Project Cards Explained

A project card is designed to hold relevant and useful information for the community to be able to support prioritisation discussions and recommendations.

When a potential project is submitted for review and inclusion to the backlog we will ask that this information is provided, or an explanation as to why it cannot be.

On the following 'Potential Roadmap projects' page you will see one of these card for each potential technical roadmap project. Below is a explanation of what is requested to be included in each project card.

Example Project Card

Project Title - title of the potential roadmap project

Description: An introductory description of the project and what it is about.

Problem Statement: What problems this project looks to resolve.

Benefit: Anticipated likely project benefits.

Project Card Key

Not Provided - Information has been requested but not yet provided by the project sponsor

TBC - Information has been provided but is currently being reviewed and/or confirmed by the CIR, TSC or other reviewing body

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