πŸ˜‰(02/06/2025) Meeting Minutes





Voting Seat (Y/N)

P. Lucas




Adam Dean


Vice Chair


Terence β€˜Tex’ McCutcheon




Christian Taylor




Sandip Pandey




Georg Link




Jonathan Kelly




Sebastian Pabon




Moritz Angermann




Robin BΓΆning




Nicolas Henin




Community/Other Attendees

  • Justin Schreiner

Recording: Open Source Committee (Intersect) - 2025/02/06 - Recording

Transcript: Open Source Committee (Intersect) - 2025/02/06 - Transcript

Chat Transcript: Open Source Committee Meeting – 2024/02/06 – Chat Transcript

Notes: Open Source Committee (Intersect) - 2025/02/06 - Notes by Gemini


Christian: Head of Open Source Office, Intersect Staff

Tex: Open Source Program Manager, Intersect Staff, Open Source Committee Secretary

Sandip: Dquadrant

Adam: Adam Dean, LLC, Co-Founder, DripDropz, LLC, CIP Editors, Intersect Maintainer

Georg: TBD Bitergia

Lucas: 45B - Cardano Enablement, Onboarding end-users; Supporting cardano Projects;

Sebastian: Gimbalabs contributor, MeshJS contributor, Andamio platform co-founder

Johnny: Non-Custodial Co-Management SysOps Engineer (Tech Janitor) for 3 Mainnet Stake Pools. Cardano Keystone Wallet Ambassador.

Moritz: Head of Platform Engineering, IOE

Nicolas: Technical Architect @Innovation, IOG

Robin: Cardano Cube, LACE stake pool

Agenda 02.06.25

  • Old Business

    • Developer Advocate Check-in

    • PI: Acceptance Criteria

    • Budget Review

  • New Business

    • Builder Engagement (Funding Tracks)

    • Bug Bounty Framework


  • Decision: Conditional approval to the Project Incubation Acceptance Criteria document, Action: Needs a mission statement and a 60-day pilot test would be conducted using two EMURGO projects

  • Decision: Finalize Budget Action: Unanimous agreement to not add any items, Allow changes/edits as needed for release for DRep and Community review.



Action Items

Developer Advocate Check-in

No developer advocates were present. The repository link was shared. Discussion around finding a lead for the developer experience group to ensure consistent liaison on calls.

Terence to discuss lead role with Uday. Terence to share repo link in chat.

2024 Review

Christian has not yet had time to complete the 2024 review.

Christian to schedule and complete the 2024 review.

Project Incubation Acceptance Criteria

Document reviewed by Nick Moritz, Sebastian, and others. Feedback focused on clarity, structure, financial incentives, and specific metrics. Discussion around gamification of metrics and the balance between specific numbers and a "black box" approach. Clarification needed on how funding works for incubated vs. non-incubated projects.

Christian to revise document based on feedback. Christian to draft a mission statement for the program. Committee to conduct a 60-day pilot test with two EMGO projects.

Project Incubation Funding

Discussion about funding mechanisms for incubated projects. Incubation does not guarantee funding but opens avenues for TSC, OSC, or product committee funding.

Christian to clarify funding process in the document.

Project Incubation Scope

Discussion on the types of projects to be incubated, focusing on core infrastructure, tooling, and open-source projects. Need for clearer definition of what Intersect wants to incubate.

Christian to work with TSC to define the scope of incubated projects.

Builder Engagement

Discussion about funding opportunities for service providers and builders in Cardano who don't fall under core suppliers. Question of whether this falls under OSC or Product Committee remit.

Christian to investigate funding options for builders and service providers.

Budget Review

Review of budget document, including descriptions, ROI, and spend per month. Discussion of ADA price fluctuation and its impact on the budget. Lawrence to provide final budget figures and address questions from DREP.

Christian to finalize budget document based on feedback. Lawrence to present budget to DREP.

AMA Attendance

Request for committee members to attend AMAs to answer questions and show presence.

Committee members to attend AMAs as available. Terence to add AMA schedule to Cardano calendar.

Discord Communication

Discussion about the use of Discord for communication, addressing concerns about notification fatigue and accessibility.

Pedro to ensure all committee members are tagged in relevant Discord channels. Christian to create an open OSC channel in Slack.

Document Review Process

Discussion about formalizing a document review process for the committee and future members.

Committee to schedule a breakout meeting next week to discuss and draft the document review process.

Summer of Code Naming

Discussion about the name of the "Summer of Code" equivalent program, addressing concerns raised by a parody account.

Committee to decide on final name for the program.

Bug Bounty Framework

Introduction of a draft bug bounty framework with a three-tier governance model. Discussion of the roles of the Security Council, TSC, and OSC.

Christian to share the bug bounty framework document with the committee. Christian to clarify TSC's role in the framework.

Developer Advocate Program Expansion

Discussion about expanding the developer advocate program to other regions. Expansion is dependent on budget and the success of the working group.

Terence to discuss working group progress and meeting schedule with the group. Christian to clarify the geospecificity of the program.

Commercialization Working Group

Promotion of the Commercialization Working Group and its focus on supporting builders in Cardano.

Pedro to share the Commercialization Working Group link on Discord.

Last updated