Core Budget
Here you can find all the details about the proposed Core budget for 2025
You can provide feedback on this proposal on the Cardano Forum here
The budget process and supporting documentation represent a collaborative work-in-progress, compiled from inputs across Intersect committees and working groups. All figures, timelines, and proposals are strictly indicative and subject to community feedback, market conditions, and on-chain approvals. Nothing herein is finalized.
Committee members
This proposal was defined by the Technical Steering Committee and the Open Source Committee via community consultation
Technical Steering Committee
Chair (Interim)
Kevin Hammond
Duncan Soutar
Non- Voting Seat
Duncan Coutts
Voting Seat
Adam Dean
Voting Seat
Neil Davies
Voting Seat
Nicholas Clarke
Voting Seat
Markus Gufler
Voting Seat
Ben Hart
Voting Seat
Johnny Kelly
Voting Seat
Empty Seat
Voting Seat
Empty Seat
Voting Seat
Empty Seat
Open Source Committee
Pedro Lucas - 45B
Vice Chair
Adam Dean - DripDropz (DDZ)
Intersect Open Source Office(OSO) Representative
Christian Taylor, Head of Open Source Office
Terence McCutcheon (Tex) - Intersect, Open Source Office
Committee Seat
Sandip Pandey - Dquadrant
Committee Seat
Sebastian Pabon - GimbaLabs
Committee Seat
Johnny Kelly - Intertree
Committee Seat
Robin Boening
Committee Seat
Nicolas Henin
Committee Seat
Georg Link - Bitergia
Committee Seat
Moritz Angermann - IOG
Proposal Summary
The proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal period will encompass all funding requests made by the Technical Steering Committee and the Open Source Committee. The primary mandate for the allocation of these requested funds is to ensure that they are dedicated specifically to the ongoing development and maintenance of the Cardano blockchain. This includes not only the enhancement of existing features but also the implementation of new advancements that will contribute to the overall stability, security, and efficiency of the Cardano network. By prioritizing these areas, the committees aim to foster innovation and support the continued growth of the Cardano ecosystem.
The proposed Core Budget is ₳ 125,304,400. This is to be managed by one Treasury withdrawal action using a smart contract to lock funds until the following dates:
June 2025:
₳ 70,000,000
July 2025
₳ 13,000,000
August 2025
₳ 13,000,000
September 2025
₳ 29,304,400
Technical Steering Committee Proposal
The Technical Steering Committee (TSC) has put forward the following request and supporting breakdown for the 2025 budget process. To assist in visualizing the TSC proposal, the following breakdown has been put forward, which if necessary, is scalable in part to the approved finalized budget.
The budget breakdown shown below has been created following an analysis of the 2024 spend on core Cardano, engineered for expected changes and growth in 2025.
Note: the ADA values shown above represent a potential full year funding, this may be scaled in the final budget request
The TSC has requested an additional ₳9m as an emergency/contingency fund but notes this may be handled directly by the budget committee, and has not been included in the outline above
With the exception of the Research element under Roadmap, all funding is expected to come from the Core budget. The funding bucket is a consideration of the Budget Committee and not directly from the TSC.
Potential Roadmap Projects
The following project cards have been submitted by the community and technical working groups and have been triaged through the Core Infrastructure Roadmap working group.
This process reviews and validates the information provided before being included on the following list for community prioritization.
Final selection will be allocated from the categories above, such as ‘roadmap - core roadmap’ and ‘roadmap - research’.
Full project cards can be viewed here.
Note I: Project cards are regularly updated and subject to change.
Note II: Funding is dependent on prioritization, technical readiness and technical programming. No project should assume funding has been agreed at this stage.
A project card is designed to hold relevant and useful information for the community to be able to support prioritisation discussions and recommendations.
When a potential project is submitted for review and inclusion to the backlog, we will ask that this information is provided or an explanation as to why it cannot be. This will enable the community to make informed prioritization decisions.
Project cards outline the overall project goal and benefit, as well the likely deliverable(s) to be funded.
It is expected that throughout the duration of this budget that project prioritization may change and that new initiatives and projects may also need to be considered. To be able to factor this in some allocation has been made above to be prioritized at a later date, categories such as ‘Uncommitted - Uncommitted core development’.
Technical Steering
Once the goals and the projects have been prioritized then the Technical Steering Committee will recommend how best to implement them and oversee the technical delivery supported by Intersect delivery assurance teams.
