(2/9/24) Meeting Minutes

Sept 2, 2024


  • Reza Baram

  • Trym Bruset

  • Santiago Carmuega

  • Eystein Magnus Hansen

  • Benjamin Hart

  • Hwang Huongket

  • Alex Karpov

  • Stefano Leone

  • Fergie Miller

  • Ricky Rand

  • Duncan Soutar

  • Marcin Szamotulski

  • Giorgio Zinetti


Discussion PointsNotes/Action ItemsActions: Responsible/None

Introduction & Quorum

Quorum achieved

Approve the Agenda

Agenda approved

Minutes, Online Votes, & Publishing Updates

Minutes approved

Review 90-day milestone plan - Leonard

Milestones reviewed

Announcement: AMA on special interest groups - Hwang

  • Core Infrastructure Working Group organizing an AMA on Special Interest Groups

  • Four SIGs created: Interoperability, Stakeholder Operators, DeFi DApps, and Scalability

  • AMA scheduled for Wednesday to answer questions about joining and purpose of SIGs

  • Sam Leathers and Ben Hart to attend as key speaker

Communication barriers - Eyestein

  • Eystein presented ideas to improve SIG communication

  • Suggestions include grouping technical and non-technical SIGs

  • Recommendations for asynchronous communication: Discord forums, structured threads

  • Proposed creating scheduled talks, rewarding attendance, and GitHub integration

  • Plan to work on proposal for next week or following week

  • Eystein to continue work on proposal for lowering communication barriers in SIGs for next week's meeting

Quorum Floor - Ben

Motion to set minimum quorum at three members; on top of existing quorum criteria based on participant attendance for past 3 CIR-WG workshops.

  • Motion carried after vote

Proposed Item Review - Duncan

Mithril Protocol Presentation

  • Reza presented on Mithril protocol's current state and future work

  • Mithril is a stake-based multi-signature scheme for certified snapshots and proofs

  • Protocol functionality is good, but lacks in decentralization and sustainability

  • Work needed: decentralization changes, incentive model, and using Cardano network layer

  • Discussion on integration with Cardano node and potential applications

  • Marcin explained proposal for separate process using Cardano network stack

  • Team size for Mithril agreed on five developer-years as estimated effort

  • Mithril work item accepted as triaged

  • Reza and Marcin to follow up and discuss the split between Mithril and network team responsibilities

Committee Elections Update - Hwang

  • Committee elections coming up next week

  • 50% of seats up for community elections in October

  • Volunteers requested for seats in upcoming elections

  • Hwang to share list of volunteers with Karen

New Business

  • Duncan Soutar provides update on IOR research proposal for next week’s review.

  • Discussion to be confirmed over whether research will go through CIR-WG.

Last updated