves identifying key areas of focus, such as protocol development, community growth, education, and ecosystem expansion. These priorities are established through a combination of strategic analysis, community input, and alignment with Cardano's long-term vision.

  2. Stakeholder involvement: A wide range of stakeholders are involved in this process, including community members, DReps, developers, and ecosystem partners. This diverse participation ensures that the funding priorities reflect the needs and aspirations of the entire Cardano community. Stakeholders contribute through various channels, including forums, workshops, and formal proposal submissions.

  3. Continuous feedback process: The bucket allocation process is not static but incorporates a continuous feedback loop. This allows for ongoing refinement of funding priorities based on new information, changing market conditions, or emerging community needs. Regular review periods assess the effectiveness of current allocations and make necessary adjustments.

  4. Responsibility: Ultimately it is the responsibility of the Budget committee to define and publish the annual bucket allocations. The ideal deadline for this is the end of the first quarter of the new calendar year, for the following year’s annual budget.

The Bucket allocation process should ideally complete during the first quarter of the new year, for the following year. Bucket allocation should be guided by a combination of metrics and data from the previous year, as well as an “optimistic” or forward look at the potential value of the next budget. Each category or bucket should have justifications for how the bucket will improve the Cardano ecosystem. This set of “bucket metrics” should be quantifiable and actionable by projects seeking funding under that bucket. As part of the annual audits, bucket metrics will be analyzed against results and deliverables to determine the usefulness of the bucket for driving the expected outcomes.

2025 Bucket Allocation

In 2025 the bucket allocation process will be a result of the best actionable intelligence from the previous year’s spending. As a result, the following buckets are considered:

Core Development

  • New and continuing development on core components of Cardano’s infrastructure.

  • This bucket is intended to fund projects that are either currently being built for Cardano, or are needed to be built for Cardano’s core functionality to continue to grow.

  • This bucket receives oversight from the Technology Steering Committee.

  • Ongoing Maintenance

    • Business as usual funding that is required to maintain core functionality of Cardano’s infrastructure.

    • This bucket is intended to pay maintainers to provide integration of new work as well as performing maintenance tasks on software.

    • This portion of the core bucket receives oversight from the Open Source Committee.


  • Funding of new academic research for future Cardano developments.

  • This bucket is intended to pay for academic research from institutions that are contracted with the Cardano ecosystem to provide our future growth product.

  • This bucket receives oversight from the “Roadmap” committee.

Outreach and Education

  • Funding for marketing outreach and education.

  • This bucket is intended to pay for Cardano focused marketing and educational efforts by professional marketing organizations targeted at improving developer awareness and business opportunities within the ecosystem.

  • This bucket receives oversight from the Marketing Committee (Standing up from the current Marketing Working Group)

Governance Support

  • Funding for supporting the Interim Constitutional Committee

  • This bucket is intended to pay to support the ICC. In the future this bucket should accommodate all payments to government actors (ICC Members, DReps, etc).

  • This bucket receives oversight from the Cardano Civics Committee.

Community Grants

  • Funding for community grants to complete community driven projects.

  • This bucket is intended to fund grants to community members through a voting process.

  • This bucket receives oversight from Membership and Community Committee and/or Project Catalyst.

Budget Planning

  1. Role of champions: For each major funding area or significant project, a champion is selected. These champions develop detailed budget proposals, coordinating with relevant stakeholders, and overseeing the execution of funded initiatives. They serve as the primary point of contact and accountability for their respective areas. This role will need to be filled immediately after the publication of the bucket allocations from the previous step.

  2. Collaboration with Intersect: Intersect plays a crucial role in the budget planning process, acting as a coordinating body. It facilitates communication between champions and committees, provides resources and support for proposal development, and ensures alignment with the overall bucket allocation priorities. Intersect also helps in establishing standardized processes and templates for budget planning.

  3. Other potential collaborators: The budget planning process is open to collaboration with other entities within and outside the Cardano ecosystem. This may include partnerships with academic institutions, industry experts, or other blockchain projects. These collaborations can bring additional expertise, resources, and perspectives to the planning process.

It will be helpful in the resourcing phase to have access to collaborators who may assist in the ongoing validation and oversight.

  1. Milestone alignment process: A key aspect of the budget planning is the establishment of clear, measurable milestones for each funded initiative. This process involves:

    1. Defining specific, time-bound objectives

    2. Aligning these objectives with the overall funding priorities

    3. Establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) for each milestone

    4. Creating a timeline for milestone achievement and fund distribution

The milestone alignment process ensures funded projects remain accountable and that progress can be effectively tracked and evaluated. It also provides a framework for the phased release of funds based on achieved milestones, promoting efficient use of resources and allowing for course corrections if needed.

During the alignment process, venue of law can be discussed between the committee and the proposer. A contract will be required upon successful completion of the budget process for all funded proposals. The contract will be between the oversight organization (Typically an Intersect Committee) and the funded proposer.

The contracts are subject to approval by Intersect legal counsel. The contracts must contain a non-binding mediation process by a mediator retained through Intersect. The contract must also choose binding arbitration and an agreed legal structure that both parties agree to.

This does allow for additional organizations to step into the oversight role for a specific bucket.

This two-part process creates a comprehensive approach to budget management that combines strategic vision with operational detail, fostering both community involvement and project accountability.

Project Management Champions

The role of project management champions is crucial in the Cardano budget creation process and the successful execution of funded initiatives. Drawing inspiration from the DARPA model, which has proven highly effective in fostering innovation and managing complex projects, Cardano's approach recognizes the pivotal role of these champions in driving progress and maintaining project vitality.

As Bonvillian, Van Atta, and Windham note in "The DARPA Model for Transformative Technologies," project managers at DARPA are "essential to create and drive projects, often drawn from leaders in their technical fields." These individuals bring not only technical expertise but also the vision and leadership necessary to guide projects from conception to completion.

In the Cardano ecosystem, project management champions serve several critical functions:

  1. Project Advocacy: Champions articulate the value and potential impact of their projects, ensuring they align with the broader goals of the Cardano ecosystem.

  2. Resource Allocation: They play a key role in determining resource needs and justifying budget requests during the allocation process.

