Meeting Minutes November 19, 2024




Voting Seat (Y/N)

Nori Nishigaya



Darlington Wleh

Vice Chair


Terence ‘Tex’ McCutcheon



Yuki Oshi (Yuta)



Matthew Capps



Katarina Ciric



Ben Hart



Sheldon Hunt



Akheel Fouze



Ha Nguyen



Sanjaya Wanigasekera



Other Attendees:

  • Abbie Yeates

  • Abhik Nag

  • ElCryptonaut

  • Gemma Dakin

  • Gintama

  • Jaiyeola Demilade

  • Karen Wickham

  • Mubarak Oladimeji(KitWillow)

  • Kuldip Chana

  • Seomon Register

  • Tayla Dix

  • Tevo Saks

Recording: Membership & Community Committee - Meeting - 2024/11/19 14:56 GMT - Recording

Transcript: Membership & Community Committee - Meeting - 2024/11/19 14:56 GMT - Transcript

Chat Transcript: Membership & Community Committee - Meeting – 2024/11/19 Chat


Nori: Andamio, ODIN, Bridge Builders

Darlington: TBD

Tex: Open Source Program Manager, Intersect Staff, OSC/MCC Secretary

Katarina: TBD

Sheldon: TBD

Benjamin: TBD

Yuta: ICC, Japan Hub Manager

Matthew: Elected member, WG lead, Employed by IO

Sanjaya: TBD

Akheel: Logistician by profession

Ha: Eastern Cardano Council-ICC Member, Cardano Ambassador, DRep Pioneer Leader

Agenda 11.19.24


  • Decision: N/A Action: Gemma to present Budget Management at next meeting.

  • Decision: N/A Action: MWG Meeting Link to be shared on X - El Cryptonaut

  • Decision: N/A Action: Continue Member Duty conversation Async - Matthew

  • Decision: N/A Action: Committee Members to participate in Async discussions

  • Decision: N/A Action: Nori to finish preparing Budget Miro for presentation.

Discussion Point


Actions: Responsible / Note

Check-in Round

Committee members shared their updates and current states, including work on the constitution, budget, and other projects.


Agenda Review

Membership & Community Committee (Intersect) led the agenda review. Topics included grants, marketing, community hubs, governance, and budget proposals.

Continue with agenda topics as planned.

Grant Updates

Updates shared about ongoing grants and planning for next year. Upcoming focus on budget management processes and summarizing 2023 grant outcomes.

Gemma to present budget management deck at the next meeting.

Marketing Updates

Reviewed the success of recent events and upcoming initiatives, including Rare Evo proposal discussions and Kadano Foundation's planned events.

El Cryptonaut to share meeting recording link on MCC Twitter page.

Member Expectations

Discussed hours of duty (8 hours/month standard), assignment of duties by the chair, and thresholds for automatic dismissal due to inactivity. Suggestions included escalation procedures for non-contributing members.

Matthew to incorporate feedback into the async thread for further discussion.

Budget Presentation

Reviewed budget breakdown into high-level categories (e.g., governance, vision). Discussed aligning categories and prioritizing areas like vision and governance.

Update budget categories for Thursday’s presentation. Feedback welcomed until then.

Stipend Proposal

Discussed MCC member stipends, including fixed dollar amounts vs. ADA for payment. Suggestions included tying compensation to hours contributed or maintaining flexibility with stable conversion processes.

Use $35/hour as a baseline for budgeting; finalize discussions async before submitting a proposal.

Community Hubs & Support

Clarified separate roles of Community Hubs and Community Support working groups.

Update budget categories to reflect distinct working groups.

Town Hall Budgeting

Questions raised about selecting implementers for Town Hall budgets and whether processes are finalized.

Follow up with grants working group for guidance on Town Hall selection processes.

Asynchronous Engagement

Encouraged committee members to participate in async threads as part of their contributions.

Members to engage in async threads to meet participation expectations.

Editing Budget Sheet

Discussed editing and consensus-building for budget adjustments. Members encouraged to contribute directly.

Yuta to take lead on editing the budget sheet; others to review and contribute as needed.

Governance Processes

Discussed need for clear procedures for dismissals and replacements to ensure continuity and quorum in the committee.

Karen to share governance insights in future meetings; incorporate escalation procedures in plans.

Community Vision

Highlighted need to enhance budget categories under "Vision" to reflect forward-looking initiatives.

Members to brainstorm additional projects to allocate under the Vision category.

General Updates

Members emphasized engaging in async discussions and keeping contributions documented to maintain active participation.

Members to engage in async threads and ensure contributions are documented for transparency.


Reviewed key takeaways, next steps, and thanked participants for their engagement.

Prepare for Thursday’s presentation; follow up on pending items in async threads.

Last updated