(05/03/2024) Meeting Minute
Christian Taylor (OSO Rep) Christian Taylor
Sandip Pandey sandip@dquadrant.com
Ronald Span ronald@dquadrant.com
Terence McCutcheon Terence McCutcheon
Alex Seregin alexeusgr@gmail.com
Nicholas Clarke nicholas.clarke@tweag.io
Silona Bonewald silona@leadingbit.com
Karen Wickham Karen Wickham
Alex Karpov
Chris Nunez
Ryan Williams Ryan Williams
Seomon Register
Tom Gallarini
Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wey_urJHV1IBp8yShQALdJfa794BuLDw/view
Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LjwlYA7kJLcgEgs9cncYNF-XF6ZrIhGG2wMe3Q_l1Yw/edit?usp=sharing
Old Business:
New Lead for Policy WG
Nominee(s): Adam D.
Security WG (Nick Clarke)
Project Framework WG:
Update from Alex
Project Incubation WG
Update from CT
Scheduled first WG
WG Participants
How to Join
Define WG meeting dates/times
Update from OSO Team
Progress towards deliverables
New Business:
Voting Process
Tex - Response from MCC
Adam D. Proposed Voting Rules/Procedures specific to OSC
Voting for 2 seats (replace MPJ & Matthias)
Bi-Monthly Cadence Proposal
Open Forum
Discussion Point
Notes / Action Items
Actions: Responsible / Note
Policy WG
Terence McCutcheon: Welcome everyone to today's Open Source Committee meeting. We'll begin with a brief introduction of our committee seats.
Terence McCutcheon: Secretary, IntersectMBO, Open Source Analyst/Program Manager
Nicholas Clarke: Chairman, Modus Create (Tweag), Director of Engineering
Sandip Pandey: Vice Chair, Deep Quadrant, involved in testing and development, heavily involved in Cardano
Ronald Span: CEO, Deep Quadrant, involved in Cardano since 2017, staple operator
Adam Dean: Founder, Adam Dean LLC (TheRealAdamDean), interim CTO for DripDropz
Christian Taylor: Head of Open Source Office, Intersect, coordinates committee efforts
Policy Working Group Update
Adam Dean volunteered to lead the policy working group, aiming to define policies for working groups to ensure their effectiveness.
Terence McCutcheon assigned Adam to lead the group and requested updates on its progress.
Security WG
Project Framework WG
WG/SIG Input from MCC rep
Nicholas: Updates from the Security working group. We're finalizing the security policy and will send it for ratification. Also, discussing document ownership.
Alex: Updates from Project Framework working group. Discussed project stages, primarily focusing on incubation. Reviewed actions necessary for successful projects.
Silona Bonewald: Integration of Project Lifecycle Framework into broader planning. Standardizing processes across groups.
Karen Wickham: Expecting more clarity on Working Group vs. Special Interest Group definitions by next week.
Nick to finalize the security policy for review.
Alex to continue refining the Project Lifecycle Framework.
Karen to provide clarification on Working Groups and Special Interest Groups.
Project Incubation WG
Open Forum Discussion:
Working Group Participation
Concerns with Matrix
Christian Taylor: Project Incubation meeting scheduled for next Thursday to finalize process and evaluation criteria.
Terence McCutcheon initiated a discussion regarding the participation in working groups, emphasizing the need to ensure functionality and inclusion. Adam Dean raised concerns about the unclear definition and documentation of working groups, suggesting the need for clarity on group goals and membership eligibility. Christian Taylor highlighted the importance of the intersect git book for defining working group goals and the process for starting new groups.
Silona and Christian discussed issues with Matrix and proposed exploring alternative coordination tools. Christian committed to resolving Matrix issues.
Policy WG to further define the purpose of Working Groups. Tex to coordinate with Policy WG to determine who is eligible to participate.
OSO to learn How to use Matrix easier. OSC can opt to vote to change the communication channel if/when desired.
Voting Procedures
Meeting Cadence Proposal
Open Source Office Updates
The decision was made to postpone voting procedures until Q3 to allow time for defining policies and ensuring effective implementation.
Christian proposed transitioning from weekly to bi-monthly meetings to allow more time for working group updates and development progress. The attendees agreed to the proposal.
Christian provided updates on the open source office's progress, including initiatives related to diversity in maintainership, governance policies, and core components on Cardano. Silona outlined the responsibilities of maintainers and emphasized the importance of community involvement in defining roles.
Christian suggested either extending the interim committee or holding a partial committee re-election.
The meeting concluded with Terence thanking the attendees and reminding them of the next meeting on May 17th. Christian reiterated the importance of communication via the group email. Nicholas Clarke expressed gratitude, and the meeting adjourned.
Terence encouraged feedback and updates on meeting schedules and emphasized the importance of communication via the oso@intersectmbo.org email address. Christian jokes about directing complaints to Tex rather than himself.
Last updated