22nd Jan 25
Kevin Hammond: TSC Voting Member - Chair of TSC - IOE
Neil Davies: TSC Voting Member - PN Solutions
Johnny Kelly: TSC Voting Member - IOE
Adam Dean: TSC Voting member
Markus Gufler: TSC Voting member - Cardano Foundation
Nicholas Clark: TSC Voting Member - Tweag/Modus
Ben Hart: TSC Voting member - MLabs
Duncan Soutar: Secretary of TSC - Intersect
Matt Davies - Head of Technical Operations - Intersect
Hwang Hongket - Secretary of Core Infrastructure Roadmap - Intersect
Lewis Mayne - Secretary of Hard Fork Working Group - Intersect
Ricky Rand - General Manager - IOE
Duncan Coutts - WellTyped
Christian Taylor: Head of Open Source Office, Intersect Staff
Tex McCutcheon: Open Source Program Manager, Intersect Staff, Open Source Committee Secretary
Agenda 1.22.24
Discussion Point
Actions: Responsible / Note
MSA Review
A new MSA was sent to Ricky and the IOE team.
-Ricky Rand: Confirm with the IOE team if the terms are acceptable.
Cardano Hard Fork
- Upgrade is progressing well with 85% liquidity. - Hard fork is likely to be enacted on Wednesday night. - The Hard Fork Working Group will continue until a couple of epochs after the boundary.
- Prepare the deck and notifications for the Security Council. - Have a small team on call over the boundary. - Send out public communications on Monday and Tuesday.
Product Committee Roadmap
- The draft product committee roadmap has been passed and is being reviewed. - The roadmap is provisional and will likely be updated.
- TSC members should review the roadmap and provide feedback by next week.
Maintenance Contract Priorities
- Discussion on the priorities for the maintenance contract: including technical debt, integration of Genesis, UTXO, LSM, and preparatory work on Peras and Leios. - Concern was raised about using the maintenance contract for roadmap work.
- Asynchronous vote on the maintenance contract priorities to be held on Friday.
IOI Maintenance Contract Update
- The first version of the IOI maintenance contract has been received from the legal team. - There are some gaps and mismatches in the contract that need to be addressed.
- Neil and Adam to review the contract and provide feedback by tomorrow morning. - Share the contract with the rest of the TSC for review by the end of the week.
LSM Delivery Update
- The table union feature is behind schedule. - Milestone 10 covers IO fault testing and other platforms. - Milestone 11 is the final preparation and demonstration.
- Trial integrations can start now. - Timetable update: 6 weeks for milestone 10 and 4 weeks for milestone 11.
- Discussion on recognizing the efforts of TSC contributors. - Concerns were raised about potential cronyism and the need for a clear process.
- A motion to formally thank Mike Horn and Carl Kitson for their contributions to handling the DOS issue was passed.
Slack vs. Discord
- Jonathan was removed from Slack due to a licensing issue. - Discussion on whether to fund Slack licenses or migrate to Discord.
- Decision to fund Slack licenses for TSC members.
New Proposals Triage
- Progress has been made on triaging new proposals. - Some proposals are too early stage or are requests for funding rather than work areas.
- Educate people on the proper way to submit proposals. - Continue the triaging process and report back to the group.
Maintenance Contract Priorities: While the main discussion on Maintenance Contract Priorities was tabled, with a vote to happen asynchronously on Friday, a secondary motion was passed. It was decided to formally recognize the efforts of Mike Horn and Carl Kitson for their contributions to handling the potential Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability.
Slack vs. Discord: The TSC decided to fund Slack licenses for its members instead of migrating to Discord. This decision was made due to security concerns and the preference for Slack's interface and notification system.
It's important to note that some agenda items were discussed but didn't result in immediate decisions:
MSA Review: The discussion prompted action to confirm with the IE team regarding the terms of the MSA.
Product Committee Road Map: TSC members were asked to review the roadmap and provide feedback by the following week.
IOI Maintenance Contract Update: Neil and Adam were tasked with reviewing the contract and providing feedback.
Recognition: A broader discussion about recognizing TSC contributors led to the specific decision mentioned above, but no formal process for recognition was established during the meeting.
New Proposals Triage: The discussion acknowledged progress in the triaging process, but no specific decisions were made about individual proposals.
Last updated