(17/6/24) Meeting Minutes
June 17, 2024
Leonard Hegarty
Douglas Ferguson
Ben Hart
Eystein Hansen
Alex Karpov
Giorgio Zinetti
Santiago Carmuega
Silona Bonewald
Hwang HuongKet
Matt Davis
Duncan Soutar
Old business
New business
New members Nomination
Talking Points
2 days Notice for passing new documents and/or motions
Action items
Introduction & Quorum
Quorum achieved
Approve the Agenda - Ben & Leonard
Agenda is approved
Readiness for community feedback
Review of artifacts readiness including:
Consideration for next steps to include individual glossary documents for various users incl TWG and SIG.
Internal Comms Plan - Approved for publication
External Comms Plan - Discussed in the next agenda item
Roadmap Items - List of roadmap items including the attributes and various documentations should be ready for review in the next session.
Core Infrastructure' Definition - Approved for publication
Silona - to reach out Karen on generalized glossary terms of base vs custom terms
Silona - to continue working on glossary introduction slide deck
Hwang - set up a mailing list for the CIR-WG
Leonard & Hwang to tabulate list for triage test next workshop
External Comms Plan > Talking Points
Talking Points as a subject was raised having 4 major content: Talking points (consensus building mechanism), Current State (talking to the 9 item champions on the process), Journey Map (the journey of transitioning from Current State to Future State); Future State (addressing the future state using mapping repo)
Goal: to spark discussion and drum up talking points with the item champion across Intersect
Definition of Current State requires further definition with reference to the roadmap.
Consideration for future steps include video recording for going through process flow once focus group provides review and feedback
Leonard & Hwang to create a draft of current state
Github Centered Workflow
Group support motion to move from Gitbooks-as-a-service to Gitbooks open source/nested in a github repository pushing automatic updates using github pages to provide greater transparency on decision making and accessibility across the group and community
Hwang to reach out to Open Source to set up and sync Github repo to the CIR Gitbook space
Process Flow - Budgeting & Final Approval
The TSC and CIR-WG reviewed the Process Flow. TSC raised concern regarding tolerance on the budgeting to account for risk mitigation (this item is parked until engagement with the Budget Committee to understand the constraints involved), and highlighting the need for visibility on community engagement before handing over to TSC. CIR-WG will take that into account for the next revision of process flow.
Ben, Leonard and Duncan to review process flow separately to discuss contingency within process flow
Protocol for Security Cases
Matt shared the security policy to the working group members for review.
It is understandable that the group will inevitably deal with issues that are security-sensitive. In typical OS committees, the Security Committees and Code of Conduct Committees are appointed to deal with these issues.
Group understands that notion, and agrees to discuss policies and practices in place to deal with these matters that require privacy if it arises. A vote was held for the motion* to allow for in-camera discussion (ie, committee activity without minutes, for review of confidential information that would arm attackers) In camera policy:
the WG can move in or out of in-camera discussion by majority vote
the WG cannot make other decisions in-camera, it is strictly for information review and debate
No records are to be made of in-camera sessions, individuals who share information shared in-camera may be subject to removal from the WG.
*This motion is subject to review by Intersect’s legal counsel.
Silona abstained from the vote.
Hwang - to disseminate the security policy with the group
Calendar Review
Group discussed the potential of organizing an in-person workshop in London on the 1st week of August.
Next workshop will be moved from June 24 to June 25, 2024, at the same time.
Hwang to raise this request for approval.
Group to reach out to potential members for nomination next session.
Leonard & Ben to review current milestones
Current State Exploration & Triage
Hwang and Leonard to work on roadmap items for triage
Discussion - necessary review time for documents & motions
Motion passed to allow at least 2 business days on notice to review documents and motions (e.g. Something should be shared by Thursday to be voted on Monday (excepting emergency situation), otherwise will be decided through async voting.
Ben/Leonard to deliver agenda by Thursday
Review Action Items & Owners
Hwang - to help with socializing talking points
New Business
Motion on 2 business days on notice
Next workshop session to raise discussion on opening up group to new members
Last updated