Max Oks - Board

Full Name

Max Oks

What is your experiences within Intersect and Cardano?


Do you have any other Cardano affiliations or possible conflicts of interests, including you as an individual or an enterprise you are associated with?


Are you currently in receipt of or previously received any Intersect or Cardano funding or grant?


What do you think the MBO’s primary strategic goals and objectives are or should be for the next 3-5 years?

El MBO debería centrarse en tres áreas principales para los próximos 3-5 años: aumentar la adopción de la blockchain de Cardano a nivel global, mejorar la escalabilidad y sostenibilidad de la red para manejar un mayor volumen de transacciones sin comprometer la seguridad, y fomentar la colaboración con gobiernos y entidades educativas para fortalecer la infraestructura descentralizada. También es crucial trabajar en la creación de una mayor transparencia y participación comunitaria dentro de la gobernanza de la blockchain.


The MBO should focus on three main areas for the next 3-5 years: increasing the adoption of the Cardano blockchain globally, improving the scalability and sustainability of the network to handle higher transaction volumes without compromising security, and fostering collaboration with governments and educational entities to strengthen the decentralized infrastructure. It is also crucial to work on creating greater transparency and community participation within blockchain governance.

Can you describe the current composition of the Board and the skills and experience gaps that the organization is looking to fill?

Actualmente, el Board cuenta con una sólida representación de expertos en blockchain y tecnología financiera. Sin embargo, creo que la organización podría beneficiarse al incorporar miembros con experiencia en gobernanza corporativa, manejo de riesgos y relaciones con reguladores globales. Esto podría ayudar a fortalecer la toma de decisiones estratégicas y garantizar una expansión controlada en mercados clave


Currently, the Board has a strong representation of blockchain and fintech experts. However, I believe the organization could benefit from bringing in members with experience in corporate governance, risk management, and relationships with global regulators. This could help strengthen strategic decision-making and ensure controlled expansion in key markets.

What are the key challenges and opportunities the MBO is currently facing?

Uno de los desafíos clave es la competencia creciente en el espacio de blockchain, lo que obliga a Cardano a innovar continuamente. Además, la escalabilidad sigue siendo un reto importante para manejar una adopción masiva sin perder rendimiento. Sin embargo, existen grandes oportunidades en la adopción institucional de Cardano como plataforma para soluciones financieras y de contratos inteligentes, especialmente en sectores como la educación, la salud y los servicios financieros en regiones en desarrollo.


One of the key challenges is the increasing competition in the blockchain space, which forces Cardano to continuously innovate. Furthermore, scalability remains a major challenge to handle mass adoption without losing performance. However, there are huge opportunities in institutional adoption of Cardano as a platform for financial and smart contract solutions, especially in sectors such as education, healthcare, and financial services in developing regions.

How does the MBO measure success and performance, both at the Board level and operationally?

El éxito a nivel de Board se mide en función de la ejecución de las estrategias clave que aseguran el crecimiento sostenido y la adopción global de Cardano. En términos operativos, el desempeño se mide mediante indicadores como la cantidad de transacciones procesadas en la blockchain, la estabilidad de la red, el aumento en la cantidad de contratos inteligentes implementados, y la cantidad de asociaciones clave con instituciones gubernamentales y educativas. A nivel social, se valora el impacto positivo de la tecnología en comunidades vulnerables y la democratización del acceso financiero


Success at the Board level is measured by the execution of key strategies that ensure sustained growth and global adoption of Cardano. Operationally, performance is measured by indicators such as the number of transactions processed on the blockchain, the stability of the network, the increase in the number of smart contracts deployed, and the number of key partnerships with government and educational institutions. At the social level, the positive impact of the technology on vulnerable communities and the democratization of financial access are valued.

What do you think is the relationship between the Board and the Executive team?

