Community Engagement Plan


  • Increase transparency of the Budget Committee's activities

  • Foster community understanding of the budgeting process

  • Encourage community participation in budget-related discussions

  • Gather diverse perspectives and feedback from the Cardano ecosystem

  • Build trust between the committee and the wider Cardano community

Primary Communication Channels

  • Intersect Gitbook

    • Publish comprehensive, detailed information about the committee's structure, processes, and decisions

    • Maintain an up-to-date repository of all official documents (Terms of Reference, Code of Conduct, etc.)

    • Provide educational content about the budgeting process

    • Share meeting minutes and decision summaries

  • Intersect Discord Server

    • Create dedicated channels for budget discussions, Q&A, and feedback

    • Host regular AMAs (Ask Me Anything) sessions with committee members

    • Provide real-time updates on committee activities

    • Facilitate community polls and surveys to gather input on budget priorities

Secondary Communication Channels

  • Committee Members' Social Media Accounts

    • Encourage members to share updates, insights, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of committee work

    • Promote upcoming events, AMAs, and important announcements

    • Engage in discussions with community members to gather diverse perspectives

  • Cardano Forum

    • Create threads for in-depth discussions on budget-related topics

    • Share summaries of key decisions and invite community feedback

Engagement Strategies

  • Regular Updates

    • Weekly progress updates on Discord

    • Monthly summary reports on Gitbook

    • Quarterly comprehensive reviews of committee activities

  • Interactive Sessions

    • Monthly live Q&A sessions on Discord

    • Quarterly town hall meetings with presentations and open discussions

  • Community Feedback Loops

    • Implement a suggestion box on Discord for community ideas

    • Conduct periodic surveys to gauge community sentiment on budget priorities

    • Establish a formal process for community members to submit budget proposals

  • Educational Initiatives

    • Create a "Budget 101" series on Gitbook to explain the budgeting process

    • Host workshops on Discord to train community members on how to engage with the budgeting process

  • Transparency Measures

    • Publish a transparency report quarterly, detailing all major decisions and their rationales

    • Create a public calendar of committee meetings and events

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Committee Secretary

    • Coordinate overall communication efforts

    • Ensure timely updates on Gitbook and Discord

  • Community Liaisons

    • Moderate Discord channels and facilitate discussions

    • Organize and host interactive sessions

  • Committee Members

    • Participate in AMAs and town halls

    • Share updates and engage with the community on personal social media accounts

  • Communications Specialist

    • Develop content strategy for all channels

    • Create engaging, accessible content about complex budget topics

Metrics and Evaluation

  • Track engagement metrics on Discord (active users, message volume in budget channels)

  • Monitor Gitbook page views and time spent on pages

  • Analyze social media engagement (shares, comments, reach) for committee members' posts

  • Conduct quarterly community satisfaction surveys

  • Evaluate the quantity and quality of community feedback and proposals received


  • Implement core communication channels (Gitbook and Discord) immediately

  • Launch educational initiatives within the first month

  • Begin regular updates and interactive sessions within the first two weeks

  • Conduct first quarterly review after three months

Adaptation and Improvement

  • Review this engagement plan quarterly

  • Adjust strategies based on community feedback and engagement metrics

  • Continuously explore new ways to improve community engagement and transparency

Last updated