  3. Milestone Definition: Champions work closely with committees to establish clear, achievable milestones that guide project development and fund distribution.

  4. Stakeholder Communication: They act as the primary liaison between the project team, the wider Cardano community, and governance structures like DReps.

  5. Adaptive Management: Champions must be prepared to adjust project direction in response to new challenges or opportunities, ensuring the project remains relevant and impactful.

Importantly, Cardano adopts DARPA's practice of limiting the tenure of project managers. As Bonvillian et al. explain, "DARPA's program managers serve for limited (three- to five-year) terms. This practice... brings in new people with new ideas and helps to avoid the agency developing internal bureaucratic fiefdoms."

This rotation policy serves several purposes in the Cardano context:

  1. Fresh Perspectives: Regular turnover ensures a constant influx of new ideas and approaches.

  2. Preventing Stagnation: It guards against projects becoming overly dependent on a single individual or resistant to change.

  3. Knowledge Transfer: The handover process between outgoing and incoming champions facilitates knowledge sharing and documentation of project history.

  4. Career Development: It provides opportunities for a wider range of individuals to take on leadership roles within the ecosystem.

To implement this approach effectively, Cardano will need to develop robust onboarding and transition processes. These should ensure that new champions can quickly grasp the current state of projects, understand past decisions, and seamlessly continue progress while bringing their own insights to bear.

An example for this approach is a project moving from initial development to longer term maintenance. A project champion may bring the full project to the stage of being built as specified, and complete the initial maintenance requirements. After leading a project through to launch and completing a year or two years of annual maintenance, this is an ideal time to transition to a new leader for that project. This will allow for fresh perspectives for improvements on that product, and also ensure that the delivered work is well maintained for future use.

By adopting this dynamic approach to project management, inspired by the DARPA model, Cardano aims to maintain a vibrant, innovative ecosystem where projects remain well-maintained and accessible to new leadership. This strategy aligns with Cardano's commitment to long-term sustainability and adaptability in its governance and development processes.

Project Application Form

The Project Application Form is a crucial component of Cardano's budget process, designed to ensure transparency, fairness, and thoroughness in project proposals. This standardized form is accessible to all community members, embodying Cardano's commitment to inclusive governance.

The form contains three sections, Feasibility, Accountability, and Benefit. Each of the sections will need to be completed by the project management champion who will guide the project through the budget process.


  1. Technical assessment: Applicants must provide a detailed analysis of the project's technical viability.

  2. Resource evaluation: A comprehensive study of the resources required for successful implementation.

  3. Preliminary work: Description of any groundwork or proof-of-concept already completed.

  4. Challenge identification: Clear outlining of potential obstacles and proposed solutions.

  5. Development requirements: Detailed breakdown of necessary personnel, technology, and infrastructure.


  1. Transparency plan: Outline of how project progress will be communicated to the community.

  2. Reporting schedule: Proposed timeline for regular updates and milestone reports.

  3. Progress metrics: Specific, measurable indicators of project advancement.

  4. Verification mechanisms: Plans for external audits or community feedback sessions.

  5. Communication channels: Specified platforms for disseminating project information.


  1. Vision statement: Concise articulation of the project's goals and aspirations.

  2. Ecosystem impact: Detailed explanation of how the project will benefit Cardano.

  3. Performance improvements: Expected enhancements to network efficiency or capabilities.

  4. Use case expansion: Potential new applications or user groups enabled by the project.

  5. Quantifiable outcomes: Projected metrics for measuring the project's success and impact.

Submission and Review Process

  1. Public accessibility: All submitted forms are made available for community review. Exceptions are made for security sensitive information. For those, redacted forms may be used.

  2. Standardized format: Ensures ease of comparison between diverse proposals.

  3. Evaluation criteria: Clear guidelines for assessing proposals based on feasibility, accountability, and benefit. These guidelines are published and must be referenced when approving or denying a proposal’s move to the next step of the process.

The Project Application Form serves as both a proposal tool and an educational resource, encouraging well-conceived projects and allowing community members to learn from each other's ideas. By structuring project proposals in this comprehensive manner, Cardano aims to foster innovation while ensuring responsible allocation of community resources.

This standardized yet flexible approach to project proposals aligns with Cardano's broader governance philosophy, promoting transparency, community engagement, and informed decision-making in pursuing ecosystem growth and sustainability.

Voting Process

The voting process for establishing a prioritized slate of projects in Cardano's budget allocation system captures the collective preferences of Intersect MBO members while adhering to predefined budget constraints. This approach ensures a balanced and representative selection of projects for funding.

This process should be used in the 2026 Budgeting process.

Taking a snapshot from the community about their perception of the highest priority items is a very useful exercise. It will help guide the creation of the budget priorities in alignment with community values.

The committee charged with resourcing a particular bucket allocation should utilize Special Interest Groups within the Intersect membership to take these vote preferences. It is important to note that this should be considered as one data point in the creation of the budget priorities for the upcoming year. In addition to this data point, Subject Matter Experts should be consulted, as should other stakeholders in the ecosystem, so that the best possible budget is assembled for the DReps to evaluate.

Individual Budget Allocation

  1. Budget cap: Each Intersect MBO member is assigned a ballot to align a budget from the projects within each bucket.

  2. Project selection: Members must attempt to allocate their entire budget across projects.

  3. Flexibility: Members can distribute their budget across as many or as few projects as they deem appropriate, within the cap limit.

Ballot Submission Interface

  1. User-friendly design: An intuitive interface allowing members to select projects and allocate funds.

  2. Real-time budget tracking: A running total of allocated funds to ensure adherence to the budget cap.

  3. Project details: Easy access to comprehensive information about each project to inform decision-making.

  4. Save and edit functionality: Ability to save draft ballots and make revisions before final submission.

Ballot Components

  1. Selected projects: List of projects chosen for funding by the member.

  2. Allocated amounts: The specific funding amount assigned to each selected project.

  3. Justification (optional): Space for members to provide brief explanations for their choices.

  4. Total allocation: Confirmation that the total matches the assigned budget cap.

Submission and Verification

  1. Completeness check: System verification that the ballot meets all requirements (e.g., full budget allocation).

  2. Confirmation step: Clear confirmation process before final submission.

  3. Receipt: Acknowledgment of successful ballot submission with a summary of choices.

Aggregation and Analysis

  1. Compilation of ballots: All submitted ballots are collected and processed.

  2. Project ranking: Projects are ranked based on the frequency of selection and total allocated funds across all ballots.

