(28/5/24) Meeting Minutes

May 28, 2024


  • Alex Karpov

  • Douglas Ferguson

  • Eystein Hansen

  • Karen Wickham

  • Hwang Huongket

  • Leonard Hegarty

  • Romain Pellerin

  • Sam Leathers

  • Silona Bonewald


  1. Working group name change confirmed: Backlog Working Group will now be renamed as Roadmap Roadmap working group. Reasoning: Aligning goals and objectives of the working group to reflect intended purposes.

  2. Roadmap definition review to be discussed.

  3. Roadmap definition review: A document shaped from a list of items with varying level of definition. Current sequence of item proposals: CPS > CIP > Work Package > Deliver

  4. Reviewed Technical Working Group Heatmap - Shared understanding of inviting Technical Steering Committee and Delivery Assurance regarding TWG maturity and updates.

  5. Draft Vocabulary Process is discussed. [Rough] Decentralized Glossary Process - Google Docs. Gitbooks could be less optimized for collaborative editing, hence Google Docs can be used to iterate through the various versions and then be published as a static content on Gitbook

  6. Internal comms plan template is discussed.


Last updated