Tevo Saks - Board

Full Name

Tevo Saks

What is your experiences within Intersect and Cardano?

Since 2017, I've been deeply involved with Cardano, starting as an investor and immersing myself in learning about macroeconomics, blockchain technology and Cardano's ongoing research. What began as a personal interest evolved into a full-time commitment to the ecosystem.

In 2021, I actively participated in Project Catalyst, engaging since Fund 1. My early involvement focused on governance, education and community-building. By the end of 2023 and into 2024, I've taken a more supportive role as a Catalyst milestone reviewer, dedicating my time to understanding and helping projects plan and demonstrate the intentions in their proposals.

I’m proud to represent the SWARM Stake Pool and contribute to its growth within the Cardano blockchain. Through alliances like the xSPO Network and collaborations with dedicated pools like EU01 (StakePool247) and $fluid7, I've seen firsthand the impact of community-driven initiatives serving each other.

Though my visibility at Cardano events has recently decreased, I have focused my efforts on the SingularityNET ecosystem. SingularityNET trusts Cardano Blockchain with various financial, tokenomic and governance operations. Using Cardano infrastructure aligns with my interest in researching and experimenting with decentralized project management.

My engagement extends beyond local communities, maintaining strong connections with global groups such as WADA (West Africa Decentralized Alliance) and LATAM. These interactions allow me to stay in tune with Cardano's global community's diverse intentions and directions.

I have been involved in 37 different projects/groups/circles by the on-chain data recognized through the Swarm Treasury System. However, recognizing and demonstrating all my relations with Cardano is still challenging. For example, there are no on-chain activities related to Gimbalabs https://gimbalabs.com and INO https://internetnative.org. I spend time in the Gimbalabs community to advance my technical knowledge and onboard people to learn and develop on the Cardano Blockchain. In INO, I am deepening my understanding of the legal requirements to run decentralised organizations.

Do you have any other Cardano affiliations or possible conflicts of interests, including you as an individual or an enterprise you are associated with?

There might be conflicts of interest, but none stand out enough to call out.

My involvement in various community and governance roles demonstrates my commitment to Cardano's ecosystem, which is vital for holistic governance. While there might be overlaps, they allow me to bridge different perspectives, enhancing decision-making for the collective benefit of Cardano.

Are you currently in receipt of or previously received any Intersect or Cardano funding or grant?

Yes, I've received multiple funds for creating educational programs about proposing for Project Catalyst and for developing DAO tooling, which later evolved into the Swarm Treasury System. This system is currently in use, servicing the SingularityNET Ambassador Program. Fun Fact: the Treasury System has distributed funds to 322 Swarm Accounts.

I have contributed to at least 15 funded Catalyst Proposals, from community building to tooling. The best site as of now that comes close to visualizing the relations I have comes from Lidonation. Check This cool Team Information feature on their website: https://www.lidonation.com/en/proposals/grassroots-governance-community-forums-f10/team

My only active grant is from Intersect for leading the Town Halls. My experience working with Intersect staff, though sometimes challenging due to miscommunication and lack of support, has driven me to apply for the board position. I see this role as an opportunity to enhance transparency and collaboration within the organization.

What do you think the MBO’s primary strategic goals and objectives are or should be for the next 3-5 years?

The MBO's primary strategic goals should revolve around onboarding and educating the community about governance models. By creating accessible educational resources and facilitating active participation, we can foster a governance culture where informed decision-making becomes second nature. Speaking a common language in governance is crucial when we align on terminology and concepts, decision-making becomes more effective and inclusive.

Can you describe the current composition of the Board and the skills and experience gaps that the organization is looking to fill?

Currently, the board has representation from enterprise (Input Output Global and EMURGO) and academia (University of Wyoming's Blockchain Center of Excellence). This structure provides a solid foundation, but there is a noticeable gap in community representation. I aim to fill this gap by bringing the voice of grassroots community members into board discussions. With my experience in decentralized governance and community engagement, I can ensure that community perspectives are considered alongside enterprise and academic viewpoints.

What are the key challenges and opportunities the MBO is currently facing?

One of the key challenges is failures in community management and the resulting misalignment with the expectations of the Cardano community. There's a gap between the community's vision for Cardano and the current governance structures. However, this challenge presents an opportunity: by realigning the governance process to reflect community input better, we can rebuild trust and establish a more participatory governance model.

How does the MBO measure success and performance, both at the Board level and operationally?

Success should be measured both qualitatively and quantitatively. Operationally, it's about ensuring that meetings result in actionable items and that these actions are implemented promptly. On the board level, success could be gauged by how effectively decisions resonate with the wider network and lead to tangible outcomes. Tracking the implementation speed and the community's approval of decisions will help identify patterns in our governance process, allowing for continuous improvement.

What do you think is the relationship between the Board and the Executive team?

The board should serve as a bridge, facilitating communication between the executive team and the broader Cardano network. It should disseminate critical information and reflect network implications at a higher strategic level. This relationship should be symbiotic, where the board provides oversight, strategic direction, and support while the executive team handles the operational execution.

What are the key expectations for the Non-Executive Director (NED) role in terms of time commitment, specific responsibilities, and contributions to Board meetings and committees?

NED should consistently participate in multiple committee meetings and thoroughly review all committee updates. This role demands staying informed and contributing meaningfully to discussions, ensuring that decisions are well-considered and aligned with Cardano's strategic goals.

What/who do you think are the MBO’s key relationships with external stakeholders, and how does the Board engage with these stakeholders?

The MBO's key relationships include open-source communities, regulatory bodies, academic institutions, and the broader Cardano community. The board should engage with these stakeholders through established governance frameworks, like facilitating open-source collaborations and promoting transparent communication channels. My experience with stakeholders such as the Cardano Foundation, SingularityNET, and regional alliances equips me to enhance these engagements.

What do you think is the MBO’s approach to risk management, and what are the top risks that the Board should be aware of?

My approach to risk management is hands-on, involving active participation in governance processes, including voting. One of the top risks is misalignment between governance decisions and community expectations, which can lead to disengagement. To mitigate this, it's crucial to leave a transparent trail of documentation, providing the rationale for decisions made. This transparency will help maintain trust and accountability within the network.

How should the MBO support Board members in their roles, including providing information, training, and resources?

To support board members effectively, the MBO could provide a dedicated secretary for meeting summaries and a coordinator to streamline the distribution of action items based on board decisions. Regular feedback and accessible resources will help board members stay informed and improve our adaptation to expectations.

Last updated