  3. Funding threshold: Determination of which projects meet the funding threshold based on aggregate allocations.

  4. Diversity analysis: Assessment of the range of projects selected and the distribution of funds.

Results and Transparency

  1. Overall results: Publication of the aggregated results, showing where projects fall in the priority order.

  2. Allocation breakdown: Transparent reporting of how many members selected each project and the total funds allocated.

  3. Comparative analysis: Insights into how individual ballots compared to the aggregate results.

  4. Feedback mechanism: Opportunity for members to provide feedback on the process and results.

Iterative Refinement

  1. Review process: Analysis of the voting outcomes to identify trends and potential areas for improvement.

  2. Process change: Regular evaluation and refinement of the voting process based on member feedback and outcome analysis.

  3. Future planning: Use of insights gained to inform future project proposal guidelines and budget allocation strategies.

This voting process leverages the collective wisdom of Intersect MBO members while maintaining individual autonomy within set budget constraints. By aggregating individual ballots, the system aims to produce a final project slate that represents a balanced view of priorities across the Intersect membership. This approach combines the benefits of diverse perspectives with the discipline of fixed budget allocations, supporting a robust and representative project selection process for Cardano's ecosystem development.

This process feeds directly into the DRep consultations. Intersect members will express their preferred priority order. Ultimately, however, the decision on funding from the Cardano treasury lies with the DReps.

DRep Involvement

Delegated Representatives (DReps) play a crucial role in the Cardano governance model, and their involvement in the budget process is essential for ensuring democratic representation and legitimacy. This section outlines the key aspects of DRep participation in the budget management system.

Consultation Sessions

Regular consultation sessions are organized to engage DReps in the budget process. These sessions serve multiple purposes:

  1. Informing DReps about the overall budget structure and priorities

  2. Gathering input on community needs and concerns

  3. Discussing potential adjustments to funding allocations

  4. Reviewing progress of funded initiatives

These sessions are structured to be interactive, allowing for open dialogue and collaborative problem-solving. They may take various forms, including virtual town halls, focused working groups, and one-on-one meetings with key stakeholders.

Input opportunities throughout the process

DRep involvement is not limited to discrete consultation sessions but is integrated throughout the budget process:

  1. During the bucket allocation phase, DReps can propose and advocate for specific funding priorities

  2. In the budget planning phase, DReps can review and provide feedback on detailed project proposals

  3. DReps have channels to raise concerns or suggest modifications at any point in the process

  4. Regular updates are provided to DReps, ensuring they have the latest information to inform their decisions

This continuous involvement ensures that DReps can effectively represent their constituents' interests and contribute their expertise to the budget formation.

Cognitive load management in decision-making

Recognizing the complexity of the budget process and the potential for information overload, several strategies are employed to manage the cognitive load on DReps:

  1. Clear and concise summaries of budget proposals and their alignment with overall priorities

  2. Standardized formats for presenting information, making it easier to compare different proposals

  3. Phased decision-making, breaking down complex choices into more manageable components

  4. Access to expert analysis and impact assessments to support informed decision-making

  5. Use of visualization tools to present budget data in easily digestible formats

By managing cognitive load, the process aims to enable DReps to make well-informed decisions without being overwhelmed by the volume or complexity of information.

Through these mechanisms, DRep involvement is both comprehensive and efficient. It ensures that the budget process benefits from the democratic representation that DReps provide, while also respecting their time and capacity. This approach aims to balance thorough consultation and effective decision-making, ultimately contributing to a budget that truly reflects the will and needs of the Cardano community.

Transparency and Accountability

Transparency and accountability are cornerstone principles in the Cardano ecosystem's budget management process. This section outlines the key mechanisms implemented to ensure openness, verifiability, and responsible stewardship of community resources.

On-chain info actions for verifiability

All major decisions and milestones in the budget process are recorded as on-chain info actions.

This includes:

  • Initial bucket allocations

  • Approved annual budget

  • Any significant changes or adjustments to the budget

These on-chain records serve multiple purposes:

  • Provide an immutable and transparent record of all budget-related decisions

  • Allows for easy verification of the process by any interested party

  • Create a historical archive for future reference and analysis

  • Using on-chain info actions ensures that the entire community has access to the same information, promoting trust and enabling independent auditing.

Auditing and review processes

Regular audits are conducted to ensure compliance with the agreed-upon budget process. These audits cover:

  • Adherence to allocation percentages

  • Proper implementation of milestone-based funding

  • Accuracy of reported progress and achievements

Multiple layers of review are implemented:

  • Internal reviews by Intersect committees in oversight roles.

  • External audits by independent third-party organizations

  • Community-driven reviews, leveraging the expertise within the Cardano ecosystem

Results of all audits and reviews are made public, maintaining the commitment to transparency. This result can be considered a “report card” for the various participants who receive funding and provide oversight. A committee providing oversight will be audited to ensure that they have maintained contact with their funded proposers and provided guidance and corrections as needed, as well as making on time payments when work is completed. Funded proposers will be audited for the completion of their work product as well as their timeliness of their deliverables.

Treasury actions referencing info actions

All treasury actions (i.e., actual movement of funds) are directly linked to corresponding info actions. This creates a clear, verifiable chain of decision-making and implementation.

The referencing system works:

  • Each treasury action includes a reference to the specific info action that allowed it

  • This allows for easy tracking of fund movements and their justifications

  • It provides a straightforward way for DReps and the community to verify that funds are being used as intended

This system of referencing serves to:

  • Simplify the cognitive load on DReps by allowing them to focus on high-level decisions recorded in info actions

  • Create a clear audit trail for all fund movements

  • Enable quick identification of any discrepancies between planned and actual fund allocations

Treasury funds management

The responsible management of treasury funds is a critical component of Cardano's budget process, particularly when funds are transferred from the main treasury to cold wallets for project disbursements. This subsection outlines the comprehensive measures implemented to ensure the safe storage, efficient management, and strict accountability of these funds. By employing state-of-the-art security practices, establishing clear protocols for fund releases, and maintaining rigorous audit and transparency standards, the system aims to safeguard community resources while facilitating timely and distributions to funded projects. These practices not only protect the financial assets of the ecosystem but also reinforce the trust and confidence of all stakeholders in the budget's integrity management process.

