Oracles Charter

This page is subject to change based upon Working Group participation.

The following Charter was agreed to by attending participants to the July 31st Meeting. The participants were as follows: Christian Taylor, Silona Bonewald, Christian Koch, XXX.

What Intersect requires from this group 1

What is the problem that this working group seeks to address? 1

Purpose / Goals 2

Deliverables 2

Governance 2

Rules of order 2

Membership 3

Non-voting members 3

Voting members 3

Representation 3

Attendance 3

Quorum 3

Interested participants 3

Who is the WG Lead? 4

Related committee 4

What Intersect requires from this group

  1. Formalize Intersect Membership: Assoc or Founding Member

  2. Use the following content to complete GitBook Template in next meeting

  3. Flush out goals/strategy for Oracle Working Group

  4. Identify the rules of Order/ Governance for WG

What is the problem that this working group seeks to address?

Despite blockchain oracles being a foundational component in decentralized software ecosystems, general disagreement as to what constitutes a blockchain oracle and how consumers or integrators should interface with their services pervades the Cardano ecosystem.

Purpose / Goals

In order to address the above problem statement, this Intersect working group seeks the following:

  • To Improve the quality of access to data for Cardano projects and their users

  • To ascertain the needs of the user(s) of blockchain oracles

  • To increase the awareness of blockchain oracles and their value

  • To participate in the narrative around, Cardano native, blockchain oracles

  • To increase the adoption and integration of blockchain oracle data


The goals of this working group will be me through the following deliverables:

  • smart contract interfaces (cardano/uplc)

    • Primary focus on modular consumption of data

  • Develop best practices for off-chain architecture (e.g. bonding, …)

  • Requirements

    • Solution-oriented business needs

    • Reference Implementation

    • Need to get prices

      • Of cardano native tokens

      • Of real world assets

      • Of other crypto assets (cross-chain)

  • (Open) Standard

    • Best practices

    • Spec as code (datums, redeemers)

  • Consensus


Rules of order

The working group will utilize the simplified Roberts Rules of Order in order to structure its meetings.Please find the simplified and condesed Roberts Rules of Order in the Oracles WG folder on the OSC Shared Drive.


During these initial stages of the working group, membership will be simplified to voting and non-voting. At the acceptance of this document, all eligible members will be made voting members, with the following taking effect thereafter.

Non-voting members

All working group meeting attendees who do not meet the eligibility requirements of voting membership.

Voting members

Those who have attended 2 out of any 3 consecutive meetings will be recognized as voting members of this working group.

Attendance will not be credited to an individual representative of a project but to the project itself; this is meant to give projects increased flexibility while maintaining their membership.


While we encourage projects to invite multiple members of their team to attend these working group meetings, only one representative can participate within the capacity of a voting member. This will ensure that no single project has more influence than others.


During the initial stages of this working group, member attendance will be tracked by hand. Preferably within meeting minutes and shared in the Intersect Discord channel.


In order to meet quorum, working group meetings must have attendance from a simple majority of voting members. The number of voting members needed will be determined based on the attendance from the previous meeting.

Interested participants

Pi Lanningham

Jan Mueller

Peter Van Garderen

Robert Hever

Eric Coley

Cody Butz

Damon Zwarich

Jay Taylor

Micah Kendall

J.J Siler

David Markley

Mantas Andriuska

Vahid Shypoorchian

Christian Koch

Who is the WG Lead?

The working group lead is a position held by a voting member, which has received both a nomination and vote from a simple majority of voting members. The position may only be held for 1 quarter before another nomination and vote is required.

During these early stages, the position of working group lead should be held by a voting member who is not actively developing a blockchain oracle.

Intersect suggests that members attend meetings for related committees.

  • Open Source Committee

Last updated