The TSC is a rallying point for members, suppliers, and third parties to coordinate the delivery of development services to support the Cardano blockchain. As per the committee remit, the TSC will carry out the following:
Recommending the execution details of the backlog
Drafting of milestone deliverables, acceptance criteria, and quality assurance for the execution recommendation
Facilitating a tender/award evaluation process for major contracts with members
Further details on the Technical Steering Committee are available via the knowledge base.
Further Information
Full details on the processes and participation in the TSC budget can be found in the following Knowledge Base pages.
How to participate in shaping the Technical Roadmap: Knowledge base
Technical Roadmap explained: Knowledge base
Potential Roadmap Projects: Knowledge Base
2025 & 2026 Budgets: Many of the development projects within the TSC budget require an effort of greater than 6 months. Therefore in order to prevent the risk projects having to start and stop, causing increased costs and delays. The TSC is proposing, where required, to allocate 2026 budget to help improve the certainty required deliver on development projects.
Budget allocation for 2025
₳ 64,128,400
Budget allocation for 2026
₳ 35,291,000
Final 2025 Budget proposal
₳ 99,419,400
Open Source Committee Proposal
The proposal has been put together through community input. (Full list of programs and activities included in this proposal can be found here: Open Source Committee)
Approval of these proposals will empower the Cardano community to continue its growth, ensure project sustainability, and maintain the high standards of open-source participation within the Cardano ecosystem.
Receiving funding in accordance with this proposal will enable a wide range of essential initiatives to promote and sustain open-source development within the Cardano ecosystem, as outlined in the Paid Open Source Model (POSM) Whitepaper.
The committee strongly believes that this proposal allows for an expansion of the open source efforts achieved in 2024.
OSC Proposed Initiatives
Maintainer Retainer Program: Provides consistent financial support to maintainers of up to 50 repositories, ensuring the stability and ongoing development of key projects, these will be nominated by the community and vetted through an incubation program and contribution ladder.
24/7 Incident Response Team: Funds a dedicated 24/7 team to manage security incidents and ensure rapid response capabilities. (Shared request with TSC)
Project Support Services: Enhances project compliance, design innovation, and community engagement across Cardano open-source initiatives. OSO & OSC would advise and source providers to assist with Marketing, Community Building, Legal, Open Source Strategy & Sustainability, Governance, Product Management, Design, and Training. See OSO Service Catalog
Summer of Code Equivalent: Supports educational stipends and full-time internships for 20 students (all backgrounds), fostering talent development and expanding the pool of skilled contributors. Google - Summer of Code Improves OSO DE&I
OSO Community Integration, Events, Tooling: Disbursement to OSO to plan, host, and attend hackathon-like events, Developer Advocate events, miscellaneous tooling, Partnerships and Level 1 & 2 Support Services costs.
Bug Bounty Program: A bug bounty reward program aimed at rewarding community found incidents for projects under the Intersect github, not specifically limited to “Core Cardano”.
Code for Us Model: Community-driven funding approach for specific development needs, aligning open-source projects with the priorities of Cardano’s user base.
OSC Members Attending Events: Allowance for OSC sitting Members to attend local/semi-local events.
Budget details
Technical Steering Committee
Requested budget: ₳ 99,419,400
The detailed spreadsheet can be found here
Core Maintenance
Contract Type: From Feb-July this will take the form an engineering call-off agreement for engineering resource up to a maximum of value of $10m IOE. This is due to the fact that without a budget in place it has not been possible to put this work to open tender yet and so the existing IOE maintenance team will continue to be engaged until there is access to the treasury. Once the budget is approved, the ambition of the TSC is that these maintenance work activities will be broken up and put to open tender to the community for the second half of 2025. Hours to be spent on the backlog as reviewed and approved by the Technical Steering Committee. From July onward, The full list of work covered under maintenance can be found here: full list of maintenance items.
There are a large number of supportive, maintenance style items required in any given period to keep Cardano running. These have been labelled as maintenance items, although understanding some of the work items outlined do not strictly meet this common definition, it is the most convenient. There are significant risks in not having maintenance items and budget for such activity. Without many of these items realistic project or development goals would likely stall. These services are used by projects to test and integrate amongst many other requirements and benefits, many of these elements help to ensure a maintained secure and stable Cardano product. The activities under maintenance are listed below. These fall under a single maintenance contract for the next 6 months (Feb-Aug). This is valued at $9.75m. It is assumed that the following six months will be approximately similar to the first 6 months of 2025.
