Ekow Harding - Cardano Civics

Candidates Full Name

Ekow Harding

Are you currently part of the committee they are applying for?


Is there a particular role within the committee that you are interested in, if so which and why? (if applicable)

Committee Member

I aspire to help shape and maintain the integrity of Cardano's governance processes. My experience in managing relationships and facilitating collaboration, and my passion for transparent decision making align with the committee's purpose. My background in leadership would also help contribute to ensuring that governance remains accessible to every member.

Addditionally, his opportunity would help influence in Cardano's future by participating in the development and facilitation process of engaging a broader community.

What is your experiences within Intersect and Cardano?

Moderator for Intersect Constitutional Convention Worskhop

Community Reviewer for Fund8, Fund9, Fund10, Fund11, Fund12.

I was a Funded Co - Proposer for the project dRep Recruitment, Training, and Ethical Code Development Workshops in Fund10. We have successfully completed the project.

I was a Challenge Team Member for the challenge Fund10 dRep Improvement and Onboarding

Participated in several workshops as a delegate and a volunteer hosted by the Ghana Cardano community over the past three years.

Worked on the Project Catalyst Oracle project by wada: a project set out to increase visibility of funded and completed proposals. Oracles audit individual proposals, through interviews, and write articles on their findings.

The Lead Proposer for a project in Fund 11 & 12 though they didn't pass in the voting phase.

What are your pledges and plans should you be elected?
  • I pledge to ensure that the governance of Cardano is transparent and accessible by advocating for clear communication channels and encouraging meaningful participation from all community members through awareness campaigns

  • I will work to ensure that governance decisions reflect the diversity of the Cardano community, enabling fair representation and eliminating situations of conflicts of interest

  • I will focus on improving the on-chain voting tools and processes, ensuring they are user-friendly, secure, and reliable to maintain the integrity of Cardano’s governance.

Why should the community vote for you?

The community should vote for me because of my extensive hands-on experience within the Cardano ecosystem. As a Moderator for the Intersect Constitutional Convention Workshop in Ghana, I have gained valuable insight into the importance of transparent governance. I have consistently contributed as a Community Reviewer for Fund8 through Fund12, which has equipped me with a deeper understanding of the community’s needs and the projects that drive Cardano forward.

Moreover, I successfully co-proposed and completed the dRep Recruitment, Training, and Ethical Code Development Workshop in Fund10, demonstrating my ability to manage and deliver impactful project. I was the moderator for the workshop that held in Ghana.

As a Challenge Team Member for the Fund10 dRep Improvement and Onboarding initiative, I contributed to improving the representation and participation within the ecosystem.

My active involvement over the past three years with the Ghana Cardano community highlights my commitment to increasing visibility and accountability within Cardano.

Do you have any other Cardano affiliations or possible conflicts of interests, including you as an individual or an enterprise you are associated with?


Are you currently in receipt of or previously received any Intersect or Cardano funding or grant?


Last updated