About Technical Steering Committee

The Technical Steering Committee is currently in an interim phase and currently does not yet have member representation.

For more information on how to join please contact Nick Cook (Head of Community & Membership) at nick.cook@intersectmbo.org

What is the Technical Steering Committee?

The Technical Steering Committee (TSC) ensures that the governance of Cardano is based upon sound technical awareness and best practices. The committee's duties are expected to include:

  • Facilitating delivery & technical assurance from continuity delivery partners and suppliers

  • Coordination of major integrations and technical events, such as hard forks

  • Facilitating peer review of technical recommendations from other committees, such as Open Source & the Parameter committee

  • Drafting of milestone deliverables, acceptance criteria, and quality assurance for the execution recommendation

  • Facilitating a tender/award process for major contracts with members

  • Coordination of working groups focused on the above

Why is this committee important?

The committee is a rallying point for key members, suppliers, and third parties to coordinate the delivery of development services to support the Cardano blockchain. The committee facilitates contract arrangements and service level agreements, creates proposals of technical concern, and reviews, and evaluates proposals prepared by the Cardano community, such as parameter updates or hard forks.

Which topics does this committee cover?

The membership of the TSC will need to consider how it handles sensitive or confidential contractual information. It will also need to define how it handles sensitive security information.


  • Welcome to the Committee/Introductions as required

  • Delivery Update (upcoming and significant delivery milestones)

  • Actions review of the TSC

  • Updates from Working Groups

  • AOB

The committee observes Intersect's Membership Code of Conduct.

Much of the above information is proposed at this time and will be ratified by the first community TSC members.

Last updated