Integration & Rollout
Integration is defined as the work that is needed to complete development and produce a fully integrated, tested and released version of the node. This work includes benchmarking, post-integration testing, security evaluation, and any changes to documentation. It also includes any fixes/changes that need to be made to the code, and any interfacing to node components. Rollout includes the work that is needed to support new users of the feature, deployment on testnets as necessary, any patches/improvements that need to made to address issues that are found in practical use. eg: Integration of Ouroboros Genesis, Integration of UTxO LMDB, Integration of UTxO LSM
Approximately 35% of total maintenance efforts
Core Maintenance
Core maintenance is defined as 'essential ongoing work on the node and associated software that is required to keep the blockchain from degrading'. Core Maintenance is the most essential activity of the core budget. Not having a core maintenance budget would effectively stall any realistic goal or project deployment. It is essential to maintaining a secure and stable end system. e.g: Technical Debt, Bug Fixing, E2E Testing, Security Improvements, Maintenance activities for API, CLI, DB-Sync, Plutus Core etc.
Approximately 40% of total maintenance efforts
Support is defined as the activities that are needed to ensure that the node can be built and released in an efficient and secure way. This includes ensuring that any compiler issues that arise during node development are properly handled and that any 3rd party libraries are up-to-date and that any bugs in library code or efficiency issues that impact the node are resolved properly. e.g: Release Management, Haskell Compiler Support, 3rd Party Library Maintenance.
Approximately 15% of total maintenance efforts
Operational costs are defined as the expenses that are incurred through the normal operation of the maintenance process. These include data centre and similar costs. e.g: Operate the bootstrap relay nodes that enable new users to join the network (no longer needed once Ouroboros Genesis has been fully rolled out)., CI/CD Operations (node release), Maintain Testnets.
Approximately 10% of total maintenance efforts
Activities specifically related to community engagement eg: Hard Fork Coordination, Product Bug Bounty, Blog posts and other communication activities
Approximately 5% of total maintenance efforts
AWS Costs
Amazon Web Services
Roadmap Development
Contract Type: Typically these will be a a series of fixed payment milestone contracts with set deliverables and payment on sign off of completion This portion of the budget is for Development Projects related to improving and enhancing the core network and aligned to at least one of the Product Committee Goals: 1. Attracting more dApps & Users, 2. Making Carano easier to use, 3. Enabling Decentralised Governaance, 4. Maintaining Cardano's current qualities. Project Maturity Level: Typically these projects are at SRL Level 5 or Above Process: - Project Submission: Anyone within the community can submit a new proposal or initiative related to core development. The process is outlined here: How to Participate in Shaping the Technical Roadmap. - Proposed projects are shared on the public backlog of potential Roadmap products. -Projects for the roadmap have been proposed through the Triage group, and will be prioritised through engagement with community & dReps. -The number of projects undertaken will be scaled to fit the budget approved. A larger Roadmap Development budget will enable a great number of development projects proposals to be undertaken a smaller budget will mean a smaller development roadmap. -Below are a list of projects that have been approved for Tender to date. -The below have not yet been put out to tender so all costs are estimates based on FTE estimates and standard engineering day rates Uncommitted Budget: In any large scale delivery, product, project or programme there are unforeseen eventualities and events which may need to be acted upon at relatively short notice. This may include responses to security events and emerging CIPs such as CIP-69 in 2024. A proportion of the development budget has been deliberately left unallocated in order to enable community members to come forward with additional proposals or to take part in further rounds of prioritisations as outlined above.
This budget is dedicated to projects that develop Core Cardano, in line with at least one of the Product Committees Goals: 1. Attracting more dApps & Users 2. Making Carano easier to use 3. Enabling Decentralised Governance 4. Maintaining Cardano's current qualities
Midgard Layer 2 Optimistic Rollup [Recommended for Tender]
Midgard is a layer 2 optimistic rollup for Cardano. It has a tokenless design. All transaction fees on Midgard are paid in Ada, and every Midgard block is published to the Cardano L1. Where Hydra moves transactions offchain (and thus does not contribute consistently in fee revenue to the Cardano L1) Midgard keeps transactions onchain but in a more compact form Effort: 1 Year Project to complete with a team of 5-6
Improving scalability and economic sustainability of Cardano This represents a significant source of fee revenue for the Cardano L1. Midgard does not have independent economic security. Instead it maximally inherits the security of Cardano.