Cold Wallet Storage

  • Approved funds are transferred from the main treasury to dedicated cold wallets

  • Multiple cold wallets are used to distribute risk and separate funds for different purposes

  • Cold wallets are secured using industry-leading practices, including multi-signature technology

Access and Control

  • A select group of trusted individuals are given partial access to the cold wallets

  • Multi-signature requirements ensure that no single individual can move funds unilaterally

  • Regular rotation of access credentials and audit of access logs

Fund Release Process

  • Funds are released from cold wallets only upon verification of project milestone completion

  • Each release requires multiple levels of authorization, including:

    • Confirmation from project champions

    • Verification by committees in their oversight role

    • Approval from a designated treasury management working group

Transaction Verification

  • All transactions from cold wallets are broadcast to the Cardano network and publicly visible

  • Each transaction includes metadata linking it to specific project milestones and info actions

  • A public dashboard provides real-time updates on cold wallet balances and transactions

Regular Audits and Reconciliation

  • Monthly reconciliation of cold wallet balances against expected fund levels

  • Quarterly audits by independent third-party firms to verify fund management practices

  • Annual comprehensive audit of all treasury activities, including cold wallet management

Contingency Planning

  • Development of clear protocols for handling potential security breaches or loss of access

  • Regular testing of recovery procedures to ensure continuity in fund management

  • Maintenance of a separate emergency fund in case of unforeseen circumstances

Transparency Reporting

  • Regular public reports on the status of funds in cold wallets

  • Clear documentation of all fund movements, including reasons for transfers

  • Open communication channels for community members to inquire about fund management

By implementing these robust measures for Treasury Funds Management, the budget process ensures the highest levels of security, accountability, and transparency in handling community resources. This approach not only protects the funds but also maintains the trust and confidence of the Cardano community in the overall budget management system.

By implementing these robust transparency and accountability measures, the budget management process aims to foster trust within the community, ensure responsible use of resources, and create a system that is resilient to errors or potential misuse. This approach not only protects the integrity of the budget process but also serves as a model for transparent governance in decentralized systems.

Intersect’s role

Intersect plays a crucial role in the Cardano budget process, serving as a facilitator and coordinator rather than a central authority. This section outlines how Intersect contributes to the process while ensuring that decision-making power remains distributed among the community.

Hosting the process

  1. Intersect provides the infrastructure and organizational support necessary to conduct the budget process efficiently.

  2. It maintains neutral platforms for discussion, proposal submission, and voting, ensuring equal access for all participants.

  3. Intersect coordinates timelines and schedules, but the community determines key dates and deadlines through consensus.

  4. While Intersect manages the logistics, it does not have the authority to unilaterally change the process or decide on behalf of the community.

Committee level monitoring

  1. Intersect establishes and supports various committees that oversee different aspects of the budget process.

  2. These committees are composed of diverse community members, elected or selected through transparent means.

  3. Intersect provides resources and tools to these committees but does not direct their decisions or findings.

  4. The committees operate independently, with Intersect serving as a liaison to ensure smooth communication and coordination.

Intersect as the gathering point

  1. Intersect acts as a hub for information, collecting and organizing data from various sources within the ecosystem.

  2. It provides standardized templates and formats for proposals and reports, promoting consistency and ease of comparison.

  3. While Intersect compiles and presents information, it does not filter or alter the content provided by community members or project teams.

  4. Intersect facilitates connections between different stakeholders, but does not control or limit these interactions.

Throughout its involvement, Intersect maintains a stance of neutrality and transparency. Its role is to enable and enhance the community-driven process, not to direct or control it. By providing essential support while respecting the decentralized nature of decision-making, Intersect helps to ensure that the budget process remains true to the principles of community governance that are fundamental to the Cardano ecosystem.

Competitive Process for Service Providers

The Cardano ecosystem aims to foster a vibrant and diverse marketplace for service providers, ensuring the continued development and maintenance of core infrastructure. This section outlines the framework for engaging firms and institutions in this crucial work.

Opportunities for firms and institutions

  1. Core protocol development: Companies can contribute to the ongoing evolution of Cardano's underlying technology, including consensus mechanisms, networking layers, and cryptographic primitives.

  2. Scalability solutions: Firms can work on improving the scalability of the core protocol, such as developing layer-1 optimizations or implementing sharding techniques.

  3. Security enhancements: Specialized firms can contribute to maintaining and enhancing the robustness of the Cardano network's core security features.

  4. Interoperability solutions: Development of core protocol features that enable seamless interaction with other blockchain networks.

  5. Performance optimizations: Companies can focus on improving the efficiency and speed of core Cardano operations.

Budget allocations

  1. Research and Development: Funding for innovative, high-risk projects pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology.

  2. Core Infrastructure: allocations for critical maintenance and upgrades to the Cardano protocol.

  3. Governance Support: allocations to support the mission of providing services to the Constitutional Committee and/or DReps.

  4. Ecosystem Growth: Funds dedicated to supporting projects that expand Cardano's capabilities and user base.

  5. Community Grants: Budgets for grassroots projects and community-led development efforts.

  6. Education and Outreach: Resources for expanding Cardano's presence in academic and professional spheres.

Each budget category has specific requirements and evaluation criteria, ensuring that funds are allocated to projects that align with Cardano's strategic goals and community needs.

