Working Groups

This page will be updated on a regular basis as the committee on-boards new working groups.

Note - the working groups below are established and report regularly in to the MCC. Until further outreach begins, please reach out to the MCC email if you want more information or would like to get involved, or reach out directly to the WG leads in question.

Community Support WG Remit:

Working group lead: Lara Bonasorte

Lara to lead and execute work on each item, with consultation with individual MCC member volunteers.

  1. Review and confirm code of conduct.

  2. Review and confirm process for dealing with code of conduct violation.

  3. Provide guidance on how to improve the townhalls for member value.

Key focus area POC: Lara Bonasorte

Annual Members Meeting WG Remit:

Working Group Lead: Yuta

  1. Understand the AMM details

  2. Define AMM success and recommendations

  3. Get oversight on the progress of AMM

  4. Provide supplementary information and connections that will help make the AMM a success

Key focus area POC - Nick Cook / Joanna Rhoden

Group Design WG Remit:

Working group lead: Matthew Capps

  1. Create 5-10 operational guides, which operationalize the basic policy framework for specific member archetypes.

  2. Create member journey maps of the major member archetypes.

  3. Get sign-off from Intersect staff to make the basic policy framework and corresponding operational guides official Intersect policy.

Key focus area POC: Karen Wickham and Tex McCutcheon

Grants WG Remit:

Working group lead: Katarina Ciric

  1. Work with Intersect POC to assess and improve the Intersect grant program

  2. Work with the Budget Committee to create a framework for the "Outreach and Education" and "Community Grants" buckets of the Cardano budget.

Key focus area POC: Gemma Dakin

Last updated