Hydra Development [Recommended for Tender]
Hydra is a L2 scaling solution, an isomorphic multi-party state channel. This enables a fixed set of people to create an off-chain ledger with custom parameters, execute transactions and smart contracts, and only settle agreed upon states, to L1, incrementally and upon closure. Comment
Hydra heads allow effectively unlimited scaling, and the reduction/removal of friction points that currently restrict adoption, like transaction fees, settlement times etc. Hydra heads benefit from the properties of the Cardano ledger, while allowing customization to application specific requirements.
Ouroboros Leios [Recommended for Tender]
Whereas in a classical blockchain the block bodies directly contain transactions, in Leios the block bodies can also contain references to Endorser Blocks which themselves contain references to so-called Input Blocks containing the actual transactions. Those references are certified through a voting mechanism that guarantees a majority of validators agree on the content of Endorser Blocks.
Increase transaction throughput on Cardano mainnet by orders of magnitude.
Ouroboros Peras [Recommended for Tender]
Peras modifies the chain-selection rule to include the “boosting” of the dominant chain's blocks by a quorum of votes from periodic randomly-selected voting committees. It modifies the chain-selection rule, the CDDL of the block body, and the creation, transport, and verification of votes and the certificates that witness a quorum of votes. It adds several new protocol parameters.
Peras reduces settlement time by orders of magnitude without weakening the existing security guarantees. It is compatible with Leios and Genesis, and does not significantly impact node resources.
Revised Stakepool Incentive Scheme [Recommended for Tender]
Several proposals have been made to adjust the current stake pool incentives scheme. A particular concern is that of providing smoother incentives for smaller pools. This project will investigate this important issue, considering the merits of existing proposals, identifying possible improvements to the current scheme with costs/benefits, and outlining a development plan if successful.
The community will benefit from greater diversity in the stake pool offering, with healthier small pools. Stake pools will benefit from fairer treatment.
Nested Transactions [Recommended for Tender]
We propose implementing Nested Transactions, a change to the current ledger design to support a specific kind of transaction batching. This design supports swap intents, by allowing individual transactions in a batch to be unbalanced, but the full batch itself must be balanced. We interpret Babel fees as swap intent. We include several related ledger changes for the purpose of demonstrating the extensibility of this framework to support additional kinds of intents, inclusion of which in the production implementation is optional.
If implemented, this feature will (1) bring in Ada-less users, (2) make multi-user, multi-UTxO asset swaps cheaper, faster, and with less contention (3) be a step towards supporting arbitrary intents
Further Core Cardano Development Projects as proposed and reviewed by the community
Further Core Development work from proposals submitted by the community: Core Backlog proposals can be found here.
Non-Roadmap Development
Contract Type: Typically these will be a a series of fixed payment milestone contracts with set deliverables and payment on sign off of completion Community proposed development items that do not directly align with one of the Product Committee Priority Areas, but which deliver high value to the Cardano core infrastructure. These will be identified and managed in the same manner at the Roadmap Developmenet proposals but enables projects demonstrate community need or benefit that relate to core development to have a route for funding. Link to the backlog of Core Backlog proposals can be found here.
This budget is dedicated to projects that develop Core Cardano that while not aligning directly under a product committee goal will deliver clear value to the Cardano community.
Contract Type: Fixed-price contract. Cost associated with the work fulfilled as opposed to hours worked. Project Maturity Level: Typically these projects are at SRL Level 5 or Below TSC: Remit over Research budget is related to specific queries / applied research and some early phase discovery activities. Some Roadmap development work relates to proposals with low levels of maturity that require further research before development and will therefore come from the Research & Innovation budget. These proposals sit at Software Readiness Level 4 or Less. Process: - Project Submission: Anyone within the community can submit a new proposal or initiative related to core development. The process is outlined here: How to Participate in Shaping the Technical Roadmap. - Proposed projects are shared on the public backlog of potential Roadmap products. -Projects for the roadmap have been proposed through the Triage group, and will be prioritised through engagement with community & dReps. -The number of projects undertaken will be scaled to fit the budget approved. A larger Roadmap Development budget will enable a great number of development projects proposals to be undertaken a smaller budget will mean a smaller development roadmap. -Below are a list of projects that have been approved for Tender to date. -The below have not yet been put out to tender so all costs are estimates based on FTE estimates and standard engineering day rates
The ROI is in line with the above Roadmap items (Ref: ID TSC-0062), however is allocated to projects which are at a lower Software Readiness Level.
