Thiago Nunes - Board

Full Name

Thiago Nunes

What is your experiences within Intersect and Cardano?

After more than 9 years in this ecosystem, I’ve learned that if you want to drive change, you must actively engage and support others working toward the same goal. With this mindset, I approached Sheldon Hunt a year ago to help shape Intersect into an organization that truly reflects the community’s best interests.

Over the past year as a volunteer, I’ve been actively involved as a member of the MCC and the Intersect Steering Committee (ISC). Alongside Lloyd Duhon, I co-led the Community Advisory Board (CAB) in collaboration with many community members to guide the organization’s direction. Our efforts resulted in key recommendations for the executive team and board members, including the involvement of subject matter experts, committee remuneration, the election process, and prioritization of objectives. One of the CAB’s major achievements was the creation of the Intersect Steering Committee (ISC), a body designed to reflect more diverse participation and focus on steering Intersect’s operational aspects. The ISC plays a critical role in guiding the executive operations of the organization.

My extensive involvement with the organization has given me a deep understanding of the needs and potential risks it presents to our ecosystem. Additionally, my personal experience has been invaluable—I’ve successfully run more than two companies, each with over 35 employees. While my background is in computer science, I’ve spent several years working in business development and business strategy for various companies through my marketing agency.

Throughout my time at Intersect, I’ve realized how crucial it is to have individuals deeply rooted in the community involved, bringing an external vision and sentiment to the heart of the organization. The board is where we set the tone for the future, and it’s essential to have a clear and strong perspective on the directions we need to pursue.

I’ve been part of the Cardano ecosystem since 2017 and was one of the few stake pool operators ready for epoch 0 of the ITN (OUROS). Over the past 5 years, I’ve served as a Cardano Ambassador, led the first Fortune 500 partnership with Cardano (Petrobras) in collaboration with the Cardano Foundation, and now I’m advancing a Catalyst-funded project, TapDano, for a proof-of-concept demonstration within Petrobras' research and education lab.

As a Cardano Ambassador, I’ve supported Rafael Fraga, the Business Development Lead for LATAM, in numerous meetings aimed at expanding Cardano’s presence in the region. I’ve been actively involved in ecosystem activities across Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and more recently, Uruguay. I’m currently focused on helping to bootstrap the Cardano communities in Paraguay and Uruguay. Additionally, I’m part of the Cardano Warriors team, where we’re building an MMORPG set in a 2D metaverse.

I am excited about the opportunity to represent our ecosystem in this role, and I sincerely hope to have your support as I continue to guide the community I’ve dedicated myself to for many years. If you’d like to learn more about my work, I invite you to take a look at some of my social media posts.

TapDano -

Ambassador -

Ambassador -

Intersect -

BlockchainRio -

Do you have any other Cardano affiliations or possible conflicts of interests, including you as an individual or an enterprise you are associated with?

I currently have two affiliations: I serve as a Cardano Ambassador, actively participating in various activities across Latin America, and I am a member of the Cardano Atlantic Council. I want to emphasize that I do not have any conflicts of interest. I believe that the appropriate way to handle any potential conflict is to transparently disclose it and recuse myself from any related decisions.

Are you currently in receipt of or previously received any Intersect or Cardano funding or grant?

I received 10k ADA to do 2 meetups at Intersect and won a F10 grant to develop TapDano.

What do you think the MBO’s primary strategic goals and objectives are or should be for the next 3-5 years?

Strategic Goals

  1. Validation of Organizational Use: Ensure that the organization is functioning as intended by its members, that committee processes are respected, and that avenues for participation and transparency remain open.

  2. Enhancing Information Flow: Improve the dissemination of information by providing a user-friendly platform that allows members to easily filter and access relevant information, reinforcing our commitment to transparency.

  3. Contract Management: Centralize all contracts on a single platform, ensuring accountability for decisions made by committees and working groups associated with each contract.

  4. Operational Clarity: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the operational scope and requirements needed to run the organization effectively, based on the outcomes of governance actions.

  5. Fostering Cross-Industry Collaborations and Growth: Expand the Cardano ecosystem's reach beyond blockchain by integrating with various sectors, including finance, education, healthcare, and more.

  6. Educational Initiatives: Develop and fund programs, workshops, and certifications to enhance blockchain literacy within the community, aiming to increase geographic and demographic diversity.

  7. Supporting Community Professionals: Facilitate opportunities for community professionals to engage within the ecosystem, prioritizing Intersect members in operational hiring and devising strategies for localized hubs.

Can you describe the current composition of the Board and the skills and experience gaps that the organization is looking to fill?

The Board currently consists of seed funders, established organizations that have guided the ecosystem for several years, and an academic representative. However, there is a notable gap in broader community representation. It is crucial to include active community members who can provide fresh insights and ensure that the priorities articulated through MBO channels, committees, and working groups are adequately reflected in the organization’s decision-making processes.

