Darby Bodden - Product

Candidates Full Name

Darby Bodden

Are you currently part of the committee they are applying for?


Is there a particular role within the committee that you are interested in, if so which and why? (if applicable)

I'd like to contribute as a subject matter expert within the product committee. I've sold DLT SaaS to large listed companies, I've seen what works and doesn't, what interests people and what turns them off. I've also worked in a startup environment trying to bridge the gap between engineering, sales, and marketing to be able to get to the point where valuable use cases are actually being used. I'm also good at sharpening corporate strategy so that the purpose of a business unit is clear and drives choices on what to do or not. It's not easy, and I'd love to share what I know.

What is your experiences within Intersect and Cardano?

I've been in the ecosystem for a year. I've participated in townhalls, product feedback, constitutional workshops (I'm a backup delegate), the Barcelona Fund 12 governance workshop, and I'll be the MC for the pitch stage at the Cardano Summit this year.

What are your pledges and plans should you be elected?

If I could contribute one thing, it would be that Cardano as a community and ecosystem be able to clearly articulate what it is choosing to be great at, backed by evidence (DApps, activity, partnerships), in a way that every member could proudly pitch briefly or at length because it's real.

Why should the community vote for you?

I'm very good at getting things done, reducing agendas to the essential, and communicating everything clearly. I also think you're going to get a lot of technical membership in this committee, and you should really have someone speaking to the sales, marketing, strategy, and commercial aspects. I've also been a product owner before, which is a different animal than both commercial or engineering.

Do you have any other Cardano affiliations or possible conflicts of interests, including you as an individual or an enterprise you are associated with?

I work with STORM Partners, a Cardano ecosystem partner. Not a conflict of interest, just FYI.

Are you currently in receipt of or previously received any Intersect or Cardano funding or grant?

We've been approved for and are executing nine proposals through Catalyst.

Last updated