24 April 24


Duncan Soutar, Matt Davies, Kevin Hammond


  1. Parameter Committee - Secretary

    1. As no community member has come forward for the open secretary role, Intersect have appointed Alex Kingdon to the role until a community member comes forward

  2. Security officer and security policy

    1. Matt Davis to take on this role subject to ratification by Nigel Hemsley

  3. Publication of Q1 Continuity Delivery Achievements

    1. Report to be shared with community on achieved milestone during Q1

  4. TSC Interim Phase

    1. Intersect confirmed that plans are being drafted to create community roles within TSC

    2. Plans will also include brining continuity supplier representation into the TSC

  5. Review IOI Attendees

    1. With change in roles within IOI, need to review and update IOI attendees for TSC & Delivery Assurance calls as well as other cadence as required

  6. Hard Fork Working Group

    1. Next meeting Tuesday 30th April

    2. Agenda to include draft of HardFork window and open Q&A


  • Kevin Hammond to share Joaqin’s Parameter Committee Secretary Handover Document

  • Duncan Soutar to share public Q1 Continuity Achievement Report with Kevin Hammond

  • Kevin Hammond to review this report and the wording for IOI’s Q1 achievements and feedback if any changes required

  • Duncan Soutar & Matt Davis to share plans for opening up TSC to community and to Continuity suppliers with Kevin Hammond

  • Kevin Hammond to feedback on Romain’s preferred method of communication between Intersect & IOI as well as IOI attendance for TSC & Delivery Assurance calls

Last updated