Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference: Parameter Committee

Purpose and Scope

The Parameter Committee serves as a critical advisory body responsible for providing technical guidance and recommendations regarding the upgradable parameters of the Cardano protocol. This committee takes into account various factors, including economic, security, network, and technical considerations, to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Cardano blockchain ecosystem.

• The committee focuses on providing technical advice and recommendations for protocol parameters.

• Its decision-making process considers multiple aspects such as economic stability, security measures, network efficiency, and technological advancements.

• The primary goal is to protect and enhance the long-term sustainability of the Cardano blockchain platform.

• By addressing upgradeable parameters, the committee plays a vital role in maintaining and improving the protocol's functionality and resilience.

Scope of Work

The Parameter Committee's responsibilities encompass:

  1. Reviewing and recommending changes to existing protocol parameters

  2. Providing technical expertise on specific topics

  3. Making recommendations for parameter changes in the best interest of Cardano

  4. Reviewing and recommending changes to the parameter guardrails

  5. Monitoring progress and performance of parameter-related initiatives

  6. Supporting the Cardano community

  7. Attending and participating in regular meetings

  8. Ensuring proper documentation of committee proceedings


The Parameter Committee shall consist of:

  1. A Chair (Voting)

  2. 1-2 Vice-Chairs (Voting)

  3. A Secretary

  4. Heads of the Advisory Groups (Voting)

  5. 3-4 Community Domain Experts (Voting)

  6. Communications and Community liaisons Officers

  7. Invited Observers

Other members of Advisory Groups may also attend as observers.

Roles and Responsibilities

Roles and responsibilities are detailed in our committee members section including but not limited to Chair, Secretary, Voting Members, and various subject matter expert roles.

Meeting Procedures

The committee shall convene regularly (frequency to be determined). Quorum for decision-making: At least two-thirds of voting members present. Voting procedures as outlined in the charter for both in-person/video meetings and offline voting.

Decision Making

Simple majority required for most decisions Super majority (2/3) required for charter modifications, membership changes, and budget recommendation expansions or reductions. Roberts Rules of Order (version 12) to govern all other decisions.


The parameters committee will report periodically to the Intersect Board and the broader Cardano community on its activities, decisions, and recommendations.

Working Groups

The committee may establish working groups as needed to focus on specific aspects of its work. Each working group will include at least one voting member of the committee.

Review and Amendment

These Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually and may be amended by a super majority vote of the committee members.


This interim committee is established from July 2024 until January 2025, after which members may campaign for re-election in Q3 2024.

Guiding Principles

The committee will adhere to the principles of transparency, collaboration, flexibility, community-driven decision making, utilization of visible tools, and commitment to education and training as outlined in the charter.

Last updated