La relación entre el Board y el equipo ejecutivo debe ser de cooperación estrecha, donde el Board provee la supervisión estratégica y el equipo ejecutivo se enfoca en la implementación efectiva de las decisiones tomadas. El Board establece las prioridades de alto nivel y supervisa el cumplimiento de los objetivos, mientras que el equipo ejecutivo se encarga de la ejecución táctica y operativa, asegurando que las iniciativas diarias estén alineadas con la visión a largo plazo de la organización


The relationship between the Board and the executive team should be one of close cooperation, with the Board providing strategic oversight and the executive team focusing on the effective implementation of decisions made. The Board sets high-level priorities and oversees the achievement of objectives, while the executive team is responsible for tactical and operational execution, ensuring that daily initiatives are aligned with the long-term vision of the organization.

What are the key expectations for the Non-Executive Director (NED) role in terms of time commitment, specific responsibilities, and contributions to Board meetings and committees?

Los Non-Executive Directors deben dedicar un tiempo significativo a participar activamente en reuniones clave del Board y en comités especializados, como auditoría y riesgo. Su papel es crucial para aportar una perspectiva independiente que enriquezca el debate y garantice que se tomen decisiones equilibradas y alineadas con los intereses de todos los stakeholders. Se espera que contribuyan en la revisión y evaluación de la estrategia organizacional, la gestión de riesgos y la transparencia en la toma de decisiones.


Non-Executive Directors must devote significant time to actively participating in key Board meetings and in specialist committees, such as audit and risk. Their role is crucial in providing an independent perspective that enriches the debate and ensures that balanced decisions are made, aligned with the interests of all stakeholders. They are expected to contribute to the review and evaluation of organisational strategy, risk management and transparency in decision-making.

What/who do you think are the MBO’s key relationships with external stakeholders, and how does the Board engage with these stakeholders?

Las relaciones clave de la MBO incluyen a desarrolladores de la comunidad, instituciones educativas, entidades gubernamentales, ONGs y partners empresariales. El Board debe garantizar una comunicación clara y fluida con estos grupos, estableciendo canales de colaboración y asegurando que los intereses de los stakeholders externos se alineen con la visión estratégica de Cardano. Además, es fundamental que el Board juegue un rol activo en la formación de nuevas asociaciones que potencien el uso de la tecnología de Cardano en sectores críticos


Key MBO relationships include community developers, educational institutions, government entities, NGOs, and business partners. The Board must ensure clear and fluid communication with these groups, establishing channels of collaboration and ensuring that the interests of external stakeholders are aligned with Cardano's strategic vision. Furthermore, it is critical that the Board plays an active role in forming new partnerships that enhance the use of Cardano technology in critical sectors.

What do you think is the MBO’s approach to risk management, and what are the top risks that the Board should be aware of?

La gestión de riesgos en la MBO debe ser proactiva, anticipando tanto riesgos técnicos como regulatorios. Los principales riesgos incluyen posibles fallos de seguridad en la red, el impacto de nuevas regulaciones sobre criptomonedas en diversas jurisdicciones, y la escalabilidad para soportar un crecimiento rápido en el número de usuarios. Además, es importante gestionar el riesgo reputacional, asegurando que Cardano mantenga su imagen de confiabilidad e innovación en un entorno competitivo y en constante cambio


Risk management in MBO must be proactive, anticipating both technical and regulatory risks. Key risks include potential network security breaches, the impact of new cryptocurrency regulations in various jurisdictions, and scalability to support rapid growth in user numbers. Additionally, it is important to manage reputational risk, ensuring that Cardano maintains its image of reliability and innovation in a competitive and ever-changing environment.

How should the MBO support Board members in their roles, including providing information, training, and resources?

La MBO debería asegurar que los miembros del Board tengan acceso a información actualizada y relevante, tanto sobre los desarrollos tecnológicos como sobre las tendencias regulatorias y de mercado. También es clave ofrecer capacitación continua en áreas como gobernanza, manejo de riesgos y nuevas tecnologías emergentes dentro del ecosistema blockchain. Contar con recursos adecuados, como reportes de desempeño y estudios de mercado, permitirá que los miembros del Board tomen decisiones informadas y alineadas con la visión a largo plazo de la organización


The MBO should ensure that Board members have access to up-to-date and relevant information on both technological developments and regulatory and market trends. It is also key to offer ongoing training in areas such as governance, risk management and new emerging technologies within the blockchain ecosystem. Having adequate resources, such as performance reports and market research, will allow Board members to make informed decisions aligned with the long-term vision of the organization.

Last updated