(08/22/2024) Meeting Minutes
Christian Taylor (OSO Rep) Christian Taylor
Sandip Pandey sandip@dquadrant.com
Terence McCutcheon Terence McCutcheon
Alex Seregin alexeusgr@gmail.com
Silona Bonewald silona@leadingbit.com
Adam Dean adam@crypto2099.io
Abhik Nag Abhik Nag
Adam Dean adam@crypto2099.io
Bernard Sibanda cto@wims.io
Daniel Firth daniel.firth@iohk.io
Samuel Leathers samuel.leathers@iohk.io
Udai Solanki Udai Solanki
Recording: Open Source Committee (Intersect) β 2024/08/22 07:59 CDT β Recording
Transcript: Open Source Committee (Intersect) β 2024/08/22 07:59 CDT β Transcript
Chat Transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CEfYO7MPvsa5NdJ6PBG1jGiXHKj_SogU/view?usp=sharing
Christian: Head of Open Source Office, Intersect Staff
Tex: Open Source Program Manager, Intersect Staff, Open Source Committee Secretary
Nick: Director of Engineering at Tweag/Modus Create
Sandip: Dquadrant
Adam: Adam Dean LLC, CIP Editor, ICC Member, OS Maintainer Pilot, DripDropz
Ronald: CEO Dquadrant, Intersect Member (Not Present)
Daniel: No Intro Provided
Phillip: No Intro Provided
Review Current Priorities/Tasking of OSC
Intro/Interview Session for OSC Candidates
Policy WG
Invite OSC Seats to OSO Open Office Hours or Schedule separate meetings
Open Forum
Discussion Point
Actions: Responsible / Note
Meeting Opening and Agenda
Nicholas Clarke opened the meeting, discussed the nominal responsibilities, and introduced the agenda. The focus was on reviewing current priorities, working groups, and programs.
Nicholas Clarke to take an active role as Chair for the election period.
Introduction of Developer Advocate
Udai Solanki and Abhik Nag introduced themselves, sharing their backgrounds in technology and community management within Cardano.
Review of Committee Goals
Nicholas Clarke shared current goals, including auditing Cardano projects, aligning projects with governance policy, and ensuring communication channels are open. Discussions on progress were held, particularly around the auditing process, governance policy, and security framework.
Christian Taylor to draft acceptance criteria for projects and finalize the security policy. OSO to create a spreadsheet tracking governance policy and communication channels.
Goal 1: Project Auditing
Terence McCutcheon and Christian Taylor discussed the audit progress. Most projects have been audited, and documentation is being finalized. A security policy is pending, but the process is on track for completion by Q4.
Christian Taylor to finalize the security policy.
Goal 2: Governance Policy Alignment
Christian Taylor and Terence McCutcheon confirmed that communication channels are established, and governance policy alignment is in progress. A suggestion was made to track this via a spreadsheet.
OSO to create a spreadsheet tracking the governance policy and communication channels.
Goal 3: Paid Maintainers Program
Christian Taylor and others discussed the potential delay in achieving this goal until 2025. The maintainer retainer program is being drafted, and a working group will be formed to contribute to the budget proposal.
Adam Dean to lead the Policy Working Group in drafting the budget proposal.
Goal 4: Security Framework
Nicholas Clarke noted that the Security Working Group is working on this, and the framework is expected to be completed by Q4. The Security working group needs to finalize its policies.
Security Working Group to finalize security policies and ensure they are applied to all projects.
Goal 5: Community Contributions to Core Code
Adam Dean confirmed that community members can contribute to core Cardano code. The goal is considered achieved, but further refinement and a remediation plan are needed.
Christian Taylor to develop a remediation plan for the community contribution process.
Proposal for Candidate Introduction Meeting
A meeting for OSC candidates to present themselves and take questions from the community was proposed.
Terence McCutcheon to schedule and organize the candidate introduction meeting.
Introduction of Bernard Sibanda
Bernard Sibanda introduced himself, sharing his experience and involvement in the Cardano community, particularly in South Africa.
Review of Policy Working Group
Discussion on whether the Policy Working Group is still needed, with suggestions to disband it as its remit is mostly completed.
An asynchronous vote will be held to decide on disbanding the Policy Working Group.
Discussion on Open Source Office Hours
Terence McCutcheon invited OSC members to attend Open Source Office Hours, aligning with Intersectβs request for public committee engagement. Concerns about timing were raised, and it was suggested to find an alternative time.
Terence McCutcheon to propose alternative times for Open Source Office Hours.
Proposal for Open Source Libraries Working Group
Christian Taylor proposed forming a working group to collate open source libraries within Cardano, to support incubation and commercialization efforts.
The proposal was approved. Christian Taylor will lead the working group.
Discussion on Commercialization Working Group (CWG)
Christian Taylor discussed the CWGβs role in driving commercial adoption of Cardano projects. The group is working on several initiatives, including a paid open-source concept.
CWG to provide a briefing on its activities and how they align with OSC goals in the next meeting.
Rescheduling Next Meeting
The next meeting was proposed to be moved from the 19th to the 20th due to the Open Source Summit.
Next OSC meeting rescheduled to the 20th at the usual time.
Elections and Voting Process Update
Adam Dean provided an update on the OSC elections and voting process, coordinating with Intersect contractors.
Adam Dean and Terence McCutcheon to finalize and communicate the voting details.
Any Other Business
General updates and discussion on the current status of ADA and Cardano.
Last updated