Voltaire Ecosystem Mapping Working Group


Map ecosystem roles, needs, and activities related to Voltaire. This can inform governance tooling strategy and help Cardano’s rich and complex community be seen and heard.

Membership and Communities Committee (proposed)

Working group lead

Rupert Whitehead (IOG)

(Working group members)

See Discord - #wg-voltaire-ecosystem-mapping

Working group objective / desired outcome

  1. Identify roles/needs/activities for the ecosystem to see where there are gaps/friction points in areas such as Governance tooling

  2. Share findings with Intersect/relevant points of contact so that they can address these gaps

  3. Create a list of governance tools that can be published in Essential Cardano, Cardano Cube

Ensure that there is sufficient diversity of voices and ecosystem coverage to create a valuable view.

Outcomes of this working group

  • Published list of governance tools and shared it with stakeholders (Cardano Cube, Essential Cardano, CF and adjacent working groups)

  • Identified roles/needs/activities related to governance in the ecosystem and published as a Miro board

  • Created a spreadsheet of actions and followed up with key stakeholders to share actions

  • Created a draft Socio-Technical Ecosystem Map for Voltaire

Collaboration channels

Discord - #wg-voltaire-ecosystem-mapping

Final outcomes of the Working group

This working group has achieved its purpose and it's not operational.


The working group has achieved its objectives. The work lays a great foundation for a potential next iteration of the group (which would require a renaming), to look at understanding key needs in the Cardano Ecosystem across the wide range of roles that exist.



Last updated