Maria Carmo - Board

Full Name

Maria Carmo

What is your experiences within Intersect and Cardano?

My experience with Cardano and Intersect is vast and diverse, reflecting my ongoing commitment to the ecosystem and the promotion of blockchain technology.

Experience with Cardano:

• Pioneer of Catalyst Fund 1: I have been involved since the beginning in the Catalyst Fund, contributing to education and content creation focused on community integration.

• Cofounder of Cardanistas Pool: The Cardanistas Pool plays a crucial role in the operation of the Cardano network, contributing to transaction processing and block validation and production. Cardanistas also produces educational content with live sessions every Sunday, providing updates on the Cardano ecosystem. Wwe are at 202 lives

• Cofounder of Lovelace Academy: This platform offers free educational content about Plutus.

• Host of Cardano Summit 2022 and CIP 1694 Workshop 2023: I presented and facilitated discussions at major events, promoting innovation and knowledge about Cardano.

• Cardano for Beginners course: The course is available on Cardano Feed: and aims to give a short cut and a practical approach for new people.

• Involvement in Catalyst, Swarm, and other projects: I have engaged in various projects within the Cardano community, including the Manifesto Cardano project, which aims to involve the community in Brazil in Cardano governance.

Experience with Intersect:

• Member of Intersect: Associated as a pioneer member.

• Education and Multimedia Grant: I worked with Daniela Alves on the grant in the Education and Multimedia category of Intersect, which resulted in the creation of GovChainLab. GovChainLab aims to create educational materials on Decentralized Governance, and conducts online and in-person workshops. We also produce content on our Substack, and tutorial videos in Portuguese, expanding our reach and impact on education about decentralized governance. To learn more, visit:

• Cohost of the DRep Pioneer Workshop: I co-organized the DRep Pioneer Workshop in Rio de Janeiro, in partnership with the Think Tank Institute of Technology and Society. The event was well-received and generated interest in future collaborations.

• Cohost of a local event in Curitiba funded by Intersect: I held a local event in Curitiba at the Hard Rock Café, which was highly praised by participants and generated interest from other institutions to conduct similar events.

• Cohost of the Constitutional Workshop in São Paulo: I co-organized the Constitutional Workshop in São Paulo on August 31, in partnership with ESPM. The workshop was held at the Campus Tech of the institution and generated requests for future activities.

Do you have any other Cardano affiliations or possible conflicts of interests, including you as an individual or an enterprise you are associated with?

Currently, my main affiliation with Cardano is through the activities mentioned in the previous question.

Are you currently in receipt of or previously received any Intersect or Cardano funding or grant?

Yes, I have received funding and grants in different capacities:

Projects Funded by Catalyst:

• Lovelace Academy: I received financial support to develop and maintain our free educational platform focused on Plutus.

• DEFI School Latam Funding and Grants from Intersect: Currently, I am not receiving active funding from Intersect. All grants and funding received have been used to promote and expand education and innovation within the Cardano ecosystem transparently and effectively.

• Education and Multimedia Grant: I worked on the project funded by Intersect for the creation of GovChainLab, which aims to produce educational materials on Decentralized Governance and conduct online and in-person workshops.

• DRep Pioneer Workshop: I co-organized the DRep Pioneer Workshop in Rio de Janeiro with the support of Intersect.

• Local Event in Curitiba: I held a local event at the Hard Rock Café in Curitiba, funded by Intersect, which was well-received and generated interest from other institutions.

• Constitutional Workshop in São Paulo: I co-organized this workshop at the Campus Tech of ESPM in São Paulo (business school), also funded by Intersect.

What do you think the MBO’s primary strategic goals and objectives are or should be for the next 3-5 years?

Expand and Diversify Hubs:

• Establish New Hubs: Create new hubs in underrepresented regions to increase global presence and cultural diversity within the Intersect network.

• Adapt Hubs to Local Context: Ensure that each hub adapts its operations and initiatives to the local cultural and economic context to maximize the impact and relevance of activities. This expansion should consider not only broad geographic divisions but also the cultural and contextual nuances of each locality. Dividing the network solely by regions can lead to a loss of specific cultural context, which may affect the effectiveness and relevance of initiatives. Each culture has its own needs and challenges, and an approach that does not take this into account may result in strategies that do not resonate with local communities. Invest in Education and Training:

• Develop Educational Programs: Create and fund educational programs and training on blockchain, DAOs, and decentralized governance, promoting greater understanding and participation in the ecosystem.

