(13/5/24) Meeting Minutes

May 13, 2024


  • Ben Hart

  • Erik Skogsberg

  • Eystein Hansen

  • Hwang Huongket

  • Leonard Hegarty

  • Romain Pellerin

  • Sam Leathers

  • Silona Bonewald


  1. A 50% quorum on meeting and online votes was proposed and seconded.

  2. Core working group roles have been elected and agreed by the core members, including:

    • Co-chairs: Ben Hart (Mlab) and Leonard Hegarty (IOI)

    • Secretary: Hwang (Intersect)

    • SIG Liaison: Eystein Hansen (NBX)

    • TWG Liaison: Romain Pellerin (IOI)

  3. Initial milestones covered in Miro. These milestones have yet to be ratified, but is a starting point for the group to work with. This will be continuously refined as the working group progresses through the LSM exercise with the skeleton framework.

Action items

Last updated