Abdulbasit Adigun Abdulrahman - Cardano Civics

Candidates Full Name

Abdulbasit Adigun Abdulrahman

Are you currently part of the committee they are applying for?


Is there a particular role within the committee that you are interested in, if so which and why? (if applicable)

The position of Chairman of the Civics Committee closely matches the experience I have in leadership and the goals I would like to achieve in the decentralization of power. As the founder of Next Trend Labs and with my experience in project and research management, I possess relevant skills in terms of strategy and operations needed to succeed in this position. The Chairman position would allow me to guarantee that the committee is working in line with its primary objectives to make Cardano governance clear, open, accessible, and community-owned.

It is not simply enough for me as chairman to chair meetings alone; I will also need to make sure that every member of our community has the chance to speak and be listened to. This aligns with my thoughts of decentralization, where the authority to make decisions is spread and decisions are made collectively. I think this would be the right strategy to ensure that all the stakeholders are more engaged and willing to have the best governance structure formulated in the Cardano ecosystem.

Also, if I am considered to be the Chairman, I would also have to work closely with the Civics Committee members in terms of coordination and ensure that the work we are doing on governance is aligned with the scope of the work within the rest of the IntersectMBO. This will be in terms of fulfilling the vision and mission of having a sustainable and stable future for Cardano, with an emphasis on open-source networks among the community. This would let me help steer the committee towards the goal of promoting long-term stability and transparency within the Cardano ecosystem that, in turn, will assist in ensuring its organic growth.

What is your experiences within Intersect and Cardano?

I joined the Cardano ecosystem in early 2022 through Remostart, actively contributing to the growth and governance of the ecosystem. My primary involvement has been with Project Catalyst, where I participated as a community reviewer and project proposer. Though my three proposals were unsuccessful, these experiences offered me valuable insights into what the community values in its voting process. They also deepened my understanding and sense of responsibility toward improving the Cardano platform, preparing me for future opportunities within this space.

One of my most significant learning moments was discovering the Cardano Intersect, which came to my attention through a Town Hall meeting hosted by Wada Global. The brief mention of governance and the DRep pioneer program piqued my curiosity, prompting me to explore further. I quickly immersed myself in the Cardano Intersect community, joining their Discord and engaging in meaningful conversations on transparency. This dialogue allowed me to form valuable connections while contributing to the ecosystem’s ongoing governance discussions.

As a passionate advocate for Cardano’s development, I have actively participated in various Intersect programs, including DRep workshops and the recently concluded Constitutional Workshop. Notably, I took the initiative to sponsor and host a DRep workshop in Nigeria, with support from Intersect. This event provided training materials and raised awareness, highlighting my dedication to fostering a well-informed and engaged community.

My commitment to governance transparency and mass adoption of Cardano has led me to work closely with the Government Transparency SIG and contribute to the Marketing Working Group's proposal for Cardano’s 2025 strategy. Through these collective efforts, I aim to ensure the Cardano ecosystem continues to thrive through enhanced transparency, community oversight, and widespread adoption.

What are your pledges and plans should you be elected?

If elected to the Cardano IntersectMBO Civics Committee, my pledges and plans are as follows:

Commitment to Decentralization: I will prioritize decentralized decision-making, ensuring that governance frameworks are improved/developed in a way that reflects the distributed nature of the Cardano ecosystem. Every member's voice will be heard, and I will always foster discussions to ensure no single entity will dominate decision-making processes. This will help build trust and ensure fair, and transparent outcomes.

Enhancing Community Engagement: My focus will be on fostering a more engaged and informed community. I plan to work on creating platforms for more robust community discussions and consultations before key decisions are made. This includes hosting regular community town halls, both virtually and locally, to encourage input from a broad range of stakeholders.

Transparency and Accountability: Transparency will be at the heart of all committee processes. I pledge to ensure that all decision-making processes, discussions, and voting mechanisms are transparent and well-documented for the community to review. I will work to implement clear accountability measures for committee members to uphold high standards of integrity. In any event, if the committee consensus on a decision does not reflect the community interest, I will ensure that the committee takes responsibility by revoking such a decision and reviewing community input to make an informed decision that satisfies the interest of the majority.

Strengthening Governance Tools: I will push for the development and maintenance of robust on-chain voting systems and governance tools to streamline the decision-making process. These tools will ensure transparency and reduce any potential manipulation or inefficiencies in voting, helping the community actively participate in shaping both the Cardano and Intersect's futures.

Support for Innovation and Collaboration: I will actively support and advocate for community-led innovations and collaborations that can strengthen the Cardano ecosystem and drive adoption. This includes facilitating hackathons, developer conferences, and educational initiatives, ensuring that the community has the resources and support to bring new ideas and solutions to life. In this context, I won’t limit the opportunity to only early adopters of Cardano or IntersectMBO but also extend the opportunities to newcomers with a track record of experience in these fields.

Long-Term Vision and Sustainability: I will work towards ensuring the long-term sustainability and resilience of the Cardano ecosystem by aligning the Civics Committee’s work with the five pillars of Intersect. By focusing on continuity, system stability, and open-source innovation, I aim to contribute to a governance framework that ensures Cardano’s ongoing growth and success.

Why should the community vote for you?

The community should vote for me because my focus is on serving the community, ensuring that IntersectMBO and the broader Cardano ecosystem remain inclusive, transparent, and community-driven. My priority is to make sure that all members, whether long-standing or new, have equal access to opportunities and benefits within IntersectMBO. This includes creating systems that ensure fairness in decision-making, access to resources, and governance participation.

To serve the community, I pledge to champion an open and collaborative environment where every voice is heard, and where participation is encouraged across all levels. By focusing on decentralization and equitable access to opportunities, I will work to ensure that community-led initiatives continue to shape the future of the Cardano ecosystem and that IntersectMBO's processes remain transparent and fair for all members.

Through this commitment, I aim to foster trust, accountability, and a sense of belonging within the community. Voting for me means voting for a community-first approach, where collaboration and transparency guide our governance decisions and where everyone has a fair chance to contribute and benefit from the growth of the Cardano ecosystem.

Do you have any other Cardano affiliations or possible conflicts of interests, including you as an individual or an enterprise you are associated with?

I didn’t have any affiliation with any of the Cardano founding entities, except for the ecosystem community collaborations.

I am a member of the Intersect Governance Transparency Special Interest Group and the Intersect Marketing Workgroup.

Are you currently in receipt of or previously received any Intersect or Cardano funding or grant?

Despite my applications to secure grants or funding in this ecosystem, NON has been successful. Hence, I am not currently receiving any funding or have previously received any funds in the ecosystem.

Last updated