Marketing Working Group

This page is regularly updated

Purpose / Goal

Originally initiated by Intersect member Anastasia Labs, led by MLaden. The marketing working group kicked off their first meeting on May 3rd, starting with the proposed purpose and objectives by MLaden for the rest of the group to consider:


  • Strategically promote and amplify the value proposition of Cardano

  • Focused specifically on enhancing brand awareness, driving community engagement, and fostering partnerships that contribute to Cardano's growth and adoption.


  • Develop a marketing strategy for Cardano by October 2024

  • Through the strategy, identify and cost a marketing budget to submit for community consideration (via treasury).

The purpose and objectives continue to be refined to be aligned to the wider groups perspectives and ambitions, however the key objectives for the working group continue to have a short/mid term focus with the aim to deliver a marketing budget for community consideration.

The marketing working group is considered more as a "Special Interest Group" or (SiG) as it doesn't have a natural committee home to roll-up to. The working group operates with relative independence to the seven core committees at Intersect, although are supported by Intersect professional staff.

Working group lead & cadence

MLaden continues to lead the working group, supported by Intersect's marketing and community team. In June 2024, a steering layer will be added to support MLaden and accelerate our outputs towards our objectives. The group meet weekly, and typically on Friday's for an hour held between 15:00-17:00 UTC

Working group members

Over 100 people (Intersect members and non) have registered to join the working group, and on average each session has 30+ contributors.

Working group deliverables

All deliverables and materials produced by the group can be found in our shared drive here. Resources include meeting recordings, presentations, miro board, and more. You can review all current outputs here.

Collaboration channels

How to join

There are two routes to contribute and participate in the marketing working group

  1. Jump into Discord where you can catch-up on the latest discourse, plus meeting invites are shared.

  2. Register via the sign-up form and you will be added to the outputs and invites

Last updated