Kavinda Kariyapperuma - Board

Full Name

Kavinda Kariyapperuma

What is your experiences within Intersect and Cardano?

My experience within the Intersect and Cardano ecosystems has been shaped by a strong focus on fostering governance, education, and innovation, coupled with strong foundation of marketing and promotions not only within Sri Lanka but across the broader South Asian region and around the world. I have been immersed in Cardano’s ecosystem since its formative days, playing a pivotal role in introducing Cardano to a wider audience. As the Founder and CEO of Coin Ceylon, the 1st Blockchain Technology company in Sri Lanka my journey began with launching Sri Lanka's first-ever Cardano stake pool, which promoted decentralization and provided local users with a direct connection to the Cardano network. This was a pivotal moment in raising awareness about the benefits of Cardano and offering local communities a hands-on experience with blockchain technology.

Building on this foundation, I led the creation of Sri Lanka's first Blockchain Forum and the first multi-purpose CNFT collection, ‘Yakka.’ Through these initiatives, we bridged the gap between traditional art and blockchain, creating new opportunities for local creators and expanding Cardano’s reach within the creative and tech sectors. We developed our own minting service, which further showcased the practical and cultural applications of Cardano's technology. Our efforts with CNFTs have demonstrated how blockchain can be utilized to create value in both cultural heritage and modern digital platforms. Education has always been a core part of my mission, which is why I’ve focused heavily on educational initiatives surrounding blockchain. Through Coin Ceylon, I've been a part of organizing workshops, seminars, and town halls aimed at breaking down complex blockchain concepts for both technical and non-technical audiences. We’ve worked towards integrating blockchain into local universities, building strong ties with academic institutions to nurture the next generation of blockchain innovators. This educational drive aligns with Cardano’s broader vision of empowering communities through knowledge and creating opportunities for people to contribute meaningfully to the ecosystem.

A significant milestone in my journey was the launch of the CoinCeylon x Intersect Hub in Sri Lanka, which marked the establishment of the first Intersect Hub in South Asia, and the 3rd one around the world. This hub has become a central point for Cardano governance, education, and community engagement in the region. By hosting regular town halls, Constitutional Workshops, and other physical events, we’ve created a platform where local stakeholders can actively contribute to shaping Cardano’s future. This initiative directly aligns with the Age of Voltaire and demonstrates how grassroots governance can empower communities to take ownership of blockchain innovation.

In addition to these local efforts, I have also participated in global Cardano events, including international conferences and workshops, where I’ve shared our local experiences and learned from other blockchain leaders. This global interaction has enriched my understanding of Cardano's governance and technological innovations, allowing me to bring back valuable insights to the community.

These experiences have given me a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for Cardano and Intersect. My deep involvement in both the governance and educational spheres, as well as my contributions to real-world applications and blockchain services, positions me to continue driving meaningful, sustainable growth within the ecosystem. I believe that the lessons learned from these initiatives, combined with my commitment to transparency and community empowerment, Marketing and Promotional experience would allow me to serve effectively as a Board member, helping guide Intersect and Cardano toward long-term success.

Do you have any other Cardano affiliations or possible conflicts of interests, including you as an individual or an enterprise you are associated with?


Are you currently in receipt of or previously received any Intersect or Cardano funding or grant?

Intersect Community Hub Grant Cardano Constitution Workshop Grant

What do you think the MBO’s primary strategic goals and objectives are or should be for the next 3-5 years?

I believe the MBO’s primary strategic goals for the next 3-5 years should focus on several key areas such as,

  • Expanding Global Presence: Intersect should work towards launching and supporting more community hubs globally, encouraging diverse regions to participate in the Cardano ecosystem. This will help Cardano reach underserved markets and foster innovation worldwide.

  • Driving Innovation and Adoption: The MBO should focus on nurturing projects that push the boundaries of blockchain technology, providing funding and support to developers and startups within the ecosystem. A focus on real-world applications, such as financial inclusion, supply chain transparency, and governance models, will drive Cardano’s adoption and relevance.

