🫨(06/07/2024) Meeting Minutes


Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hcaFJDsFXh3GvmXekHovAN1OKTZaucvy/view

Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-iPp0dgAIu2bEzkeRFh0Bo2YDZycBuHSh5lBVbx60_8/edit?usp=sharing


Old Business:

  • Policy WG (Adam D.):

  • Security WG (N. Clarke):

  • Project Framework WG (Bogdan C.):

  • Project Incubation WG (Christian T.)

  • Update from OSO Team

    • Consensus Updates

    • HyperLedger Announcement

    • Progress on Deliverables

    • MatterMost - Matter Bridge Vote

    • Bitergia Footprint Analysis Updates

    • Review of Changes to OSC Meeting Schedule

New Business:

  • Port of DevEx Working Group

  • GovTool Updates (Lorenzo-Intersect)

  • DAP Developer Advocate Program

  • Infrastructure-Additional xfer from IOHK (Hydra, haskell.nix)

  • Open Forum

Discussion Point


Actions: Responsible / Note


Terence McCutcheon welcomed everyone and thanked them for their patience due to the delayed meeting schedule. He outlined the agenda which included updates from working groups, a new working group proposal, and various open-source team updates from Intersect.


Policy Working Group

Adam Dean reported that the Policy Working Group has been stalled due to involvement in the maintainer pilot and delays in meeting cadence decisions.

Move forward with the vote on the policy working group (Adam Dean).

Security Working Group

Nicholas Clarke presented the security policy draft, explaining its focus on handling security issues that threaten the mainnet. The policy includes establishing a Security Council to manage sensitive information. He proposed a vote for the OSC to present the policy to the Intersect board. Silona Bonewald raised a concern about winding down the Security Working Group before confirming the board's comfort with the policy.

Present the security policy draft to the Intersect board (Christian Taylor, Terence McCutcheon).

Project Framework Working Group

Bogdan Coman, Silona Bonewald, and Alex Seregin discussed the Policy Lifecycle Framework. This document, released for committee review two weeks ago, categorizes projects and establishes processes for their triage and growth. Silona emphasized the framework's purpose in classifying projects and facilitating their progression or deprecation. The committee decided to label the document as version 0.1 (Alpha framework).

Ensure the framework document is labeled as version 0.1, Merge with Project Incubation WG (Bogdan Coman, Silona Bonewald, Alex Seregin).

Project Incubation Working Group

Christian Taylor updated on the incubation working group, mentioning the approval of the framework to move forward with setting acceptance criteria and validating processes.

Utilize provisionally approved framework and continue building. (Christian Taylor).

Open Source Office Updates

Terence McCutcheon and Christian Taylor shared updates on Intersect joining Hyperledger and the Linux Foundation, as well as the Consensus event. Christian mentioned the Membership Portal going live at Consensus and the ongoing focus group on support services for open source projects. The upcoming Open Source Summit in Vienna was highlighted.

Prepare for the Open Source Summit in Vienna (Christian Taylor).

Developer Experience Working Group

Christian Taylor proposed incorporating the Dev Ex working group under the Developer Advocate Program. He outlined the group's formation and the need to integrate it for better communication and project support within the ecosystem.

Integrate the Dev Ex working group into the Developer Advocate Program (Christian Taylor).

GovTool Working Group

Lorenzo Bruno reported on the progress of decentralizing management and development of governance tools. He presented a Miro board detailing the process, roles, and steps involved. The next step includes testing the inclusion of smaller contributors through this process. Nicholas Clarke raised a question about maintaining and merging efforts. Lorenzo explained the facilitation needed to ensure no dependencies conflict.

Continue progress on the governance tools working group and start testing with smaller contributors (Lorenzo Bruno).

Infrastructure - Project Ownership Discussion

Nicholas Clarke discussed the ownership and maintenance of Hydra (build system) and Haskell.nix, critical components currently managed by IOG. Christian Taylor agreed to initiate conversations within the TSC about potentially transferring ownership to Intersect. Adam Dean mentioned ongoing issues with Hydra preventing pull requests from going through.

Initiate TSC conversations about transferring ownership of Hydra and Haskell.nix to Intersect (Christian Taylor). Resolve Hydra build system issues within the pilot program (Adam Dean).

Additional OSO Updates

Terence McCutcheon mentioned that the meeting schedule would return to a regular two-week cadence, considering national holidays. He also shared updates on syncing active committees to their documentation repos and publishing the first public Bitergia monthly report.

Publish the Bitergia monthly report by the end of the day (Terence McCutcheon).

Pilot Program Updates

Adam Dean provided an update on the maintainer pilot program, collaborating with community members to manage core repositories. Christian Taylor emphasized the importance of this pilot for broader open-source participation.

Complete the maintainer pilot program by June 21 and publish results by June 30 (Adam Dean, Christian Taylor).

Closing Remarks

Terence McCutcheon thanked everyone for their participation. He announced that detailed meeting minutes would be available by the following Wednesday. Attendees were encouraged to reach out via Slack, Discord, or email for any further queries or input.

Distribute detailed meeting minutes by Wednesday of next week (Terence McCutcheon).

Last updated