Milestone-based funding

  1. Clear, measurable milestones are established for each funded project.

  2. Funds are released in tranches upon successful completion of predetermined milestones.

  3. Regular progress reports and community updates are required from funded teams.

  4. Independent audits verify milestone completion before fund release.

  5. Flexibility to adjust milestones based on technological developments or changing ecosystem needs.

Business as usual funding

  1. Identification of critical maintenance tasks required for the smooth operation of the Cardano ecosystem.

  2. Establishment of long-term contracts for ongoing maintenance and support.

  3. Regular review and adjustment of maintenance priorities based on network needs.

  4. Transparent reporting on maintenance activities and associated costs.

  5. Community input on prioritization of maintenance tasks.

The productization roadmap

  1. Identification of services currently funded by the treasury that have potential for self-sustainability.

  2. Development of business models to transition these services to revenue-generating entities.

  3. Phased approach to reducing treasury dependence, with clear timelines and targets.

  4. Support for teams in developing marketing and sales strategies for their products or services.

  5. Ongoing evaluation of the ecosystem to identify new opportunities for productization.

This competitive process aims to create a focused and efficient environment for core protocol development within the Cardano ecosystem. By clearly delineating core development tasks and providing guidance for other projects, Cardano fosters targeted innovation in essential areas while encouraging diverse growth through community-led funding initiatives. This approach ensures that treasury resources are concentrated on fundamental protocol advancements, while a rich ecosystem of applications and services can flourish through alternative funding channels.

Long-Term Vision

The Cardano budget process is designed not just for immediate needs, but with a long-term perspective that ensures sustainable growth and development of the ecosystem. This section outlines key aspects of this forward-looking approach.

Ulysses pacts and progress

The concept of Ulysses pacts, named after the mythical Greek hero who had himself bound to his ship's mast to resist the Sirens' call, offers a powerful framework for establishing long-term commitments in governance systems. As Ryan Spellecy notes in his article "Reviving Ulysses Contracts," these self-binding agreements can serve as "a mechanism of self-control" in situations where short-term desires might conflict with long-term goals.

In the context of Cardano's governance, Ulysses pacts can play a crucial role in safeguarding the ecosystem against potential excesses and misalignments that have challenged other blockchain projects. By establishing predetermined rules and constraints, the Cardano community can protect itself from impulsive decisions that might compromise its long-term vision and values.

One illustrative example of the importance of such safeguards can be seen in the recent discussions surrounding Polkadot's OpenGov system in 2024. The Polkadot community faces challenges related to the allocation of treasury funds, particularly concerning marketing expenditures and the geographical distribution of grants. These issues led to debates within the community about the effectiveness of fund allocation and the transparency of decision-making processes.

By implementing Ulysses pacts, Cardano aims to preemptively address similar challenges. These pacts could include:

  1. Predetermined limits on marketing expenditures as a percentage of total treasury funds.

  2. Mechanisms to ensure geographical diversity in grant allocations.

  3. Mandatory review periods for significant treasury decisions.

  4. Requirements for transparent reporting and community consultation on major expenditures.

However, it's crucial to strike a balance between commitment and flexibility. While Ulysses pacts can provide valuable guardrails, they should not hinder the ecosystem's ability to adapt to changing circumstances. Therefore, these pacts should be designed with built-in review mechanisms and clearly defined processes for modification, ensuring they remain relevant and beneficial over time.

By thoughtfully implementing Ulysses pacts, Cardano can foster a governance system that maintains long-term vision and stability while still allowing for necessary adaptations. This approach aims to build a more resilient and sustainable ecosystem, learning from the experiences of other blockchain projects and anticipating potential challenges before they arise.

Expanded time horizons

The budget process will evolve to encompass longer planning periods:

  1. Initial focus on annual budgets to establish processes and learn from implementation.

  2. Gradual expansion to three-year budget forecasts, allowing for more strategic planning.

  3. Ultimate goal of five-year budget outlooks to support long-term ecosystem development.

  4. Annual funding priorities within these longer horizons to maintain flexibility and responsiveness.

This expanded view enables more comprehensive project planning and ecosystem development strategies.

Measurable Success

Quantitative analysis and data-driven decision-making are central to evaluating the budget process:

  1. Development of key performance indicators (KPIs) for various aspects of the budget process.

  2. Implementation of robust data collection and analysis tools.

  3. Regular reporting on quantitative metrics to the community.

  4. Continuous refinement of metrics based on ecosystem evolution and community feedback.

  5. Use of predictive analytics to inform future budget allocations.

By prioritizing measurable outcomes, the process ensures accountability and facilitates continuous improvement.

Willingness to say No

Responsible resource allocation necessitates selective funding:

  1. Clear communication of funding criteria and priorities to manage expectations.

  2. Establishment of alternative funding pathways, such as Project Catalyst, for projects not directly funded by the treasury.

  3. Development of resources to guide applicants towards appropriate funding sources.

  4. Regular review of funding decisions to ensure alignment with strategic goals.

  5. Transparency in decision-making processes to maintain community trust.

This approach ensures focused use of treasury resources while fostering a diverse ecosystem of community-led initiatives.

Economic impacts of decisions

Treasury management considers broader economic implications:

  1. Analysis of treasury withdrawals' potential impact on ADA price and market dynamics.

  2. Exploration of OTC (Over-The-Counter) sales for large fund movements to minimize market disruption.

  3. Integration of stablecoin usage in funding allocations to mitigate volatility risks.

  4. Development of sophisticated treasury management strategies to ensure long-term sustainability.

  5. Regular economic impact assessments to inform funding decisions.

  6. Collaboration with economic experts to forecast and mitigate potential negative impacts.

By carefully considering these economic factors, the budget process aims to support the growth of the Cardano ecosystem while maintaining the stability and value of the ADA asset.

This long-term vision underscores Cardano's commitment to sustainable growth, data-driven decision-making, and responsible resource management. It provides a framework for the ecosystem to evolve thoughtfully and adapt to future challenges and opportunities.


Effective communication is pivotal to the success of Cardano's budget process. This section explores various aspects of communication that contribute to a transparent, inclusive, and forward- thinking ecosystem.

Why establish precedent

Setting good precedents in communication is crucial for leadership in the Voltaire era:

  1. Demonstrates commitment to transparency and openness

  2. Creates a model for future governance processes

  3. Builds trust within the community

  4. Encourages consistent and predictable interactions

  5. Facilitates smoother transitions as the ecosystem evolves

By establishing strong communication precedents, we lay the groundwork for a robust and sustainable governance model.