Software Requirements
Contract Type: predominately fixed-price contracts/agreements. Software for day to day running of TSC.
To help ensure the efficient running of the TSC in a remote environment
Technical Meetings and Events
These are a collection of in-person and online events that the TSC plans to host or take part in throughout 2025.
Chair & Secretary Monthly Meeting
This is to cover the cost of booking a meeting room once a month to enable the TSC chair and Secretary to meet for one morning a month
Enabling regular planning and coordination of TSC
Quarterly one day meeting with TSC Members in person
This will be to fund a quarterly 1-day workshop between TSC members to discuss strategy and conduct quarterly planning and reviews. This will be tied into one of the other major events where TSC members will already be in attendance such as Opensource Summit in Amsterdam or Cardano Summit 2025.
Enabling the TSC to operate more effectively by having quarterly sessions to: - Review Budget - Review Delivery of Roadmap - Plan quarterly TSC deliverables
Engineering Town Hall
Opening up engineering achievement and future plans to the community
Technical Review Meetings for Roadmap Development Projects
Knowledge share with TSC members on completion of major Research & Development milestones. Such as the completion of investigation or Research Work.
This enables greater knowledge sharing and openness of core development activities. Expanding the knowledgebase of core Cardano.
Open Workshops for Tendering
These will be sessions will be held as part of opening a public tender for all of the development items listed above, whether that is Roadmap, Non-Roadmap or Research. These will be open sessions to share information on the project to date, share information on requirements and for potential vendors to ask questions.
Facilitating open tenders for core development. Facilitating new entrants to compete for core Cardano development and expanding Cardano's developer base.
Technical Workshops for Technical Working Group Members
These are online sessions inviting all core developers to share achievements and quarterly plan across development teams. These will be open to all community members that wish to sit in.
Enabling coordination between Technical Contributors
Contributor Reimbursement
Due to the large number of responsibilities under the Technical Steering Committee and the aim to deliver a strong development roadmap, support will be required from a number of working groups under the TSC to contribute to these activities. Many roles require individuals with a strong technical knowledge a level of reimbursement will help to ensure the continued engagement required.
Improving the engagement of high level Cardano experts and enabling accountability for delivery by providing a basic compensation for completion of specific work packages.
Security Council
Parameter Committee
Proposal Triage Group
This group is responsible for evaluating development proposals from the community
Tender Evaluations
This group is responsible for evaluating tender bids from suppliers.
Milestone Reviews
This work is for the technical sign off that contracts milestones have been completed to an acceptable standard and payment can be released to the supplier
Technical Comms for Community
This part time role would be responsible for communicating all work under the TSC to the community
Facilitating transparency and openness
Meeting Organiser
Open Source Committee
Requested budget: ₳ 5,885,000
The detailed spreadsheet can be found here
Maintainer Retainer Program
Contract Type: Structured funding initiative. Core Maintenance: Supports key maintainers for 50 open-source projects, with half focused on Core Cardano and the other half on community-nominated projects through the Open Source Committee (OSC). Support: Ensures a sustainable pool of experienced maintainers who provide long-term stewardship for essential repositories. Operational: Guarantees continued development and maintenance of crucial open-source components. Community: Enables wider community participation by supporting new and diverse maintainers.
Encourages fresh perspectives, diverse contributions, and sustained improvements in Core Cardano repositories and other community-selected projects.
Code For us Model
Contract Type: Community-driven funding initiative. Core Maintenance: Directly supports the development of requested features or tools for Cardano’s ecosystem. Support: Provides financial assistance to projects aiming to enhance open-source tooling and development. Operational: Allocates funds to initiate trials and measure the effectiveness of the model. Community: Allows contributors to earn bounties by developing features for qualified projects and tooling.
Accelerates development of essential tooling and features, directly benefiting Core Cardano and its dependencies.
Developer Advocate Program
Contract Type: Salaried part time roles supporting open-source adoption. Core Maintenance: Advocates for developers by addressing their needs and technical challenges. Support: Guides new developers, creates educational content, and enhances ecosystem collaboration. Operational: Ensures a smooth onboarding experience for developers across different regions. Community: Strengthens developer relations by providing dedicated support in North America, Africa, India, and Vietnam.
