(2/9/24) Meeting Minutes
Sept 2, 2024
Reza Baram
Trym Bruset
Santiago Carmuega
Eystein Magnus Hansen
Benjamin Hart
Hwang Huongket
Alex Karpov
Stefano Leone
Fergie Miller
Ricky Rand
Duncan Soutar
Marcin Szamotulski
Giorgio Zinetti
Introduction & Quorum
Quorum achieved
Approve the Agenda
Agenda approved
Minutes, Online Votes, & Publishing Updates
Minutes approved
Review 90-day milestone plan - Leonard
Milestones reviewed
Announcement: AMA on special interest groups - Hwang
Core Infrastructure Working Group organizing an AMA on Special Interest Groups
Four SIGs created: Interoperability, Stakeholder Operators, DeFi DApps, and Scalability
AMA scheduled for Wednesday to answer questions about joining and purpose of SIGs
Sam Leathers and Ben Hart to attend as key speaker
Communication barriers - Eyestein
Eystein presented ideas to improve SIG communication
Suggestions include grouping technical and non-technical SIGs
Recommendations for asynchronous communication: Discord forums, structured threads
Proposed creating scheduled talks, rewarding attendance, and GitHub integration
Plan to work on proposal for next week or following week
Eystein to continue work on proposal for lowering communication barriers in SIGs for next week's meeting
Quorum Floor - Ben
Motion to set minimum quorum at three members; on top of existing quorum criteria based on participant attendance for past 3 CIR-WG workshops.
Motion carried after vote
Proposed Item Review - Duncan
Mithril Protocol Presentation
Reza presented on Mithril protocol's current state and future work
Mithril is a stake-based multi-signature scheme for certified snapshots and proofs
Protocol functionality is good, but lacks in decentralization and sustainability
Work needed: decentralization changes, incentive model, and using Cardano network layer
Discussion on integration with Cardano node and potential applications
Marcin explained proposal for separate process using Cardano network stack
Team size for Mithril agreed on five developer-years as estimated effort
Mithril work item accepted as triaged
Reza and Marcin to follow up and discuss the split between Mithril and network team responsibilities
Committee Elections Update - Hwang
Committee elections coming up next week
50% of seats up for community elections in October
Volunteers requested for seats in upcoming elections
Hwang to share list of volunteers with Karen
New Business
Duncan Soutar provides update on IOR research proposal for next week’s review.
Discussion to be confirmed over whether research will go through CIR-WG.
Last updated