27 Mar 24


Duncan Soutar, Matt Davies, Kevin Hammond, Christian Taylor


  1. Parameter Committee - Requires a new secretary

    1. Decision first see if anyone from the parameters committee is willing to put themselves forward as secretary at next meeting on 4th April

  2. Outcomes of Parameter Committee Change Requests:

    1. Request to reduce min per bite - Recommended No Change (However this may be revisited post rollout of UTXO-HD)

    2. Request to increase limits on transaction size to facilitate the running of larger DApps - Currently Under Review from IOI (Not that in future this should form part of a Change Process)

    3. Request to change Governance Parameters - Currently reviewing recommendations by the advisory group

  3. Repo Migration

    1. TIS & LSM Tree migrated. Node Emulator & Intersect Address awaiting

    2. Issue raised that some repos don’t have maintainorships. Outsource with spread the ownership of these maintainors. Decision agreed that this should be done however Christian should draw up a risk management process.


  • Kevin Hammond to share outcome of Governance Parameters review with the TSC when decision is made

  • Kevin Hammond to share with the committee where the PI Sprints are edited within IOI

  • Kevin Hammond to feedback results of requests for a new Secretary within the Parameters Committee

  • Matt Davis to provide more information on Backlog working group

  • Christian Taylor to draw up a risk management process for selecting potential maintenance vendors

  • Duncan Soutar to share Change Management Process

Last updated