😌(07/12/2024) Meeting Minutes


Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kzd_DHsyWJTdF4I9Pe1gkdADU7vBhuA1/view?usp=sharing

Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uXR-twy9oEx1rZ-ghdDVRGpjqoqkKvTD_NuYOvldIvQ/edit?usp=sharing

Chat Transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bh6-pIjCOXV9bI2m_mnGO9MSsg6C_X-Q/view?usp=sharing


Christian: Head of Open Source Office, Intersect Staff

Tex: Open Source Program Manager, Intersect Staff, Open Source Committee Secretary

Nick: Director of Engineering at Tweag/Modus Create

Sandip: Dquadrant

Adam: Adam Dean LLC, CIP Editor, ICC Member, OS Maintainer Pilot, DripDropz

Ronald: CEO Dquadrant, Intersect Member

Daniel: Not Present

Phillip: No Intro Provided


  • Policy WG

  • Project Incubation WG

  • Oracles WG

  • Dev Ex WG

  • Maintainer Pilot Analysis

  • OS Pilot Analysis

  • Open Source Office

  • OSC Seat Candidate Parameters

  • Open Forum

Discussion Point


Actions: Responsible / Note

Policy Working Group

- **Voting and PR Design:** Voting needs to start soon. Karen likes the PR design; a staggered format will be used. - **Elections Timing:** Elections for other committees will occur at the AMM in three months. - **Coordination Issues:** Difficulty in coordinating on Discord due to random usernames and lack of notifications. - **Vendor for Voting:** Uncertainty about the vendor for hosting and organizing the voting.

- **Align Process:** Align the process for voting based on Karen's feedback. - **Improve Coordination:** Find a better way to organize and coordinate working group members on Discord. - **Confirm Vendor:** Ensure the vendor for voting is confirmed and communicated.

Membership Updates

- **Membership Renewal:** There is a push for everyone to renew their membership by the end of August. - **Enterprise Level Memberships:** Work is ongoing to sort out Enterprise level memberships.

- **Ensure Registration:** Ensure everyone is registered by the end of August. - **Clarify Enterprise Memberships:** Figure out where Enterprise memberships fit in and communicate this to the team.

Project Incubation

- **Metrics and Deliverables:** Discussion on metrics portion and deliverables for project incubation. - **Qualification Suggestions:** Suggestions on qualifications at each step are needed. - **Community Involvement:** Community involvement is essential to finalize metrics and qualifications.

- **Add Suggestions:** Silona to insert comments and suggestions on metrics and deliverables. - **Organize Meeting:** Organize a Discord meeting to involve the community in the discussion and finalize the metrics.

Security Policy

- **Internal Server:** Setting up an internal server with the Security Council. - **Governing Board Meeting:** Governing board meeting with Intersect. - **Policy Replication:** Replicating the DDOS handling approach from IOG side. - **Security MD Templates:** Providing Security MD templates for all projects to follow.

- **Inform Core Team:** Ensure the core team knows about the security work being done. - **Align Processes:** Set up an appointment with Jer to align the current processes and ensure nothing is missed.

Oracle Working Group

- **Meeting Frequency:** Oracle working group has moved to bi-weekly meetings. - **Standards Process:** Discussions on adopting a more formal process similar to standards committees. - **Communication Methods:** Emphasis on effective communication methods to avoid contentiousness.

- **Continue Idea Sessions:** Continue idea sessions and gather feedback from members. - **Align Members:** Ensure all members are in alignment and agree on the processes and communication methods.

Dev X Working Group

- **Developer Advocate Program:** The program is set to start next week. - **Ecosystem Issues:** Addressing issues like scattered documentation and tooling. - **Defining Developer Roles:** Importance of defining developer roles and support mechanisms, especially for new developers and entrepreneurs.

- **Launch Program:** Launch the Developer Advocate Program. - **Leverage Catalyst:** Use Catalyst for additional support for developers. - **Define Criteria:** Work on defining criteria for developer productivity and success, including time to being productive and support mechanisms.

Open Source Library

- **Reducing Redundancy:** Importance of reducing redundancy in tooling and proposals within the Cardano ecosystem. - **Centralized Library:** Need for a centralized open source library and ecosystem mapping tool to track existing tools and avoid duplication.

- **Form Working Group:** Form a working group for the open source library. - **Gather Participation:** Gather community participation and feedback to ensure the library is comprehensive and useful.

Open Source Office Updates

- **Project Support Services:** Services are going live with tiered offerings, including Marketing, Community Building, Governance, Strategy, Sustainability, Training, Project Management, and Legal. - **Service Levels:** Different service levels will be offered: community services (free), member services (free with membership), and direct paid services.

- **Launch Services:** Launch the support services and build a supplier list. - **Scope Teams:** Scope out the legal and project management teams to support these services.

Open Source Pilot Results

- **Maintainer Process:** Experience with the maintainer process, highlighting the need for diversified maintainers and a paid model to increase code review efficiency. - **Engagement and Contribution:** Results showed good engagement but room for improvement in code contribution and decision-making processes. - **Communication Channels:** Need for more effective communication channels and a bug bounty program.

- **Expand Maintainer Contracts:** Expand maintainer context and contracts based on pilot insights. - **Roll Out Policies:** Roll out the governance and security policies to other repositories. - **Evaluate Bug Bounty:** Evaluate alternative approaches to a bug bounty program, possibly focusing on contribution use cases.

Roadmap for Q3

- **Strategic Collaborations:** Identifying strategic collaboration opportunities within and outside the Cardano community. - **Onboarding External Projects:** Onboarding external projects to Intersect. - **Building Supplier List:** Building a supplier list for the service catalog. - **Policy Adoption:** Legal compliance policy adoption and updating documentation.

- **Identify Opportunities:** Identify and onboard strategic collaboration opportunities. - **Quantify Goals:** Set quantifiable goals for onboarding external projects. - **Update Roadmap:** Update the roadmap and track membership transparency.

Transparency and Membership

- **Transparency on Memberships:** Need for transparency related to private and Enterprise memberships on the website. - **Current Tracking:** Current tracking via Discord is inefficient; HubSpot integration for tracking memberships is needed.

- **Website Update:** Ensure transparency on the website regarding membership numbers and types. - **Raise Issue:** Raise the issue of tracking memberships as an OSC request to ensure it is addressed promptly.

Last updated