• Support Training Initiatives: Provide support for local educational initiatives, such as workshops and courses, to promote education and training in decentralized governance. Increase Transparency and Accountability:

• Publish Detailed Reports: Ensure that all aspects of operations, including budgets, decisions, and activities of Intersect and the Hubs, are transparent and documented. Publish regular and accessible reports for the community. Strengthen Innovation and Collaboration:

• Encourage Partnerships and Collaborations: Establish partnerships with other DAOs, organizations, and projects to promote innovation and collaboration within the ecosystem. Encourage knowledge and resource exchange among the hubs. Develop Marketing and Engagement Strategies:

• Increase Brand Visibility: Implement marketing campaigns to promote the Intersect brand and raise awareness of the organization both within and outside the blockchain community. • Engage the Community: Create strategies to increase community engagement, such as events and active participation initiatives, to keep the member base engaged and motivated. Establish Guidelines for Recruiting New Members:

• Implement Effective Recruitment Methods: Develop and adopt guidelines for recruiting new members that prioritize quality over quantity. This includes methods that ensure new members are genuinely interested and committed to the organization's goals.

• Promote Genuine Engagement: Focus on strategies that encourage the onboarding of individuals aligned with Intersect's values and objectives, rather than attracting members solely through giveaways or temporary incentives.

Can you describe the current composition of the Board and the skills and experience gaps that the organization is looking to fill?

According to Intersect's knowledge base, the initial Board of Directors is composed of five members:

Representatives of Initial Funders: Three members are appointed to represent the initial funders, including representatives from Input Output Global and EMURGO. These members were designated to help establish the organization's operations.

Interim COO: The third seat is occupied by the COO, who serves in an interim capacity and facilitates the connection between the executive team and the Board.

Academic Seat: One seat is reserved for an academic member from the Blockchain Excellence Center at the University of Wyoming, who holds a one-year term.

The two remaining seats will be filled by members from Intersect, with elections currently taking place. The term for these seats will be defined in collaboration with the community as part of the electoral planning.

Skills and Experience Gaps: In this context, Intersect seeks to fill essential skills and experience gaps to ensure effective governance and the sustainability of the organization. As a candidate in this election, I believe I possess the necessary skills mentioned:

Governance and Oversight:

Strategic Development: Provide strategic guidance to align the organization's goals and activities with its mission and vision.

Performance Oversight: Monitor the performance of the executive team, offering oversight on key initiatives.

Fiduciary Duties:

Duty of Care and Loyalty: Act with diligence and in the best interest of the organization, avoiding and disclosing conflicts of interest.

Financial Oversight:

Budget Approval and Monitoring: Oversee financial performance, approve budgets, and ensure operations are within financial means.

Risk Management: Implement adequate financial controls and risk management processes.

Support for the Executive Team:

Mentorship and Guidance: Provide mentorship and strategic advice to the executive team, contributing to leadership succession planning.

Stakeholder Engagement:

Member Representation: Ensure that member interests are represented in decision-making and that communication is transparent.

Public Relations: Support efforts to maintain positive relationships with donors, partners, and the public.

Key Expectations:

• Independence: Maintain independence in judgment and contribute unbiased opinions.

• Engagement: Actively participate in board meetings and strategic planning.

• Integrity: Uphold high ethical standards and the organization’s mission in all board-related activities.

By bringing my experience and commitment, I am confident that I can help Intersect advance strategically and effectively, promoting robust and impactful governance.

What are the key challenges and opportunities the MBO is currently facing?

Intersect faces crucial challenges and opportunities for its growth and effectiveness. One of the main challenges is strengthening trust and transparency among members and stakeholders. It is essential to build a solid foundation of trust, which involves the continuous implementation of practices that ensure visibility in the operations and decisions of the organization and the Hubs.

Another significant challenge is community engagement. Encouraging active participation from members requires creating a welcoming environment where everyone feels motivated to contribute. Promoting hubs in different regions also presents complexities, as each hub has unique cultural and operational dynamics that require adaptive strategies.

Regarding existing membership plans, it is vital to consult members to ensure that these plans meet their expectations. Conducting surveys can help identify needs and opportunities, allowing the development of new plans that attract potential members.

Intersect also has significant opportunities. The global expansion of hubs can diversify and strengthen the member base, bringing valuable experiences and perspectives. Additionally, by positioning itself as a leader in education and the promotion of decentralized governance and blockchain, Intersect can attract new members interested in learning and engaging, establish partnerships with other institutions/organizations, universities, and think tanks. Offering resources and training can not only attract new members but also foster a continuous learning environment. The growing interest in decentralized technologies also presents an opportunity to develop tools that facilitate participation and engagement among members.

How does the MBO measure success and performance, both at the Board level and operationally?

Intersect adopts a comprehensive approach to measuring success and performance, both at Board level and in daily operations, using both qualitative and quantitative metrics that reflect its strategic objectives.

At Board level, performance is evaluated through regular reviews that analyze effectiveness in strategic decision-making and oversight of operations. It is essential that the decisions and initiatives of the Board align with Intersect's mission and vision, and periodic reports help ensure this connection. Transparency and communication with members are also key, with the Board assessing its effectiveness in disseminating information and promoting open dialogue.

