Committee Maturity Framework

The table below is the maturity framework which we are assessing each of the committees by. Our ambition is to have each of the committees to fully operational by 30th June 2024

Below is a table which contains the maturity matrix which we assess each of the committees by, our ambition is to have all committees to fully operational by 30 June 2024.


Roles and Responsibilities

Bootstrap Phase

Chair and Secretary in place and published on Gitbooks

Interim Phase

Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary in place with appointment process for role and committee membership defined and published on Gitbooks.

Fully Operational Phase

Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary in place with participant and observer committee members confirmed from the community. Representatives nominated for subject areas and published to community on the Intersect Website.


Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary in place. Representatives nominated for subject areas and published to community on the Intersect Website.

Governance Docs (Terms of Reference, Roles and Responsibilities, community engagement, arbitration, escalation & grievance, voting process, quorum agreements and code of conduct)

Bootstrap Phase

Governance Docs drafted and published on Gitbooks

Interim Phase

Governance Docs published to community on the Intersect Website.

Fully Operational Phase

Governance Docs reviewed and published annually




Bootstrap Phase

Purpose / goals / charter recorded in Gitbooks

Interim Phase

Purpose / goals / charter published to community on the Intersect Website.

Fully Operational Phase

Purpose and Goals reviewed annually and published to community on the Intersect Website.


Purpose and Goals reviewed annually and published to community on the Intersect Website with feedback loop

Effective Meetings

Bootstrap Phase

Meetings being held and minuted

Interim Phase

Regular Meetings scheduled, agenda sent, minutes with actions and decisions and shared as draft internally on Gitbooks

Fully Operational Phase

Meetings scheduled, agenda & pre-reading sent, minuted with actions and decisions and published to the community on the Intersect Website.


Meetings scheduled, agenda sent, minuted with actions and decisions and published on Gitbooks. Regular engagements with community.

Maturity Plan / Roadmap

Bootstrap Phase

A plan to achieve bootstrap

Interim Phase

A plan for next 6 months

Fully Operational Phase

A plan for next 12 months


A plan for 12 months and outline plan for 5 years and published to community on the Intersect Website.

Working Groups

Bootstrap Phase

Working Groups identified and managed through MCC

Interim Phase

Committee aligned Working Groups in place with defined and agreed purpose, outputs and plan with oversight / tasking process in place with reporting mechanism

Fully Operational Phase

Committee aligned Working Groups in place with defined and agreed purpose, outputs and plan with oversight / tasking process in place with reporting mechanism. Updates published to the community


Committee aligned Working Groups in place with diversity considered with defined and agreed purpose, outputs and plan with oversight / tasking process in place with reporting mechanism. Updates published to the community

Finances Mgt

Bootstrap Phase

N/A - Managed centrally

Interim Phase

Finances requirements known and shared with Budgets Committee

Fully Operational Phase

Delegations flowed to committee and actively managed


3 Year forecast known

Committee Membership & Diversity

Bootstrap Phase

Interim Chair and Secretary in place

Interim Phase

Process for appointment of key roles in place, Chair and Secretary appointed

Fully Operational Phase

Diversity of committee being actively assessed and recruitment for under represented communities in progress with defined process


Diversity of committee represents diversity of Intersect community.

Operational and Delivery Tasking

Bootstrap Phase

Process for tasking operational and delivery layer in place

Interim Phase

Tasks / work being assigned To operation and delivery teams

Fully Operational Phase

Tasks and work being assigned to operational and delivery teams with plans and being delivered with feedback mechanism as per process


Committee able to demonstrate value being achieved by work levied on operational and delivery teams and presented to the board and community.

Community Engagement

Bootstrap Phase


Interim Phase

Committee purpose, ToRs and Key Roles published on Intersect website to community with engagement charter

Fully Operational Phase

Hit rates, click through and trends assessed from Intersect website, Discord and other engagement sites.


Committee community engagement plan in place and assessed against hit rates and trends

Committee Health

Bootstrap Phase


Interim Phase

Committee Health Charter in place

Fully Operational Phase

Committee Health Checks undertaken regularly


Committee Health Checks shared with community.

Last updated