Inclusive lines of communication with DReps

Maintaining open and honest dialogue with DReps is essential:

  1. Regular briefings and updates on budget-related processes

  2. Creation of dedicated channels for DRep feedback and inquiries

  3. Inclusion of DReps in key discussions and decision-making processes

  4. Transparency in sharing information and rationales behind decisions

  5. Actively seeking DRep input on community needs and priorities

This inclusive approach ensures that DReps can effectively represent their constituents and contribute meaningfully to the budget process.

African proverbs and time allocations

Inspired by the proverb "If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together" with many thanks to Tim Harrison of IOG and its original, more lost to time source of Burkina Faso or the African Luo languages, we recognize the importance of collaborative effort:

  1. Prioritizing collective decision-making over quick, unilateral actions

  2. Allowing sufficient time for community consultation and consensus-building

  3. Balancing the need for progress with the value of inclusive processes

  4. Recognizing that sustainable growth often requires patience and collaboration

  5. Incorporating diverse perspectives to create more robust, long-lasting solutions

This approach underscores our commitment to building a sustainable ecosystem through collective effort.

DReps as sense makers

Delegated Representatives (DReps) in the Cardano ecosystem play a crucial role that extends beyond mere representation. They serve as sense-makers, acting as a bridge between the broader community and the complex world of blockchain governance. This unique position allows them to synthesize diverse opinions, interpret community sentiment, and translate technical concepts into accessible language for their constituents.

The process of sense-making begins with active engagement. DReps are encouraged to maintain open lines of communication with their delegates, utilizing various channels such as forums, social media, and community meetings. This constant interaction allows them to gather a wealth of information, ranging from specific concerns to broader aspirations of the community they represent. By immersing themselves in these conversations, DReps gain a nuanced understanding of the community's needs, preferences, and evolving priorities.

However, the role of DReps as sense-makers goes beyond mere information gathering. They are tasked with analyzing and interpreting this input, identifying patterns, and distilling complex issues into coherent narratives. This process requires a deep understanding of both the technical aspects of Cardano and the diverse perspectives within the community. DReps must navigate through potentially conflicting viewpoints, weigh different arguments, and form well-reasoned positions that reflect the collective will of their constituents.

The insights generated by DReps through this sense-making process are invaluable to the broader Cardano governance system. When DReps bring these synthesized viewpoints to discussions about budget allocations and strategic decisions, they enrich the conversation with ground-level perspectives that might otherwise be overlooked. This ensures that the decision-making process is informed not just by technical or financial considerations, but also by the real-world needs and aspirations of the Cardano community.

Moreover, the sense-making role of DReps contributes to the education and empowerment of the community. As DReps interpret and communicate complex governance issues to their constituents, they help build a more informed and engaged user base. This two-way flow of information – from the community to DReps and back – creates a virtuous cycle of learning and participation that strengthens the entire ecosystem.

In essence, DReps as sense-makers are critical to the health and effectiveness of Cardano's governance model. They transform raw community input into actionable insights, ensure that diverse voices are heard in decision-making processes, and foster a more informed and engaged community. As the Cardano ecosystem continues to evolve, the role of DReps in making sense of complex issues and representing community interests will remain paramount in shaping the future of this blockchain platform.

Budget as a narrative device

The budget process in the Cardano ecosystem serves not only as a financial framework but also as a powerful narrative device. It articulates a vision for the future, highlighting key priorities and their alignment with community goals. Through this lens, the budget becomes a story of progress, innovation, and collective aspiration.

At its core, the budget narrative communicates the values and objectives of the Cardano community. Each allocation reflects a choice, a statement about what the ecosystem deems important. These choices, when woven together, create a tapestry that i lustrates the community's priorities and long-term vision.

The narrative power of the budget lies in its ability to translate abstract concepts into concrete actions. By allocating resources to specific projects and initiatives, the budget transforms ideas into reality. It provides a roadmap for the community, showing how theoretical goals translate into practical steps forward.

Moreover, the budget narrative serves as a unifying force within the Cardano ecosystem. It provides a common language for diverse stakeholders to discuss the future of the project. Developers, users, investors, and researchers can all find their place within this narrative, understanding how their contributions fit into the larger picture.

The budget also acts as a tool for accountability and transparency. By clearly stating intentions and allocations, it creates a benchmark against which progress can be measured. This narrative of accountability fosters trust within the community and demonstrates the ecosystem's commitment to responsible governance.

Furthermore, the budget narrative extends beyond the Cardano community. It serves as a communication tool to the wider blockchain and technology sectors. It showcases Cardano's innovative approach to governance and resource allocation, potentially attracting new participants, partners, and supporters to the ecosystem.

The narrative created by the budget is not static but evolves over time. Each budget cycle provides an opportunity to reassess priorities, celebrate achievements, and recalibrate goals. This dynamic narrative reflects the adaptability and responsiveness of the Cardano ecosystem to changing circumstances and emerging opportunities.

Additionally, the budget narrative helps in managing expectations within the community. By clearly communicating priorities and resource constraints, it provides context for decision-making. This transparency can help mitigate disappointment when certain projects are not funded, as the community understands the broader strategic considerations at play.

The budget as a narrative device also plays a crucial role in education and onboarding. New members of the Cardano community can gain a comprehensive understanding of the ecosystem's direction and values by examining the budget narrative. It serves as an entry point for engagement, inviting individuals to contribute to the areas they find most compelling.

In conclusion, viewing the budget as a narrative device elevates it from a mere financial document to a powerful tool for community building and strategic communication. It tells the story of Cardano's past, present, and future, inviting all stakeholders to participate in shaping this ongoing narrative. As the ecosystem continues to evolve, the budget narrative will remain a central element in articulating and pursuing Cardano's vision for the future of blockchain technology and decentralized governance.

Stakeholder engagement as a backstop

Continuous engagement with diverse stakeholders serves as a safeguard against myopic decision-making:

  1. Regular outreach to various ecosystem participants, including developers, users, and partners

  2. Creating multiple channels for stakeholder input, from surveys to town halls

  3. Actively seeking out and incorporating diverse perspectives in the budget process

  4. Using stakeholder feedback to challenge assumptions and identify blind spots

  5. Regularly reassessing the stakeholder landscape to ensure comprehensive representation

This ongoing engagement helps prevent insular thinking and ensures the budget process remains responsive to the needs of the entire Cardano ecosystem.

