Yuki Oishi - ISC

Candidates Full Name

Yuki Oishi

Are you currently part of the committee they are applying for?


Is there a particular role within the committee that you are interested in, if so which and why? (if applicable)

I would like to be a regular voting member, not a chair or secretary. Reason: Given the large number of meetings, it would be better for a native English speaker to be the chair or secretary.

議長や秘書ではない通常の投票メンバーのロールを希望します。 理由:多くのミーティングを想定するとネイティブ英語話者が議長や秘書になる方が良いでしょう。

What is your experiences within Intersect and Cardano?

I have been working as Japan Hub Manager for several months now and Japan has reached the largest number of Intersect individual members in the world.

Cardano - Cardano Ambassador/Drafter of DRep Code of Conduct/SPO since ITN era/Catalyst proposer/reviewer/Japan Cardano Community Moderator/Organizer of Constitution, CIP1694 Workshop/Eastern Cardano Council Member

Intersect - Intersect Japan Hub Manager/MCC Member/Intersect Steering Committee Member


Cardano アンバサダー/DRep行動規範を起草者/ITN時代からのSPO/Catalyst提案者/Intersect Japan Hubマネージャー/MCC メンバー/日本Cardanoコミュニティモデレーター/憲法,CIP1694ワークショップの主催/Eestern Cardano Councilメンバー/Intersect Steering Committeeメンバー

What are your pledges and plans should you be elected?
  1. I will support the creation of a framework for the community's voice to be reflected in Intersect's decision-making. Specifically, I believe that several frameworks need to be established, such as the flow when the community's voice reaches the Community Hub, the flow when it reaches the committee, the flow when it is raised in the WG, the flow when it reaches Intersect employees such as a feedback form on the Intersect website, and a way for the community to know the outcome of the community's voice that was submitted.

  2. I will convey the voice of the members of Japan, which currently has the largest number of individual Intersect members in the world.


1)私は、コミュニティの声がIntersectの意思決定に反映されるためのフレームワークの作成をサポートします。 具体的には、コミュニティの声がコミュニティHubに届いた場合のフロー、委員会に届いた場合のフロー、WGで提起された場合のフロー、Intersect Webサイトに設置されるフィードバックフォームなどのIntersectの社員へ届いた場合のフロー、そして提出されたコミュニティの声の顛末をコミュニティが知る方法など、いくつかのフレームワークが整備される必要があると考えています。


Why should the community vote for you?
  1. My experience managing the Japan Hub, as an MCC member, and as an ISC member has given me an understanding of the bigger picture of Intersect and allowed me to contribute.

  2. Intersect is already keen to listen to the voices of the community, but designing and applying a framework can help this even further. With a framework in place, ISC can better play its role in helping Intersect to be community-centered.


  1. JapanHubの管理の経験、MCCメンバーとしての経験、ISCメンバーとしての経験から、Intersectの全体像を理解できており、貢献をしてきました。

  2. Intersectはすでにコミュニティの声を聞くことに熱心ですが、フレームワークを設計、適用することでこれをさらに助けることができます。フレームワークを整備することで、ISCはIntersectがコミュニティを中心に据えることを助ける役割をより良く果たすことができるようになります。

Do you have any other Cardano affiliations or possible conflicts of interests, including you as an individual or an enterprise you are associated with?

I believe I have no significant conflicts of interest, but I would like to disclose the following potentially relevant income information: I am a Cardano Ambassador and receive an Ambassador fee from the Cardano Foundation based on my workload. I am an SPO. I have a project that continues to receive funding from a Catalyst project. I receive operating funding for the Community Hub from Intersect. I am an MCC member.


私は重大な利益相反はないと信じていますが、次の関連する可能性のある収入情報を開示します。 CardanoアンバサダーでありCardnao財団よりアンバサダー報酬を仕事量に応じてもらっています。 SPOです。 Catalystのプロジェクトから資金を受領し続けているプロジェクトがあります。 IntersectからコミュニティHubの運営資金を受領しています。 MCCメンバーです。

Are you currently in receipt of or previously received any Intersect or Cardano funding or grant?

Yes. Catalyst, Cardano Ambassador Program, Community Hub, and Constitution Workshop


はい。 Catalyst・Cardanoアンバサダープログラム・コミュニティHub・憲法ワークショップ。

Last updated