Operationally, the team utilizes specific metrics to measure progress against strategic objectives. This includes indicators such as the number of new members, engagement in hub activities, and the effectiveness of funded projects. Continuous collection and analysis of feedback from the community is an important part of this process, allowing for an understanding of how operations are perceived by all involved. The success of projects and initiatives is measured based on impact indicators and achieved results. This involves setting clear goals at the beginning of each project and analyzing results at each implementation milestone.

What do you think is the relationship between the Board and the Executive team?

The Board works closely with the executive team to drive strategic objectives and uphold the organization’s governance standards.

The Board should be an intermediary, supporting and enabling communications between the executive team and the community, and helping the exec team to better hear the community.

What are the key expectations for the Non-Executive Director (NED) role in terms of time commitment, specific responsibilities, and contributions to Board meetings and committees?

The role of Non-Executive Director (NED) at Intersect involves a significant commitment and strategic responsibilities to ensure the long-term effectiveness of the organization. The NED is expected to dedicate about two days per month to the position, which includes attending Board meetings and reviewing relevant materials.

The primary purpose of the NED is to focus on the strategic direction of Intersect and its sustainability. This involves providing independent oversight, strategic guidance, and specialized advice, ensuring that the organization effectively fulfills its mission. The NED will work closely with the Board and the executive team to drive strategic objectives and maintain high governance standards.

The main responsibilities of the NED include:

• Strategic Leadership: Contribute to defining and implementing the organization’s vision and mission, helping to shape the future direction of Intersect.

• Governance and Oversight: Monitor the performance of the executive team, ensuring that initiatives and operations align with the organization’s goals.

• Financial Management: Oversee the organization’s financial health, review and approve budgets, and ensure that operations remain within available financial means.

• Member and Stakeholder Engagement: Represent the interests of members in Board decisions, promoting open and transparent communication between leadership and the community.

• Advisory Role: Offer guidance and strategic support to the executive team without getting involved in daily management, thus contributing to leadership development and succession planning.

• Board Participation: Actively contribute to Board meetings, providing unbiased opinions and collaborating in critical decision-making.

What/who do you think are the MBO’s key relationships with external stakeholders, and how does the Board engage with these stakeholders?

Intersect maintains significant relationships with various stakeholders, which are essential for its growth and effectiveness legal and regulatory bodies, academia, partners and donors, general public. One of the primary groups is the member community. The Board is committed to ensuring that member interests are represented in the organization's decisions, promoting open and transparent communication.

The Board actively works to build relationships by participating in joint projects and organizing events that benefit all parties involved. These partnerships not only strengthen Intersect's mission but also create a collaborative ecosystem.

Public and community relations also play an important role. The Board supports efforts to maintain good relationships with donors, partners, and the general public. This includes participating in community events and conducting communication campaigns that highlight Intersect's mission and initiatives. A positive relationship with the community helps increase visibility and support for the organization.

Finally, Intersect must ensure compliance with legal obligations, which leads it to engage with regulators and local authorities. The Board ensures that the organization aligns with applicable standards and regulations by participating in meetings and dialogues when necessary.

What do you think is the MBO’s approach to risk management, and what are the top risks that the Board should be aware of?

Intersect adopts a proactive approach to risk management, recognizing the importance of identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that may impact its operations and the fulfillment of its mission. This approach involves implementing policies and practices that ensure robust and responsible governance.

One of the key aspects of risk management is the personal accountability of Board members. While Wyoming law provides certain protections, it is crucial for directors to be aware that they may be held personally liable for breaches of fiduciary duty or negligence in their responsibilities. To mitigate this personal risk, Intersect ensures that directors and officers (D&O) information and insurance are in place, providing an additional layer of protection for Board members.

How should the MBO support Board members in their roles, including providing information, training, and resources?

Adequate support for Board members is crucial to ensure they can effectively fulfill their roles and contribute to the success of Intersect. To achieve this, the organization should adopt a comprehensive approach that includes providing relevant information, ongoing training, and access to appropriate resources.

It is essential for Board members to have access to up-to-date information about Intersect's operations, the external environment, and best governance practices. This can be done through regular reports on the organization's performance, market analyses, and community feedback. Maintaining open and transparent communication is critical for members to make informed decisions.

Workshops, webinars, and mentoring programs can be implemented to ensure that Board members are well-prepared to face the challenges of their roles. Ongoing training not only enhances skills but also fosters a culture of learning within the organization.

Access to adequate resources is also vital. This may include reference materials, management tools, and collaboration platforms that facilitate active participation by members and the execution of their responsibilities. Providing administrative support, such as organizing meetings and preparing agendas, optimizes the Board's time and allows them to focus on their strategic responsibilities.

Furthermore, it is important to create a collaborative environment where Board members can share experiences, ask questions, and discuss challenges. This can be achieved through regular meetings and communication platforms that encourage interaction and mutual support.

Last updated