(14/10/24) Meeting Minutes
Oct 14, 2024
Santiago Carmuega
Karen Chang
Adam Dean
Kevin Hammond
Eystein Magnus Hansen
Benjamin Hart
Hwang Huongket
Omer Husain
Anita Jovic
Alex Karpov
Samuel Leathers
Lewis Mayne
Ricky Rand
Paul Weiss
Ryan Williams
Giorgio Zinetti
Romain Pellerin
Meeting Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iRndXfCdKn81hteVM9ueoL1izMFp9yWG/view?usp=drive_link
Introduction & Quorum
Quorum achieved
Approve the Agenda
Agenda approved
Minutes, Online Votes, & Publishing Updates
Minutes approved
Motion passed to change meeting times to 1400 UTC
Hwang to amend future workshop/meeting schedule
Review the 90 day Milestone plan
Discussion to expand 90-day milestone plan through to December
Current goals focused on socializing triaged items and finding potential objections
Upcoming prioritization of triaged items using approved rubric
Noted important upcoming dates for budget committee and elections
Ben Hart to propose an update to the milestone plan
Ben, Giorgio, Lewis and Hwang to work on triaged item prioritization
Proposed Items Review
Hardware Wallet Maintenance (13:51 - 25:51)
Ryan Williams presented proposal for hardware wallet maintenance
Decided to move hardware wallet maintenance to maintenance budget rather than roadmap
Partnerchains Presentation (25:51 - 58:12)
Karen Chang presented on Partner Chains project
Explained origin in Cardano's Basho phase for scaling
Described Partner Chains as SDK for creating independent, interoperable blockchains
Outlined development phases: extensibility, interoperability, and cross-chain capabilities
Motion passed to accept Partnerchains proposal as triaged
Hwang to pass Partnerchains to TSC for further evaluation
Agreed to put open meeting revisions up for asynchronous vote
Discussed aligning with TSC on prioritization process
Hwang to submit revision for async vote
Last updated