A significant gap exists in the absence of day-to-day perspectives from individuals who have been actively engaged in the community for years. These members are well-positioned to align the organization’s long-term vision and strategy with the lived experiences and evolving needs of the ecosystem. Their involvement would help ensure that the Board's direction remains both innovative and closely tied to community-driven priorities.

What are the key challenges and opportunities the MBO is currently facing?

Key Challenges:

  1. Building Operational Resilience: Develop robust processes to effectively manage current and future demands on the organization coming from the governance actions.

  2. Enhancing Committee Support: Provide committees with comprehensive information regarding operational directions that are directly relevant to their roles, enabling them to function more effectively.


  1. Legitimizing the Organization: Set a positive precedent within the community by ensuring fair representation in decision-making, thereby enhancing the legitimacy of the organization.

  2. Empowering Members: Equip members with the necessary information and guidance to meet and exceed the expected demands, fostering greater engagement and effectiveness within the community.

How does the MBO measure success and performance, both at the Board level and operationally?

At the Board Level:

  1. Financial Alignment: Monitor financial performance and responsible utilization of the funds, ensure alignment with the annual budget expectations.

  2. Regulatory and Legislative Navigation: Identify and manage regulatory and legislative risks to enhance the organization’s resilience.

  3. Implementation of Automated Processes: Oversee and guide the implementation of automated processes to improve operational efficiency and transparency within the organization. At the MBO Level:

  4. Enhancing Membership Value: Increase the value of our membership program for companies and individuals by creating strategic networking opportunities, marketing initiatives, and certification programs. We coordinate products offered through community enterprise support.

  5. Fair Participation in Elections: Ensure balanced participation and fair procedures for elections within our committees and working groups.

  6. Community Governance Structure: Establish a framework for delivering community governance actions with participatory accountability, fostering transparency and engagement.

What do you think is the relationship between the Board and the Executive team?

The primary role of the Board is to oversee the Executive team and the various committees, ensuring legal compliance and adherence to governance standards. The Board advises and guides the organization on strategic goals, providing objective, independent input to support decision-making. Additionally, the Board contributes to specialized areas through its committees, fostering a collaborative relationship that enhances the overall effectiveness and direction of the organization.

What are the key expectations for the Non-Executive Director (NED) role in terms of time commitment, specific responsibilities, and contributions to Board meetings and committees?

As a Non-Executive Director (NED), the primary expectation is to provide strategic oversight with a long-term perspective that aligns with the organization’s mission and the needs of the ecosystem. This role involves offering independent insights that both challenge and support the Executive team, ensuring that decisions are forward-thinking while being rooted in the realities of our community.

NEDs are also expected to actively engage with the member base, seeking input from working groups and committees to promote transparency and inclusivity. By fostering open dialogue, NEDs help ensure that the organization remains accountable to its stakeholders.

What/who do you think are the MBO’s key relationships with external stakeholders, and how does the Board engage with these stakeholders?

I believe the MBO is still in its early stages, and while it may not yet have the operational capacity to manage key stakeholders effectively, building this capacity should be a priority. Establishing a solid structure and clear processes is essential before engaging with external stakeholders that could significantly impact the ecosystem. Key relationships could include enterprises, developers, regulators, academic institutions, and community representatives who have a vested interest in the success of the Cardano ecosystem.

To properly engage these stakeholders, the MBO should create a dedicated onboarding and relationship management team. This team would be responsible for managing expectations, facilitating collaboration, and ensuring productive engagement. The team would work closely with the Intersect Steering Committee (ISC), with oversight and regular involvement from board members to ensure alignment with the organization's goals. Having board members actively involved in these relationships will help ensure strategic outcomes and maintain accountability.

What do you think is the MBO’s approach to risk management, and what are the top risks that the Board should be aware of?

The MBO’s approach to risk management should prioritize the implementation of automated processes within the organization, as the current lack of such systems presents a significant risk. Without automation, it becomes challenging to track information and processes, leading to scattered documents and confusion within the community regarding how to access critical information and direction. Establishing a custom portal to facilitate the flow of information is essential. Additionally, the absence of an organizational chart further exacerbates this issue.

Another critical risk involves the management of financial flows and the types of grants or contracts the organization engages with. It is imperative to carefully navigate these aspects in compliance with US and Wyoming legislation to mitigate potential legal and financial risks.

How should the MBO support Board members in their roles, including providing information, training, and resources?
  1. NED Training: Providing training specifically tailored for Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) would equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to fulfill their roles effectively.

  2. Event Participation: Facilitating travel for Board members to attend relevant ecosystem events will help them stay informed and connected with the community.

  3. Expert Consultation: Engaging subject matter experts (SMEs) to offer guidance for elected community seats will provide valuable insights and enhance decision-making.

  4. Compensation for Extra Engagement: Offering hourly compensation for Board members who participate in additional meetings or activities will recognize their commitment and encourage active involvement.

Last updated