(9/9/24) Meeting Minutes

Sept 9, 2024


  • Trym Bruset

  • Santiago Carmuega

  • Nicholas Clarke

  • Benjamin Hart

  • Leonard Hegarty

  • Hwang Huongket

  • Samuel Leathers

  • Stefano Leone

  • Evangelos Markakis

  • Lewis Mayne

  • Fergie Miller

  • Nori Nishigaya

  • Romain Soulat

  • Duncan Soutar


Discussion PointsNotes/Action ItemsActions: Responsible/None

Introduction & Quorum

Quorum achieved

Approve the Agenda

Agenda reviewed and approved with minor changes over Eystein’s absence

Minutes, Online Votes, & Publishing Updates

Minutes approved

Review 90-day milestone plan - Leonard

  • Progress on first 30 days of plan discussed

  • Special Interest Groups (SIGs) need more refinement and progress

  • Action needed to get scalability SIG moving forward

  • Initial items for budget approval to be discussed in this meeting

  • Leonard, Nick and Ben to prepare technical input required for the SIGs.

Proposed Item Review - Duncan

Stefano Leone presented four proposals for Plutus team: Static analyzer, property-based testing tool, Plinth model checker, and transaction monitoring system for discussion

  • Concerns raised about the small scale of the static analyzer proposal

  • Community research highlighted as required for property-based testing tool, Plinth model checker and transaction monitoring system.

  • Property Based Tool and Plinth model Checker: Romain Soulat and Ben and Nick Clark to opine on Property Based Tool to rate against existing solution.

  • Hwang to invite Marshall Swatt on Plutus Core matters

Review Triage -Leonard

1) Evangelos Markakis discussed proposal for DRep Incentives

  • Decision to put D-Rep incentives on hold until after Voltaire implementation

2) Discussion on Ouroboros Leios simulations and potential work on Mithril

  • Sam Leathers emphasized focus on maintenance and scalability for the coming year

  • Need to break down maintenance into specific topics like scalability and usability

  • Anti-Grinding: Leonard to reach out to Giorgios

  • Mithril: Leonard & Ben to reach out to Reza

Proposal to lower SIGs communication entry barrier - Eystein

Tabled until Eystein's return

Champions - Sizing and Deliverables - Ben

1) Item sizing discussion

  • Discussion on sizing and prioritization of roadmap items

  • Proposal to normalize sizing based on 1L = 5 person/year of work

2) Budget allocation

  • Debate on allocation of budget between new features, maintenance, and community needs

  • Discussion on how to present maintenance work in the roadmap

  • Proposal to categorize maintenance work into buckets for better oversight

  • Need for detailed presentation of maintenance work to justify budget allocation

  • Leonard, Ben and Duncan to set up meeting to align on state of items/ budget

New Business

Update on Committee Election

  • Hwang provided update on upcoming committee elections

  • Elections limited to core committees, excluding subcommittees and working groups

Decision to have follow-up meetings to refine roadmap items and budget allocation

  • Follow-up meetings will focus on categorizing roadmap items into maintenance and development buckets for clearer budget allocation.

  • Participants will discuss the need for additional details and outlines for each item to ensure comprehensive understanding and planning.

  • The outcome of these meetings will be presented to the Technical Steering Committee for validation and alignment on budget distribution.



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