(3/6/24) Meeting Minutes

June 3, 2024


  • Leonard Hegarty

  • Ben Hart

  • Santiago Carmuega

  • Eystein Hansen

  • Alex Karpov

  • Douglas Ferguson

  • Karen Wickham

  • Hwang Huongket

  • Romain Pellerin

  • Sam Leathers

  • Silona Bonewald


Old Business:

New Business: 1) New format to Minutes adopted based on Open Source template.\

Discussion Point
Notes/Action Items
Actions: Responsible

1. Message from Chair

Bias to action

  1. Fidelity

  2. Document staging

All documents will follow a fidelity progression of low, medium and high to reflect doneness.

  1. Hwang to share Artifacts Inventory with the group on Discord

2. Socialize Existing Prototypes

Async work agreed on

  1. Glossary

  2. Internal comms plan

  3. External Comms Plan

  1. Hwang & Silona & Santiago to review & return with an initial glossary & procedure for acceptance

  1. Eystein & Silona to return with specific notes for improvement or a revised document

  1. Silona, Leonard, & Christian (OS WG) to champion the External Comms Plan document expanded from the spreadsheet shown

3. Roadmap Items

  1. Ideate & Classify a list of roadmap items to better contextualize and agree on what things we see are critical to support through the process

  2. A stronger Roadmap definition is required

  1. Leonard & Hwang to work toward a sanitized list of the existing 9 items that can be shared internally

  2. Leonard & Hwang to produce a draft definition for Roadmap

4. Stakeholder mapping

  1. Who is critical to the roadmaping process

    a. Who will submit items.

    b. Who will play various roles in the process as it runs

Agenda skipped (Issue will be addressed in Comms Plan)

5. Current state

  1. Considering each stakeholder, how what steps do they take with the system today?

Agenda skipped

6. Process Flow Diagram and Checklist

  1. Budget and TSC to be invited to review process diagram flow and CIP1694 proposal pathway

  2. IOG invited to attend next meeting to discuss research procedure in the context of the process flow diagram

  1. Hwang to invite Lawrence to 17 June workshop

  2. Hwang to invite Nikolai & Christian to 10 June workshop

Last updated