(07/19/2024) Meeting Minutes
Christian Taylor (OSO Rep) Christian Taylor-NP
Sandip Pandey sandip@dquadrant.com
Ronald Span ronald@dquadrant.com
Terence McCutcheon Terence McCutcheon
Silona Bonewald silona@leadingbit.com
Adam Dean adam@crypto2099.io
Pedro Lucas
Nicholas Clarke nicholas.clarke@tweag.io
Jaiyeola Demilade
Tevo Saks
Alex Karpov
Core Swarm
Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qUloXFuj0sJ7YFGWGmz1dT1bHex6cgrh/view?usp=sharing
Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GEHD18tAhvJJvE8tVA112EQnu7dxvyvNN2UKOcK4wI4/edit?usp=sharing
Chat Transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16OOVf7SYNPRNd8RDUPnj5BuGCq38JsrO/view?usp=sharing
Christian: Head of Open Source Office, Intersect Staff
Tex: Open Source Program Manager, Intersect Staff, Open Source Committee Secretary
Nick: Director of Engineering at Tweag/Modus Create
Sandip: Dquadrant
Adam: Adam Dean LLC, CIP Editor, ICC Member, OS Maintainer Pilot, DripDropz
Ronald: CEO Dquadrant, Intersect Member
Phillip: No Intro Provided
Policy WG
Project Incubation WG
Oracles WG
Dev Ex WG
Open Source Office
Open Forum
OS Library/Project List
Discussion Point
Actions: Responsible / Note
Policy Working Group
Adam Dean discussed the working draft proposal for how Committee elections should work. He emphasized the need for a public call for candidates and suggested opening the self-nomination process. There was discussion on the minimum required nomination criteria and the voting method to ensure only voting members participate.
Finalize the nominee criteria through asynchronous discussion. Open the nomination process on Monday and run it for at least two weeks.
Silona Bonewald provided an update on the Project Incubation Working Group, mentioning her inability to work on metrics with the core infrastructure group due to other commitments. She highlighted the need for better technical measurements and mentioned the upcoming controversial discussions regarding quality standards.
Silona to finalize metrics and measurements with the core infrastructure group next week.
Oracles Working Group
The Oracles Working Group is still being established. Discussion focused on the need for standardization in Oracles and the possibility of existing Oracle standards. Mention of Chainlink and its cross-chain Oracles raised questions about how Oracles would work on different platforms, especially in the context of Plutus.
Research existing Oracle standards and consider opening the group to more developer input to refine their tasking.
Developer Experience (Dev X)
Terence McCutcheon discussed the Developer Advocate Program, which is now under his responsibility. He mentioned that they are in the middle of conducting interviews for Developer Advocates and hope to finalize selections soon to start the program by August.
Continue conducting interviews and aim to finalize the selections by August.
Open Source Library Project
There was a discussion on creating an open source library/project list, with references to existing resources like Cardano Cube. The need for a decentralized ecosystem mapping tool was highlighted, emphasizing the importance of clear mappings of dependencies and the legal liabilities associated with not having such a tool.
Terence to create a draft document for the open source library project list and share it for feedback and discussion.
Meeting Schedule
There was a proposal to move the meetings to Thursday mornings, with potential time slots ranging from 7 to 11 AM Central Standard Time (12 to 4 PM GMT). The suggestion received positive reactions, and it was decided to put a poll on Discord to finalize the new meeting time.
Terence to put a poll on Discord with the proposed new meeting times.
Open Forum
The open forum included a brief discussion on the open source library project list and the need for a dependency graph visualization. There was consensus on continuing the discussion asynchronously on Discord to allow for more comprehensive input and feedback.
Continue the discussion on Discord and collect input and feedback asynchronously.
Policy Working Group
Adam Dean discussed the working draft proposal for how Committee elections should work. He emphasized the need for a public call for candidates and suggested opening the self-nomination process. There was discussion on the minimum required nomination criteria and the voting method to ensure only voting members participate.
Finalize the nominee criteria through asynchronous discussion. Open the nomination process on Monday and run it for at least two weeks.
Silona Bonewald provided an update on the Project Incubation Working Group, mentioning her inability to work on metrics with the core infrastructure group due to other commitments. She highlighted the need for better technical measurements and mentioned the upcoming controversial discussions regarding quality standards.
Silona to finalize metrics and measurements with the core infrastructure group next week.
Oracles Working Group
The Oracles Working Group is still being established. Discussion focused on the need for standardization in Oracles and the possibility of existing Oracle standards. Mention of Chainlink and its cross-chain Oracles raised questions about how Oracles would work on different platforms, especially in the context of Plutus.
Research existing Oracle standards and consider opening the group to more developer input to refine their tasking.
Developer Experience (Dev X)
Terence McCutcheon discussed the Developer Advocate Program, which is now under his responsibility. He mentioned that they are in the middle of conducting interviews for Developer Advocates and hope to finalize selections soon to start the program by August.
Continue conducting interviews and aim to finalize the selections by August.
Last updated