Jun 8, 2023
The Parameter Committee (interim state) meets on a bi-weekly basis and as of June 8th it will be holding meetings on a 3 week basis. Its members are a mix of different Cardano community members. The Parameter Committee discusses all parameters relating to the Cardano protocol including network, technical and economic parameter type. They are a technical advisory group and only make recommendations.
Updated list of the Members (interim state):
Chairs: Chair: Kevin Hammond Vice- chair: Alex Moser Vice- chair: Vijay Bhuvangiri
Advisory Group Heads: Network group: Neil Davies Economic group: Samuel Leathers Technical group: Markus Gufler
Advisory Group Members: Network group: Karl Knutson, Matthias Sieber, Marcin Szamotulski Technical group: Ruslan Dudin, Michael Peyton Jones Economic group: Sergio Sanchez, Philip Lazos, Giovanni Gargiulo
Other: Communications: Tommy Kammerer, Nathaniel Acton, Addie Girouard Domain experts: Martin Lang, Andrew Westberg Observers: WIP Secretary: Cristina Echeverry
Agenda and Updates:
Reminder of meeting recording
Discuss the SPO poll results (PCP 001)
Cristina to create each advisory groups discord channels
The main discussion topic has been the SPO poll, results are under interpretation, however here is a brief summary of what was discussed:
Asked questions:
Which (k and min fee) setup would you prefer to be put in place from Q3 2023 onwards?
Keep k at 500 and minPoolCost at 340 ada
Keep k at 500 and halve minPoolCost to 170 ada
Increase k to 1000 and keep minPoolCost at 340 ada
Increase k to 1000 and halve minPoolCost to 170 ada
I would prefer to abstain
None of the provided options
Preliminary results:
Total SPO votes: 797
Keep k at 500 and halve minPoolCost to 170 ada
12.30 %
Increase k to 1000 and keep minPoolCost at 340 ada
23.84 %
Increase k to 1000 and halve minPoolCost to 170 ada
45.80 %
I would prefer to abstain
0.63 %
None of the provided options
8.66 %
Total participated stake: 10.87b ada
Keep k at 500 and halve minPoolCost to 170 ada
Increase k to 1000 and keep minPoolCost at 340 ada
Increase k to 1000 and halve minPoolCost to 170 ada
I would prefer to abstain
None of the provided options
There was a variety of SPO voters. If we see the different filters the results mainly point to Increase k to 1000 and halve minPoolCost to 170 ada, however the results are not conclusive - especially for keeping or increasing k.
Next steps:
Results are now under interpretation by the parameter committee and the Cardano community.
The advisory groups will have to consider the poll outcome from the perspective of their parameters. Sam Leathers and his group will consider this from an economic perspective, Markus and his group from a technical perspective and Neil from a networking perspective. Then they will come back with recommendations at the next meeting, and the whole committee can come to an official recommendation.
Action items
Cristina to confirm all the advisory groups discord channels
Advisory groups to revise the PCP 001 and provide a recommendation
Last updated