Apr 20, 2023
The Parameter Committee (interim state) meets on a bi-weekly basis. The Parameter Committee discusses all parameters relating to the Cardano protocol including network, technical and economic parameter type. They are a technical advisory group and only make recommendations.
Updated list of the Members (interim state):
Chairs: Chair: IO Employee Vice- chair: Alex Moser (Cardano Foundation) Vice - chair: Vijay Bhuvangagiri (Emurgo)
Advisors leads: Network group: Neil Davies Economic group: Samuel Leathers Technical group: Markus Gufler
Advisory group members (advisors): Network group: Karl Knutson, Matthias Sieber, IO Employee Technical group: Emurgo Employee, Jared Corduan, Michael Peyton Jones Economic group: Sergio Sanchez, Fabian Bormann, Philip Lazos
Other: Communications: Rebecca Hopwood, Tommy Kammerer, Nathaniel Acton Domain experts: WIP Secretary: Cristina Echeverry
Agenda and updates from meeting held on April 20th 2023:
17:00 to 17:15 Discuss the pending profiles:
Emurgo’s network advisor group member
Emurgo´s communications person
Emurgo’s Vice chair nominee
17:15 to 17:45 - Discuss the list of domain experts to be invited to the committee
17:45 to 17:55 - Discuss the committee’s decision/recommendation making scope
17:55 to 18:00 - Discuss other pending action points from previous meetings
The meeting attendees led by the Chair and the Vice Chairs, confirmed the following Committee members:
Vijay Bhuvangagiri in the role of the second sitting Vice Chair - nominated by Emurgo.
Emurgo will be nominating a member for the Advisor role in the network parameters group.
The assigned communications person from Emurgo is the VP of Marketing
Neil Davies in the role as lead of the network advisor group, he did an intro explaining his background and expertise on the Cardano network
The list of the domain experts (identified and pooled from the general community) is still under discussion.
CF, IO and Emurgo share a common vision for some of the domain experts
It was agreed that the domain experts would engage by sharing opinions and provide inputs to the set agenda.
The different domain experts will be added gradually to the meetings, so the committee can onboard them in an effective manner
There may be a role for general observers, however the committee still needs to define how many observers can join and the details of their role.
The committee chairs are defining working practices such as standardization and formalization of certain processes, how topics or questions should be addressed and solved and how discussions for consensus can be held in order to give recommendations.
The Committee agreed their primary objective: to give technical advice and recommendations on parameter settings to the community
The Committee discussed the poll to gather feedback from the SPO community on the target number of stake pools (K) and minimum pool fee parameters:
More updates on the poll were shared by the CF, including the type of questions that will be asked and the time frame for the poll.
Action items
Cristina Echeverry to post the meeting notes
Committee to provide a refined list of domain experts
Chair and Vice chairs to provide initial processes on how to perform the committee activities and how to add ecosystem members, processes will be discussed on the next meeting
The SPO poll will be discussed at the next SPO monthly meeting
Proposed agenda for May 4, 2023
Discuss the Processes drafted by the Chair and Vice-Chairs
GDPR Compliance and Publication of Updates to the Community
Rules of Engagement: Chatham House Rules and Roles of Observers
Discuss Proposed Domain experts
Other topics: SPO poll updates, communication channel (Discord), other topics open to discussion
Last updated