Weekly Catchup [07/10/2024]


  • Updates since last meeting

  • Hurricane Update


The Budget Committee held its weekly catchup on October 7, 2024. Key points discussed include:

  1. Committees have submitted their budget pieces, with final numbers from IO expected in 1-2 days.

  2. The focus for the upcoming week is on preparing the presentation for DReps in Dubai.

  3. Voting for committee seats is ongoing, with socialization efforts underway.

  4. A proposed survey to collect information for future budget iterations was discussed further. Suggestions were made to improve its effectiveness, including adding role/domain questions for better data segmentation.

  5. The 2025 budget draft document is in progress, with plans to consolidate multiple presentations into a single unified presentation for the DReps.

  6. Approval was given to share current budget information with observers.

  7. A quote for camera operators in Dubai was approved.

  8. The committee discussed the need to review and approve the presentation slides for Dubai collectively.

  9. Updates on managing ADA and finances were provided, with documentation on the process expected by the end of the following week.

  10. Discussions touched on supporting startups and companies within the ecosystem, particularly regarding follow-on funding and increasing utility of ADA.

The meeting concluded with plans for asynchronous votes on presentation slides and updates on hurricane preparations affecting one member's location.

Last updated