By prioritizing these various aspects of communication, Cardano's budget process becomes not just a financial exercise, but a powerful tool for community building, strategic alignment, and ecosystem growth.

Urgent and Emergent Budget Considerations

While the annual budget process provides a structured approach to resource allocation, the dynamic nature of the blockchain ecosystem necessitates mechanisms for addressing unforeseen circumstances. This section outlines processes for handling urgent and emergent funding needs while maintaining the integrity of the overall budget system.

Processes for urgent funding needs

  1. Identification and notification: Any stakeholder can flag an urgent funding need through a designated channel.

  2. Rapid assessment: A dedicated committee evaluates the urgency and validity of the request within 48 hours.

  3. Stakeholder consultation: If deemed valid, key stakeholders, including DReps, are notified and consulted.

  4. Expedited proposal: The requester submits a concise proposal outlining the need, requested funds, and expected outcomes.

  5. Accelerated voting: DReps participate in a time-limited voting process, typically lasting 1 to 2 epochs, depending on the ability to coordinate voting.

  6. Implementation: If approved, funds are released immediately, with stringent reporting requirements.

This process ensures that genuine urgent needs can be addressed swiftly without compromising accountability.

Emergent funding priorities

Certain situations may require immediate action and funding. Examples include:

  1. Legal defense: Funds for responding to unexpected legal challenges that threaten the ecosystem.

  2. Security threats: Resources for countering immediate security risks, such as DDoS attacks.

  3. Critical bug resolution: Emergency funding for addressing severe vulnerabilities in core protocols.

  4. Regulatory compliance: Resources for rapid adaptation to unforeseen regulatory changes.

For these emergent priorities, an even more streamlined process may be implemented, potentially involving a smaller group of initial decision-makers with post-facto ratification by the broader community.


While mechanisms for urgent and emergent funding are necessary, they must be approached with caution:

  1. Clear criteria: Strict guidelines must define what constitutes an urgent or emergent need.

  2. High threshold for activation: These processes should only be invoked in truly exceptional circumstances.

  3. Transparency: All decisions and actions taken under these processes must be fully disclosed to the community.

  4. Post-action review: Each use of urgent or emergent funding should be followed by a thorough review to prevent misuse and identify lessons for future improvements.

  5. Limited scope: These mechanisms should not be used to circumvent the regular budget process for standard funding requests.

  6. Checks and balances: Implement safeguards to prevent any individual or group from abusing these processes.

By maintaining a balance between flexibility and rigorous oversight, these processes for urgent and emergent budget considerations ensure that the Cardano ecosystem can respond effectively to unforeseen challenges while preserving the integrity of its governance model. The judicious use of these mechanisms, coupled with transparent communication, will help maintain community trust and support the long-term stability and growth of the ecosystem.


Based on our comprehensive exploration of Cardano's proposed budget process, we can draw the following conclusions:

The Cardano ecosystem is embarking on an ambitious and innovative approach to decentralized governance and resource allocation. This budget process represents a significant step forward in blockchain governance, combining rigorous planning with community engagement and adaptability.

At its core, the process is built on a two-part structure: bucket allocation and detailed budget planning. This approach allows for both high-level strategic direction and granular project management. The continuous feedback loop with the community, including surveys, retrospectives, and performance metrics, ensures that the budget remains responsive to the ecosystem's evolving needs and priorities.

A key strength of this process is its emphasis on transparency and accountability. The use of on- chain info actions for voting, clear milestone-based funding, and plans for comprehensive auditing all contribute to building trust within the community. The involvement of DReps at multiple stages of the process further reinforces the democratic nature of the governance model.

The process also demonstrates foresight in its handling of both long-term planning and urgent needs. The goal of extending to a five-year outlook shows a commitment to sustainable development, while the mechanisms for addressing emergent issues provide necessary flexibility.

However, this system is not without potential challenges. The complexity of the process could lead to slower decision-making or create barriers to participation for some community members.

There's also a risk of inadvertently centralizing power among those most actively involved in the process.

Despite these challenges, the potential benefits are substantial. This budget process has the capacity to foster innovation, ensure efficient use of resources, and build a more engaged and informed community. It sets a new standard for transparency and participatory governance in the blockchain space.

As Cardano moves forward with this process, continual refinement and adaptation will be crucial. The planned annual reviews, along with the ongoing community feedback loop, will be vital in addressing any issues that arise and in further optimizing the system.

In conclusion, Cardano's proposed budget process represents a bold experiment in decentralized governance. While it will undoubtedly face challenges as it's implemented, it has the potential to become a model for other blockchain ecosystems and even traditional organizations. By balancing community involvement with strategic planning and flexibility, Cardano is paving the way for a new era of democratic, transparent, and effective resource management in the world of decentralized finance and beyond.

Summary of the Comprehensive Budget Process

The Cardano interim budget process is a comprehensive, two-part system designed to ensure community involvement, transparency, and effective resource allocation.

Part One: Bucket Allocation

  1. Continuous Feedback Loop: The process begins with gathering extensive community input through surveys, project retrospectives, ecosystem actor analysis, and governance metrics.

  2. Initial Bucket Proposal: This data is used to propose initial funding buckets for the upcoming year.

  3. Refinement and Socialization: The Budget Committee reviews these proposals, which are then presented to the Executive Steering Committee and DReps through consultation workshops.

  4. On-Chain Validation: An info action is published on-chain, and DReps vote to signal their acceptance of the funding priorities.

Part Two: Detailed Budget Planning

This phase is divided into three key stages:

  1. Roadmap Alignment: Project managers are selected or volunteer to champion proposals that meet specific objectives.

  2. Resourcing: Project managers collaborate with committees to establish oversight and agree on milestones.

  3. Budget Prioritization: Intersect members help prioritize available projects, with further DRep consultation to ensure alignment with their expectations.

Final Steps:

The process culminates in the "last mile" actions:

  1. Creation of an on-chain info action for voting.

  2. Configuration of treasury actions to meet the year's funding goals.

This cycle repeats annually, with plans to incorporate full auditing of previous years and extend to a 5-year outlook in future iterations.

This process demonstrates a strong commitment to community involvement, iterative refinement, and long-term planning in Cardano's governance and resource allocation.

