In Cycle

Updated: 2 Sept 2024

This list collates known items that are not yet ready for review or publishing.

Some of these items may be removed or amended for the following reason:

  • the community may have solved this problem

  • the original proposed technology has been superseded by a new approach

  • there is a better proposal and the Problem Statement is now changed substantially

  • we are better to focus on an item with more return-on-investment of effort

  • the item is more suited for a different forum

Items in this list are still in draft and may not have sufficient information to be triaged. CIR-WG will be updating this page on a regular basis.

SPI-1. Revised Stake Pool Incentives

Item details to be updated

DRI-1. DRep Incentives

Item details to be updated

AGD-1. Anti Grinding

Item details to be updated

PCM-1. Pricing Models

Item details to be updated

NAR-1. Cardano Node Architecture Refresh

Item details to be updated

Last updated