(27/8/24) Meeting Minutes
Aug 27, 2024
Trym Bruset
Santiago Carmuega
Kevin Hammond
Eystein Magnus Hansen
Leonard Hegarty
Hwang Huongket
Alex Karpov
Samuel Leathers
Nori Nishigaya
Romain Pellerin
Ricky Rand
Duncan Soutar
Giorgio Zinetti
Introduction & Quorum
Quorum achieved
Approve the Agenda
Minutes, Online Votes, & Publishing Updates
Minutes for 19 Aug approved
Review 90-day milestone plan - Leonard
Core infrastructure plan is on track
Comms plan has been published and is being refined
Process for community-proposed items is being developed
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are being set up for scalability, DeFi, etc.
Leonard to organize a breakout meeting with Sam to discuss SIG formation and outreach
Leonard to work with Hwang and Duncan to shortlist names for SIG participation
Proposed Item Review - Duncan
Node Architecture Refresh
Ricky Rand proposed re-architecting the node for better componentization
Aim is to improve flexibility, scalability, and concurrency
Two phases: discovery and proof of concept, each about 6 months
Kevin Hammond suggested using Delta Q analysis for design decisions
Discussion on potential benefits and implementation challenges
Pricing Models
Kevin Hammond presented on revised stake pooling incentives
Discussion on potential changes to stake pool operator rewards
Pricing models for Cardano ecosystem discussed
Tiered pricing concepts introduced
Need for community input and special interest group involvement highlighted
Proof of Useful Work
Romain Pellerin presented on proof of useful work for deep learning
Concept involves using machine learning tasks for block production
Potential implementation in partner chain or Cardano mainnet in future
Discussion on research phase, budget considerations, and integration with existing systems
Debate on how to handle research projects within the roadmap planning process
Ricky Rand and Kevin Hammond to discuss and refine the pricing models proposal
Next steps on SIGs - Leonard
Sam Leathers provided update on SIG creation in Discord
Need for more community engagement and participation in SIGs
Discussion on outreach strategies and minimum viable SIG for Leos/Paris discussion
Proposal to involve Matthew Capps or Tim Harrison for better community push
Sam to create a list of people for DApps and Scalability SIGs
Eystein to propose ideas for lowering barriers to communication in SIGs
Community Open Spaces and Town Hall participation - Karen/Hwang
Upcoming committee elections in September
Discussion on number of seats for Core Infrastructure subcommittee
Proposal for 9 seats: 1 chair, 1 secretary, 7 open seats
Debate on opening half of the seats for election this year
Consideration of community involvement and representation
Hwang to share the committee elections website link with the group
New Business
Motion: To approve baseline for quorum as 3 or more participants depending on past 3 attendance records
Motion tabled to next meeting
Last updated