Potential impacts on Cardano Governance

The implementation of a comprehensive budget process as outlined in this paper has the potential to significantly impact Cardano's governance structure and overall ecosystem. This approach aims to create a more transparent, inclusive, and efficient system for resource allocation, which could lead to enhanced community engagement and more effective development of the Cardano platform.

One of the primary benefits of this budget approach is its potential to foster greater community involvement in decision-making processes. By establishing clear channels for input from DReps and other stakeholders, the system encourages a more democratic and participatory form of governance. This increased engagement could lead to decisions that better reflect the diverse needs and aspirations of the Cardano community, potentially resulting in more widespread support for funded initiatives.

Furthermore, the structured nature of the budget process, with its emphasis on long-term planning and milestone-based funding, could contribute to more sustainable development of the Cardano ecosystem. By encouraging projects to think beyond immediate needs and consider long-term impacts, this approach may lead to more robust and enduring solutions. The inclusion of mechanisms for addressing urgent and emergent needs also provides the flexibility necessary to respond to unforeseen challenges, ensuring the ecosystem remains adaptable and resilient.

However, critics might argue that such a structured budget process could potentially slow down decision-making and innovation within the Cardano ecosystem. The emphasis on consensus-building and thorough evaluation might lead to delays in funding allocation, potentially causing Cardano to miss out on time-sensitive opportunities. There's a risk that the process could become bureaucratic, hindering the agility needed in the fast-paced world of blockchain technology.

Another potential drawback is the risk of centralization. Despite efforts to maintain decentralization, the establishment of committees and specific roles within the budget process could inadvertently create power centers within the ecosystem. This could potentially lead to a concentration of influence among a smaller group of individuals or entities, which goes against the core principles of decentralized governance that Cardano aims to uphold.

Despite these concerns, the positive potential of this budget approach is significant. The emphasis on transparency and accountability could greatly enhance trust within the Cardano community. By providing clear trails for fund allocation and usage, the system could attract more participants and investors to the ecosystem, confident in its responsible management of resources. Moreover, the focus on measurable outcomes and regular audits could lead to more efficient use of treasury funds, maximizing the impact of every ADA spent.

In conclusion, while there are valid concerns about potential bureaucracy and centralization, the proposed budget approach offers a promising path towards more effective, transparent, and community-driven governance for Cardano. Its emphasis on long-term planning, stakeholder engagement, and adaptability aligns well with Cardano's vision of a sustainable and evolving blockchain ecosystem. As with any significant change, the true impact of this approach will only be fully understood through implementation and continuous refinement based on real-world experience and community feedback.

Refining the process

Refining the Cardano budget process is crucial for ensuring its continued effectiveness and adaptability. Here are several ways to enhance and improve the system over time:

Regular review cycles are essential for the ongoing refinement of the budget process.

Establishing annual or bi-annual comprehensive reviews allows for systematic evaluation of the process's effectiveness. These reviews should involve a diverse group of stakeholders, including DReps, project champions, and community members. By analyzing the outcomes of funded projects, the efficiency of fund allocation, and the overall community satisfaction, these reviews can identify areas for improvement and suggest necessary adjustments.

Implementing a feedback loop system can provide continuous insights for refinement. This could involve creating user-friendly platforms for stakeholders to submit suggestions, report issues, or share success stories related to the budget process. Regular surveys and sentiment analysis of community discussions can also offer valuable data. By actively seeking and incorporating this feedback, the process can evolve to better meet the community's needs and expectations.

Enhancing the data analytics capabilities within the budget process can lead to more informed decision-making and refinement. This could involve developing sophisticated tools for tracking the performance of funded projects, analyzing the long-term impact of different funding strategies, and identifying trends in community preferences. By leveraging big data and machine learning techniques, the budget process could become more predictive and proactive in addressing the ecosystem's needs.

Exploring innovative voting mechanisms could further refine the decision-making aspect of the budget process. This might include experimenting with different voting models, such as quadratic voting or conviction voting, to better capture the intensity of preferences and encourage more thoughtful participation. Additionally, implementing trial runs of new voting systems in smaller, low-stakes decisions before full-scale adoption can help in identifying and resolving potential issues.

Improving the onboarding and education process for new participants, especially DReps, can enhance the overall quality of decision-making. Developing comprehensive training modules, mentorship programs, and easily accessible resources can ensure that all participants have a thorough understanding of the budget process, its implications, and their roles within it. This knowledge empowerment can lead to more informed discussions and decisions, ultimately refining the entire process.

Strengthening cross-chain collaboration and knowledge sharing can bring fresh perspectives to the Cardano budget process. By actively engaging with other blockchain communities and studying their governance models, Cardano can adopt best practices and avoid potential pitfalls. This could involve organizing inter-chain governance symposiums, collaborative research projects, or even exchange programs for governance participants.

Implementing a tiered approach to project funding could add nuance and flexibility to the budget process. This refined system could categorize projects based on their scale, potential impact, and risk level, with different evaluation criteria and funding mechanisms for each tier. For instance, smaller, experimental projects might have a more streamlined approval process, while larger, ecosystem-wide initiatives could require more rigorous vetting and milestone-based funding releases.

Lastly, developing robust simulation tools could significantly refine the budget process. These tools would allow the modeling of different budget scenarios, helping to predict potential outcomes and identify unintended consequences before actual implementation. By running complex simulations that take into account various factors such as market conditions, community growth, and technological advancements, the Cardano community can make more informed decisions and continually refine its approach to treasury management.


In closing, the Cardano budget process outlined in this document represents a groundbreaking approach to decentralized governance and resource allocation. By combining community engagement, transparent decision-making, and strategic long-term planning, it sets a new standard for blockchain ecosystems. This process is not just about managing funds; it's about empowering a global community to shape the future of a revolutionary technology. As Cardano embarks on this journey, it faces both challenges and opportunities. The success of this model could have far-reaching implications, potentially influencing governance structures beyond the blockchain space. While refinement and adaptation will be ongoing, the foundation laid here is strong. It reflects Cardano's commitment to innovation, transparency, and community-driven progress. As this process evolves, it will undoubtedly play a crucial role in Cardano's mission to create a more inclusive, efficient, and equitable financial system for the world.

Last updated