6th Nov 24
Attendees: Duncan Soutar Duncan Coutts Hwang Hongket, Ben Hart, Adam Dean, Johnny Kelly, Neil Davies, Kevin Hammond, Matt Davies, Markus Gufler
Action Items
Meeting Transparency
Discussed recording transcripts to enhance transparency. Transcript will be summarized, not verbatim, and managed for confidential content.
Duncan to implement new meeting note process
TSC Chair Position
Only one nomination (Kevin). Members discussed preference for a non-IOG employee as Chair. Kevin reiterated the adherence to the code of conduct. Additional nominations from Adam and Benjamin were accepted
Proceed with the secret ballot and finalize the chair election.
Vice Chair Role Creation
Discussed creating a Vice Chair role, primarily to stand in for the Chair when needed. All members present voted in favor.
Implement a Vice Chair position with agreed scope and responsibilities.
Paras Contract Update
Contract from IOG reviewed for Tweag to undertake initial work on Peras; no objections from members. Vote taken to approve deliverables and scope which passed unanimously. Awaiting Intersect’s legal review.
Intersect Procurement Team to review and finalise contract
Mainnet Hard Fork Awareness
Upcoming mainnet hard fork action in Epoch 520 was discussed. Goal is to complete governance action before Christmas.
Confirm governance action by Friday.
DREPS Delegation and Genesis Holders
Delegation rates are low; discussed possibility of founding entities delegating to increase security. Emphasis on encouraging higher delegation among the community.
Discuss with Genesis holders about temporary delegation to DREPS.
Daedalus Delegation Support
Community request for Daedalus to support delegation. Action items to follow up with developers on implementation timeline.
Confirm development timeline for delegation support in Daedalus.
2025 Budget Proposal
Presented 29 projects for review and discussed transparency in budget allocation. Members debated need for showing ADA estimates or FTEs rather than precise dollar amounts. Agreed on need to communicate some value of effort to the community.
Finalize high-level budget details and presentation, including ADA/FTE information for next Wednesday
Project Prioritization
Proposal to use questionnaires to collect community feedback on projects. Plan to socialize budget and roadmap with DREPs and the broader community.
Complete and approve questionnaire for community feedback.
Core Maintenance Contract
Discussion around maintaining core capabilities post-IE contract expiry. Emphasis on continuity of essential personnel to prevent disruptions to core cardano.
TSC to finalize scope and communicate maintenance needs transparently to community.
Item Champions and Project Defense
Project champions encouraged to provide videos and supporting content for transparency in budget discussions. Plan to publish project details on knowledge base for community review.
Champions to submit videos and project cards to improve transparency.
Twitter and Community Feedback
Noted community frustration around perceived budget "black box." Importance of engaging community early with relevant budget and maintenance details.
Share project list publicly and schedule Q&A sessions for community input.
Essential Project Scope Definition
Reviewed list of essential projects and personnel continuity concerns. Aim to align on project scope and communicate funding justification to the community.
Complete essential project scope and ready transparency plan.
Last updated