Election & membership benefits

Individual and Enterprise Members*

Are able to:

  • Apply for a seat on a committee

  • Apply to join Intersect's governing board

  • Vote in committee elections

  • Vote on governing board composition

  • Vote in any other the Annual Members Meeting votes

  • Attend Annual Member Meetings


Are not able to:

  • Apply for a seat on a committee

  • Apply to join Intersect's governing board

  • Vote in committee elections

  • Vote on governing board composition

  • Vote in any other the Annual Members Meeting votes

  • Attend Annual Member Meetings

This is to comply with Wyoming state regulations as specified in our bylaws.

*Members of Intersect are those who have joined or renewed their membership for $10 as an individual or $1,000 as an enterprise.

How to join Intersect or upgrade you membership

To join Intersect please click here

To upgrade your membership please login and upgrade through your membership portal.

Last updated