(8/7/24) Meeting Minutes

July 8, 2024


  • Ben Hart

  • Ryan Williams

  • Romain Pellerin

  • Nori Nishigaya

  • Sam Leathers

  • Eystein Hansen

  • Leonard Hegarty

  • Douglas Ferguson

  • Hwang HuongKet


Action items

Discussion PointsNotes/Action ItemsActions: Responsible/None

Introduction & Quorum

Quorum achieved

Approval on Agenda, Minutes, Online Votes, & Publishing Updates

Agenda and Minutes approved

Review Task HeatMap

CIR-wg Public Communications

CIR wg Public Discord Announcement Channel is now live. The working group has decided to operate with 3 discord channels - one for internal use, one for read-only announcement posts and one for general chats for the community to reach out and feedback. The first two channels are currently operational, and the third channel will be set up soon.

Group approved process to publish announcement post every week post review.

Group will align to the Code of Conduct policy for Discord communication.

Group to reach out to Lara to set up a general chats channel.

Continue Analysis of Key Priorities (The 9 Items)

The group continued the analysis on currently inflight items. An in-depth analysis was done with Ryan Williams to capture how the Govtool passed through the process flow phases drafted by the working group in its initial stages.

New Business

Group to invite Lloyd Duhon to present the budget process the Budget Committee is proposing.


Last updated