Enhances developer experience, increases engagement, and strengthens community contributions.
Cardano Project Services
Contract Type: Flexible budget allocation for basic project support needs Core Maintenance: Funds additional technical support and infrastructure improvements. Support: Covers legal, outreach, and education-related expenses. Operational: Addresses miscellaneous tooling and partnership requirements. Community: Enables responsive support for emerging community needs.
Expands technical tooling, strengthens strategic partnerships, and enhances project management capabilities.
Contract Type: Funding for participation and organization. Core Maintenance: Supports attendance at blockchain-related conferences. Support: Facilitates workshops, hackathons, and meetups. Operational: Funds logistics, travel, and sponsorship expenses. Community: Promotes open-source contributions and network building.
Improves security posture with structured monitoring and response capabilities.
Incident monitoring/response
Contract Type: Security personnel and software costs. Core Maintenance: Ensures rapid response to security incidents. Support: Covers 24/7 monitoring, incident detection, and mitigation. Operational: Provides funding for dedicated security engineers and tools. Community: Strengthens network resilience and safeguards user assets.
Security issues and critical failures are repaired within OS standards (48hr Response, 7 day fix)
OSC Attendance to Events
Contract Type: Travel and reimbursement expenses. Core Maintenance: Supports OSC member participation at key events. Support: Covers ticket, travel, and lodging expenses for committee members. Operational: Ensures representation at open-source and blockchain conferences. Community: Enhances outreach and public engagement.
Strengthens community ties and promotes open-source adoption within the Cardano ecosystem.
Google Summer of Code or Equivalant for Cardano
Contract Type: Stipend program for student developers. Core Maintenance: Encourages students to work on essential open-source projects. Support: Provides mentorship and structured project guidance. Operational: Funds six-month full-time work placements. Community: Expands the contributor base and develops long-term maintainers.
Onboards new contributors and fosters decentralized development of Core Cardano projects.
Expanded Cardano Project Support Services
Contract Type: Funding for extended open-source services. Core Maintenance: Supports more complex services beyond the standard OSO catalog. Support: Provides tailored assistance for projects needing in-depth expertise. Operational: Addresses the backlog of service requests. Community: Strengthens ecosystem collaboration and best practices.OSO Service Catalog (There is currently a backlog for these offerings)
Enables projects to integrate more effectively with Cardano, improving sustainability and technical robustness.
Bug Bounty Program
Contract Type: Incentive-based security initiative. Core Maintenance: Funds rewards for ethical hackers identifying vulnerabilities. Support: Covers the administration and evaluation of reported security issues. Operational: Ensures continuous security improvements for Core Cardano. Community: Engages security researchers and enhances overall blockchain resilience.
Strengthens security by incentivizing vulnerability detection and rapid resolution.
Accelerator Research Program
Contract Type: Pilot Program Funding Core Maintenance: Funds pilot programs across three accelerator stages, covering staffing, mentorship, materials, and participant stipends. Support: Provides strategic guidance, business model mentoring, and commercialization readiness support to participating projects. Operational: Develops a scalable Accelerator SaaS framework integrated into Intersect’s web domain to streamline operations and reduce long-term staffing needs. Community: Connects projects with mentors, investors, and ecosystem partners, fostering ecosystem-wide growth and collaboration. Propsal not voted in yet, OSC to agree by EOW (3/7/25) Link: Accelerator Research Proposal
Drives the commercialization of high-potential Cardano projects, leading to increased ecosystem adoption, follow-on funding opportunities, and sustainable growth.
Tooling Sustainability Program
Contract Type: Open Source Tooling Sustainability Program Core Maintenance: Funds critical open-source libraries and tools essential to the Cardano ecosystem, ensuring their long-term sustainability. Support: Provides resources for project identification, community feedback integration, licensing assessment, and ongoing project monitoring. Operational: Manages funding distribution, tracks project development, and ensures alignment with governance standards and community needs. Community: Engages developers and stakeholders through contribution opportunities, roadmap visibility, and support for high-demand tools like dApp frameworks, wallets, and explorers OSC voted on 2/20/25 to be added. Proposal Here: Tooling WG Proposal
Strengthens the Cardano ecosystem by ensuring the sustainability of essential open-source tools, driving adoption, and promoting continuous innovation.
Last updated