🔹Each committee has a dedicated budget, overseen by the Budget Committee for efficient and impactful fund use.
Pre-requisites for a Treasury Withdrawal
🔹Net Change Limit: A defined cap on the maximum ADA that can be withdrawn within a set period, specified via an info action, e.g., 73 epochs and 350m $ADA
🔹Budget Info Action: A detailed budget breakdown must be approved before any treasury withdrawal can occur.
Leveraging Funds in Voting
🔹 $ADA from the budget may be used in voting processes. Intersect currently does not recommend voting with the ADA, and will follow DRep recommendations as to when voting would be appropriate with the ADA withdrawn via treasury action.
🔹 Decisions ultimately rest with Intersect members, the DReps, and the Constitutional Committee, keeping power in the hands of the community
Delegation to SPOs
🔹 Funds received via treasury withdrawal could be delegated to SPOs. A working group will be proposed to determine where (e.g. solo stake pool operators, less than X delegation, more than Y delegation, etc), how long (monthly, quarterly, etc) and how much (5m increments? 10m?)
Active Budget Management
🔹 Limited to SPO delegations in 2025
🔹 Safety and responsible management of funds are top priorities