Civics Meeting Minutes November 7, 2024
Welcome new CCC members
The CCC welcomed Taichi, Daniela, Nicholas, and look forward to meeting Takeshi in the next meeting. Eystein was welcomed back as a re-elected seat.
Governance Support WG Updates: Interim Constitutional Committee process workshop
The starting point for 3 processes of the CC were presented as the backbone of an upcoming ICC process workshop.
The intention is to improve ICC processes to help set a clear precedent for the next CC.
The 3 processes cover deliberation, rationale writing and voting.
Constitution Ratification WG Updates
The constitution roadmap was presented to inform the new committee members of the process and current position on the roadmap
All workshops have been concluded, and data analyzed.
The data is fed into delegate synthesis workshops. The fifth delegate synthesis workshop was held hybrid virtual/in-person in Costa Rica.
The workshop highlighted several changes that delegates wanted to see in the draft, new ideas, and stronger connections.
Concerns were discussed over logistics and visas for the Constitutional convention
New CCC chair elections
The chair election process was shared with the committee
The committee members agreed to electing a chair Nov 21st to provide time to consider candidates
The existing chair discussed the commitment required, and was also thanked by the committee for his diligent and impactful work thus far.
Some members of the committee have indicated that they would most likely want to withdraw their candidacy
Last updated