Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This page will be updated regularly as more questions are asked.

How can I make notes on each of the candidates:

We have created this spreadsheet, it contains tabs for each committee / board, details of the candidates, links to their bios and columns for proposed voting and comments.

Can anyone apply to be elected?

No, only Individual, Enterprise, and Seed Funder Members can apply for a seat. Associate members are not eligible.

Is voting based on ADA?

No, it is one member one vote so each member will have one vote for each committee

When are the application deadlines?

Applications will open on the 9th September for approximately 3 weeks and close on the 27th Sept.

How do I apply?

The application form will be accessible through the member portal.

How do I vote?

All voting will take place through the member portal. We will be using the Summon platform

How will we ensure that the committee work doesn’t stop?

We are going to split the elections into two phases. 50% will be elected on October 24 and the remaining 50% of seats on April 25. Where there is an odd number (eg 9) we will elect the low number (eg 4) on October 24 and the remaining number (eg 5) on April 25

Can I still get involved if I don’t want to sit on a Committee?

Yes, we have a variety of Working Groups, Special Interest Groups and other initiatives you can get involved in.

Are committee seats paid roles

Currently, they are not paid positions, we are exploring options for a stipend and we will engage on this in due course.

Who will vote on the chair role?

We propose the community elected committee self-elect their chair within 2 weeks of the election result.

Can a council or consortium apply for a seat?

No, it is one person one seat.

Where can I find out more about the committees?

Each of the committees have a space in the Knowledge Base which also includes their contact details. They will also be arranging open offices which we will announce in Discord and will be visible in the Discord events area. They will also be providing regular updates on the Discord update channel Committee information.

Will the Intersect Steering Committee (previously also known as Exec Committee) also be part of the election?

Yes, the community seats for this committee will be part of the election.

Will we be electing to sub-committees ie Parameters or the proposed Core Infrastructure Roadmap?

No, we will only be electing to the main standing committees and the Intersect Steering Committee. Information on how these seats are elected can be found in their knowledge base. For Parameters this will be the Technical Steering Committee and for Core Infrastructure Roadmap this will be the Product Committee as the sub-committees report and are governed by these main standing committees.

Can an enterprise member put forward a candidate for election?

Yes, anyone listed as being part of an enterprise membership are eligible to submit an application to two committees. For example if an enterprise has three people aligned to their membership then these three people will be able to put themselves forward to two committees each.

We ask that they note this affiliation in their application.

If I am elected to a committee seat can I still be part of Working Groups and Special Interest Groups

Yes, any member can participate in Working Groups and Special Interest Groups. This is actively encouraged.

Will the applications be screened?

All of the applications will be screened to ensure the member holds membership status. Following this verification all applications will be made live. Consideration and discussions may need to be had if a committee has expressed a level of experience if that is not highlighted in the application.

How can I support Intersect as an Associate

Associates are very much welcome to participate in Town Halls, Working Groups and Special Interest Groups.

I am an employee of a seed funder organisation, can I vote?

As an employee of a seed funder organisation you are not eligible to vote, however if you personally join Intersect as an Individual member then you will be able to vote through this membership.

Last updated