  • Fostering Community Engagement and Education: Increasing awareness and understanding of Cardano through educational initiatives should remain a priority. This involves supporting local hubs, like the one we’ve launched in Sri Lanka, in creating educational content and workshops, as well as establishing partnerships with academic institutions.

  • Sustainability and Long-Term Vision: Ensuring the long-term sustainability of Cardano by aligning its roadmap with community needs and the broader blockchain industry will be crucial. The MBO should also focus on financial transparency and accountability to maintain the trust of its members and stakeholders.

  • Marketing and Promotion: The MBO should prioritize robust marketing and promotional efforts to increase awareness of Cardano’s unique value proposition. This includes promoting the benefits of community membership, highlighting key projects, and creating campaigns that resonate with diverse regions. Building a strong global presence through digital platforms, events, and strategic partnerships will help accelerate adoption and engagement across the ecosystem.

Can you describe the current composition of the Board and the skills and experience gaps that the organization is looking to fill?

The current composition of the Intersect Board consists of five seats, with representatives from both the seed funders (IOG and EMURGO) and the education sector, specifically Wyoming State University. Two seats are reserved for Intersect members, which are the ones currently open for election.

In terms of skills and experience gaps, the board would benefit from individuals with a strong background in governance, strategic leadership, and financial oversight, as these are critical areas for guiding Intersect’s long-term growth. Additionally, expertise in marketing and promotion, particularly in scaling community engagement globally, is also a crucial need. Given the global scope of Cardano, experience with community-based initiatives, decentralized governance, and the legal and regulatory landscapes, particularly in regions outside of the U.S., would help bring fresh perspectives. I believe the organization is also looking for leaders who have a deep understanding of the Cardano ecosystem and can bridge the gap between technical development and real-world applications. These gaps present opportunities for individuals who can offer diverse skills and help drive the strategic direction of Intersect into the future.

What are the key challenges and opportunities the MBO is currently facing?

The MBO is currently navigating several key challenges, particularly in expanding its community engagement while ensuring that its core mission is consistently communicated across different regions. As Intersect grows, aligning the various hubs and their activities with the broader organizational objectives can be complex, especially with the increasing interest and involvement from different global communities.

Another significant challenge is maintaining transparency and effective communication among members, ensuring that all voices are heard while managing the logistical aspects of a global, decentralized organization. In terms of opportunities, Intersect has an incredible chance to expand its influence and membership by fostering stronger ties with emerging markets, particularly in regions like Asia. Leveraging marketing and promotion to raise awareness about Intersect’s mission and activities can unlock new partnerships and increase engagement across the board. Additionally, by positioning Intersect as a thought leader in blockchain and decentralized systems, we can attract more talent and resources to further the organization’s goals.

How does the MBO measure success and performance, both at the Board level and operationally?

The MBO measures success and performance through a combination of both qualitative and quantitative metrics at the Board and operational levels. At the Board level, success is often gauged by how effectively strategic goals are being met. This includes evaluating whether the MBO is on track with its long-term vision, maintaining governance standards, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Key performance indicators might include the growth in membership, member satisfaction, and the successful execution of strategic initiatives, such as expanding into new regions or launching new programs. Operationally, success is measured by how well day-to-day activities align with the organization’s broader goals. This includes the effectiveness of community engagement efforts, the success of events and workshops, and the impact of marketing campaigns. Metrics like event attendance, feedback from members, and the tangible results from initiatives such as the creation of educational content or partnerships also provide insights into operational performance.

A balance between meeting immediate needs and progressing toward long-term objectives is crucial, and regular feedback loops ensure that the MBO stays aligned with its mission while adapting to new challenges and opportunities.

What do you think is the relationship between the Board and the Executive team?

I believe the relationship between the Board and the Executive team is one of strategic collaboration and oversight. The Board provides the long-term vision, governance, and overall direction for the organization, ensuring that it remains aligned with its mission and values. They are responsible for holding the Executive team accountable for meeting the organization’s objectives, maintaining transparency, and adhering to regulatory standards. On the other hand, the Executive team focuses on the operational side, implementing the strategic plans set by the Board and managing day-to-day activities. The Executive team relies on the Board for guidance, mentorship, and decision-making support, while the Board depends on the Executive team to execute its vision and report back on performance and challenges. This relationship is built on trust and mutual respect, where the Board provides oversight without micromanaging, allowing the Executive team the flexibility to execute its duties effectively. Regular communication, clear roles, and shared accountability ensure that both parties work together to drive the organization forward.

