Open Source Committee Nominees

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Moritz Angermann

I've worked on various open source projects as either the contributor, or initiator. I currently serve as a core maintainer on cardano-node-api and cardano-node-cli. I also bring extensive knowledge regarding the (core Cardano) tech stack.

Robin Boening

My experience in Open Source as a Developer, Core Contributor and Co-Maintainer go back almost 15 years.

I contributed to many different public projects and co-maintained one for several years while I was also one of the core contributors ( I am experienced with OS workflows and I know Open Source is a lot about communication, people, and entails legal and compliance questions.

Please find more info on my GitHub profile:

Nicolas Henin

I am developing on Cardano for more than 3 years now : Implemented an ICO mechanism where 6 millions ada have been exchanged, delivered audited smart contract for World Mobile and I am core Maintainer of the Marlowe Project.

Ruth Ikegah

I have diverse experience helping global open source communities understanding the unique challenge of African open source contributors and in creating strategies to help drive long term contributions. Iā€™m a leading and influential voice of the open source community in Africa and currently serve as the board chair for the CHAOSS project as well as leading the African community chapter. I also program manage and do research work for Open Source Community Africa, a community of 3000+ developers advocating for open source technology in Africa.

Abdul Zain Khan

I have led multiple projects to build an open data platform using blockchain technology under the hood. This also includes maintaining regulatory layers for providers such as VARA or ADGM and others!

Diane Mueller

I have been a developer, a core contributor, a working group member and a governing board member on a number of open source initiatives over the past 40 years. I have worked as an Open Source Professional for most of my career from the early days of XML and HTML standards to my current work with the Linux Foundation in both the CNCF and now the Hyperledger communities.

I am please to help grow the open source community engagement with the Cardano/Intersect participants, and to nurture the open source culture across the Cardano and the broader distributed ledger/blockchain ecosystem. I am looking forward to actively connecting with the community members and mentoring new initiatives/projects.

Baudouin Muvunga

I have been part of the Cardano community since 2021 and now I lead a community in Nyiragongo territory in the DRC. I have been a community evaluator at Catalyst since Fund 9. I have been passionate about Cardano since I first met it.

Faizan Shaikh

I have been an active member of the Cardano community since 2022, participating in IdeaScale from Fund 9 onwards. My experience spans various projects on Cardano, including DeFi, DEX, and others, giving me a multi-dimensional understanding of the ecosystem. I have written smart contracts using Haskell and Plutus and am now learning Aiken to streamline the development process.

In addition to my technical work, I have been involved in Cardano workshops in Pune, where I actively contribute to spreading knowledge about Cardano. I look forward to connecting with other members and participating in future workshops.

Last updated