What are the key expectations for the Non-Executive Director (NED) role in terms of time commitment, specific responsibilities, and contributions to Board meetings and committees?

The key expectations for the Non-Executive Director (NED) role include a commitment of around two days per month, which involves attending Board meetings, reviewing materials, and participating in committee discussions. The NED is expected to provide strategic guidance, independent oversight, and expert advice to the Board, ensuring that the organization stays aligned with its long-term objectives and governance standards. In terms of responsibilities, the NED will contribute to key decisions regarding the strategic direction of Intersect, offering insights on governance, financial oversight, and risk management. They are also expected to actively engage in stakeholder discussions, ensuring the organization's goals resonate with its members and external partners.

The NED’s contributions should foster innovation, guide sustainable growth, and uphold the organization’s accountability and transparency. Their role in Board meetings and committees is to provide independent perspectives, challenge assumptions where necessary, and help ensure that the organization remains on track to meet its goals.

What/who do you think are the MBO’s key relationships with external stakeholders, and how does the Board engage with these stakeholders?

I believe the MBO’s key external stakeholders include various entities such as, regulatory bodies, developers, businesses, and academia, all contributing to the growth and stability of the Cardano ecosystem. Additionally, partnerships with organizations like IOG, EMURGO, and other key contributors are crucial for shaping the direction of the ecosystem. The Board engages with these stakeholders through consistent dialogue, strategic partnerships, and regulatory compliance. For instance, collaborating with governments and regulatory bodies ensures adherence to local and international legal frameworks, while working with developers and academia helps drive innovation and education. The Board also maintains transparency by regularly updating stakeholders on progress and ensuring that the broader Cardano community is actively involved through workshops, town halls, and other engagement efforts. This ensures a cohesive relationship that fosters long-term growth and alignment with Cardano's mission.

What do you think is the MBO’s approach to risk management, and what are the top risks that the Board should be aware of?

I believe the MBO’s approach to risk management is centered on proactive identification, assessment, and mitigation of potential threats that could impact its strategic objectives or operations. This includes both internal risks, such as governance or operational inefficiencies, and external risks, such as regulatory changes, technological disruptions, and market volatility. One of the top risks the Board should be aware of is regulatory compliance, especially as blockchain technologies face increasing scrutiny from governments around the world. Ensuring that Intersect adheres to evolving legal frameworks is crucial to maintaining its reputation and operational legitimacy. Another significant risk is technological obsolescence or security vulnerabilities that may arise within the ecosystem. As blockchain technology advances, the MBO must stay ahead of innovation to ensure the platform remains secure and competitive. Lastly, community engagement and stakeholder alignment present a potential risk if not managed properly. As a member-driven organization, maintaining active participation and ensuring that the interests of members align with broader strategic goals is essential for the MBO’s long-term success. By regularly reviewing these risks and adapting strategies accordingly, the Board can help steer Intersect through these challenges while fostering a resilient and sustainable ecosystem.

How should the MBO support Board members in their roles, including providing information, training, and resources?

The MBO should support Board members by providing them with comprehensive access to information, training, and resources that are crucial for effective decision-making and strategic leadership.

  • Information Access: Board members should receive regular and transparent updates on the MBO’s operational performance, financial health, regulatory developments, and community feedback. This could be achieved through monthly reports, dashboards, and access to relevant documentation or platforms that house key metrics and data.

  • Training and Development: It’s essential that Board members are equipped with up-to-date knowledge of industry trends, regulatory changes, and governance best practices. The MBO could offer training programs or workshops, either internally or through external experts, to ensure Board members are well-prepared for their roles.

  • Resources and Tools: The MBO should provide Board members with the necessary tools and resources to carry out their duties efficiently. This includes access to legal counsel, governance handbooks, and any other materials that assist in meeting compliance standards. Additionally, digital tools for communication, collaboration, and governance management should be made available to ensure streamlined operations.

Last updated